Some research projects that Philip J Johnston has undertaken at his own initiative  -  thousands of embedded threads to readily facilitate understanding issues raised

  1. Poker Machine Reform at the behest of the Wesley Mission

  2. Thinking Outside the Cell  to reduce serious crime and the enormous cost of incarceration by readopting some of the Punishments and thereby Deterrents Sentenced by Australia’s Forefather Governors, when Found Guilty Beyond Any Doubt. .

  3. Extensive media campaign to alert Smart Phone Zombies to gain eye contact with the approaching driver at pedestrian crossings bitre data software evidences pedestrian fatalities and serious trauma accidents have increased Pedestrian Council of Australia calls for $200 fines for crossing the road while on your phone, wearing noise-cancelling headphones

  4. Obligate State and Territory Govts to submit a Conforming Cost-Benefit Analysis to the Productivity Commission prior to expending large chunks of the Public Purse on Infrastructure Projects when cheaper transport options (electric buses with rubber tyres) may be available.

  5. Applying the User Pays Principle to Credit Card Products.   When I wrote that extensive paper (a couple of years ago) culminating in a Submission to Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, one sixth of Credit Cardholders (Persistent Revolvers) were paying 80% of all Interest And Penalty Fees Revenue levied by Credit Card Issuers.  Fortunately, these days a lot of Merchants have software that calcs the Surcharge payable by the Card User depending whether EFTPOS/Debit Card up to an AMEX card.  This recent development is a rational application of the User Pays Principle.

  6. Because of the manner that at Horizon Church at Sutherland, Hillsong at Baulkham Hills and other Pentecostal Churches target gullible young folk with rock music, wizzbang websites and a pastor wearing Levi jeans, A 4th ‘primary belief group’, Freethinkers, ponders the reason for Life on Earth.  It counters the other three mainstream ‘schools of thought’ Meticulously identifies many fundamental untruths in the Christian bible, particularly in the Old Testament.  It also explains what set off The Big Bang 13.8 bil. circa years’ ago and ingeniously created animal, plant and insect life on Earth and a means to replace all life forms that eventually die.  The 2024 Ten Commandments draw upon 21st Century's exchange of knowledge previously unavailable to Christian Believers.

  7.  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme  to Close the Gap on Indigenous Disadvantage.

  8. Motor Bikes - Excessive muffler noise and speeding increase fatalities and associated Govt. policing and health care costs