Using this Website

The weekly Bullsheet       

  (a)            provides a detailed ride description, often including a road by road table/schedule, for each up-coming Sunday ride; and

  (b)            provides a "rap-up" of the previous Muggs' Sunday's ride - stretching back to 1996.

            Access Bullsheets by clicking on:
            *            Rides Stuff
            *            Rides Calendar & Bullsheets, 
            *            eg Rides 2013 - Oct to Dec, and
            *            the embedded link under the particular Sunday date. 

                           Profile elevation maps, or road maps, may be at HTMLs at 
           the ride distance eg. 92km - on RHS of the Sunday date.

(ii)        Routes for Muggs' 36 Sunday Rides via Rides Stuff.     

Other stuff

(a)             Individual crew profiles at Crew  

(b)          Ten Commandments,

(c)          Risk Warnings -
(i)      informs
'inter alia' that cycling may be a dangerous sporting activity;
(ii)     provides
Muggs' Liability Acknowledgement
and info on our duty of care to ride safely; and
(iii)    informs that participants must have 3rd party public liability insurance, so you, and your ride partners,
         are protected against your possible negligence, because the same Common Law that applies to
         negligence whilst driving a car also applies to a negligent cyclist.  Annual membership of Bicycle NSW
         includes $20m public liability cover.