First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme    Bohemian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme      Defined Terms BTAAP

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

 67 Coronga crescent, Killara  NSW  2071

0434 715.861

(02) 9498.3684 

28 October 2010        


Mr. Gary Banks                                               
Chairman and Commissioner
Productivity Commission
Locked Bag 2, Collins St East
Melbourne  VIC  8003

Dear Mr. Banks

Productivity Commission possesses the quantitative modelling and qualitative mapping to appraise, benchmark and rank multifaceted business plans for Preventive Health programmes


Will the Productivity Commission appraise the YELP First Business Plan  Community Driven Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programme, which the Writer has expended 3 years R&D to prepare?


The Business Plan Developer received written support from the Chair of the National Preventive Health Taskforce, as well as, Shaun Larkin, one of the other six Taskforce members, to continue developing Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme ("YELP"), yet the Taskforce's Final Report did not recommend YELP to the Minister for Health & Ageing 


Peter Morris, Dept of Health & Ageing's, letter to me dated 2 July 2009 noted "the Government will consider on merit any recommendations the Taskforce may make concerning support for community programs in physical activity."


*         Why YELP should be implemented now

*         Proposed future expenditure on the four year old Measure Up "Mass media" 'encouragement' campaign should be materially reduced



In April 2010 (2 years after the Preventive Health Taskforce commenced), the Taskforce's deputy chairman, Mike Daube, announced that Obesity had overtaken smoking as the leading cause of premature death and illness in Australia  "The obesity crisis is not on its way - it is already here," Professor Daube said. "What we have done about obesity is not working.  This issue needs concentrated and determined action."

The Productivity Commission's Childhood Obesity: an Economic Perspective assessed 27 childrens' health programs aimed at increasing exercise, improving diet and cutting time sitting in front of screens.  It regularly cited from over 200 voluminous References.  Mindful of the Taskforce's deputy chairman's above comments regarding Obesity, the Writer hereby asks the Productivity Commission (ideally one of the two authors to Childhood Obesity: an Economic Perspective) to appraise the YELP First Business Plan  Community Driven Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programme, which he has expended 3 years R&D to prepare, ideally with the Productivity Commission preparing its own SWOT Analysis and thereby not adding to the litany of bureaucrats and agencies (chronicled in Schedule of Correspondence) who lack the modelling and mapping skills to appraise, benchmark and rank complex business plans for Preventive Health programmes.   Hopefully Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques and ready access to over 300 Defined Terms (which ensure certainty) will facilitate your appraisal.  Under the 50/50 Funding Model, YELP will Attract 50% Private Sector Funding and has a Forecast Return On YELP Capex for every dollar expended at least tenfold within 5 years due to Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives to be measured by Return On YELP Capex Software.


I have participated all my adult life in rigorous sports including many annual ocean swims, cycling, kayaking and hiking (also completed two National IronMan Triathlons), with like-minded local 'exercise junkies' experiencing on countless occasions the enormous 'Support Value' of Local Community Common Bond Support Groups


Prior to retiring in 2007 from a 37 year career working for the same bank, I administered syndicates of debt providing bankers' financial interests in several major infrastructure projects from the late '80s to 2006 for Commonwealth Bank, working on major projects which started with a detailed document known as a Information Memorandum and often ended say 5 years later with the construction of a major new piece of Greenfield infrastructure ie. Sydney Harbour Tunnel, or the major overhaul of existing Brownfield infrastructure ie. Long Bay Goal Redevelopment. 


*         Why YELP should be implemented now

*         Proposed future expenditure on the four year old Measure Up "Mass media" 'encouragement' campaign should be materially reduced 

contains 5 Sections which focus on conflicts of interest, not only in the delivery of health care, but also of views/opinions as to what Preventive Health programmes are cost-effective.


Annexure P - Having 'confidence in the structure'  -  not about  'spending squillions' provides a draft article of why YELP's Budget Costs are so low, because it is not about spending money, it is about getting 'Stakeholders', referred to as Interested Parties, on the same page and the YELP  First Business Plan is the Prototype for Interested Parties to review and make recommendations.


If the Productivity Commission regards YELP to be a highly cost-effective, robust Preventive Health programme, would the Productivity Commission also opine on the other seven Business Plans in his Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes which are also highly cost-effective.  The Second National Preventive Health Research Programme known as Bohemian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme which is a Social Infrastructure Lifestyle Programme has a Forecast Return On Aggregate BTAAP Capex of 250% over 10 years.  BTAAP draws upon the precedent set by Fifteen Renowned Orchestras, Choirs And Theatre Companies Which Have Successfully Targeted Homeless and Marginalised, in particular the Venezuela Model.

Yours sincerely  

Phil Johnston
Ride Organiser and President Muggaccinos Bicycle User Group

NB:      Phil Johnston has administered an endurance cycling group, where hundreds of different endurance cyclists have ridden on +100km day rides with Muggaccinos during the last 15 years as evidenced in Crew.  There are no fees or charges to ride with Muggaccinos.  Occasionally we put the hat around if a rider falls on hard times, as when Tony aka Publican was knocked down by a Hit-and-Run driver and was out of work for a few months, whereupon we collected $985 as explained at "Hit-run victim still keen to jump back on his cycle"

            The Writer has expended thousands of hours researching and detailing thorough risk management information, including Providing A Relevant Risk Warning for Muggaccinoscyclists for each individual Sunday ride route to mitigate cycle accidents at:

1.     Risk Management,

2.      Ride Participant Liability Acknowledgment; and

3.      Tips for new road cyclists

            The Editor of Bicycle NSW's "Push On" website, Jenni Gormley, has published his below four articles intent on rendering cycling in NSW as popular and as safe as it is in The Netherlands

1.       Change road rules to enable increased cycling

2.       RTA Handbook contradicts NSW Road Rules

3.      Is riding in a bunch illegal?”.

      4.       Don't risk losing your house!