Defined Terms  YELP Holistic First Business Plan  SWOT Analysis  Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs  Snapshot Page To 10 Project Benchmark Techniques

                                                                 5 Ronald Ave, Harbord NSW

0412 045.224

(02) 9114.6689 

11 March 2008

Ms Liz Develin                    
Director, Centre of Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Advancement
NSW Department of Health
73 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

Dear Ms Develin                    

Business Plan for Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme ("YELP") to -

A.         to reduce the >$155b annual cost of Fifteen Problems which each impact Health and Lifestyle Behaviour; and

B.         to immediately enact IPCC's edict for a "shift in lifestyles" to mitigate Climate Change

The Business Plan Developer requests to meet with a representative of COO or CPAH regarding the YELP Business Plan because it complies with COO's "NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008", incl "secure additional external funding", Developing a sustainable organisation and "Getting research into practice"

I refer to your letter to me dated 21 February 2008 which informed that -

(i)         NSW Minister for Health had asked you to respond on the Minister's behalf;

(ii)        various programmes under the NSW State Plan Priority S3 regarding diet and regular exercise listed in Attachment "1";

(iii)       NSW Health already has major commitment to implement programs to promote nutrition and physical activity with the early childhood and schools sectors;

(iv)       in light of NSW Health current and committed healthy eating and physical activity initiatives, and the lack of evidence supporting YELP, including childhood obesity, NSW Health is currently not in a position to accept the Major Public Equity Holder invitation to support the YELP Pilot and Primary Research Programme; and

(v)        "The Department will keep it on file and should we be interested in a Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme in the future we will contact you."

Attachment "1" -

(a)        summarises all the existing programmes listed in your letter of 21 Feb under the NSW State Plan; and

(b)        notes that all of these programmes, including Priority S3(d) (Obesity), are directed at children or childhood obesity, not adult obesity. 

Attachment "2" -

(a)        summarises other programmes under the NSW State Plan, namely Munch and Move and Live Life Well; and

(b)        reviews two other programmes which target adult obesity:

   *        COO - NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008 - dated June 2005; and

             *        Heartmoves Report - March 2004

The YELP Business Plan is an holistic, integrated plan relying on the intervention of a regular, enjoyable REA(ies) incorporating a LCCBSG to reduce Fifteen Problems which primarily afflict Australians beyond school age.  These Fifteen Problems costs Australia in excess of $155b annually which includes Obesity and correlated Type 2 Diabetes, Substance Abuse Recreational Drug Use and Depression

YELP is not targeted at early childhood and schools sectors because Attachment "1" is testimony that NSW Health has addressed that narrow sector which represents <3,600,000 of Australia's 22m population, being <17%.   Section 16(b) does however, forecast that YELP will be an "Effective" remedy for one of the Fifteen Problems, namely by "Effectively" narrowing the Generation Gap of teenage kids relating to their parents, thereby improving Family Unit Cohesion.

Section 3.III.(a) reviews recent ABS report "Australian Social Trends 2007" which Overweight and Obesity (Aug 2007) notes:

A.         two million more Australian adults are classified as overweight or Obese than in 1995.

B.        "It has been estimated that obesity and its associated illnesses cost Australian society and governments a total of $21 billion in 2005".

C.        "Overweight and obesity have become world-wide concerns, reaching epidemic proportions."

D.        "In 2004–05, more than half (54%) of all adults, or 7.4 million people aged 18 years and over were either overweight or obese, an increase from 45% (5.4 million adults) in 1995. "

In spite of overwhelming evidence that Obesity amongst Australian adults is at "....epidemic proportions..." none of the programmes that you referred to me in your letter of 21 Feb 2008 provide any strategy to reduce adult Obesity which "cost Australian society and governments a total of $21 billion in 2005".

Live Life Well -

(i)         does extol Australians to incorporate more physical activity into their lives;

(ii)        notes numerous health benefits to be gained by being active, including reducing the risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, osteoperosis lower blood pressure and cholesterol, feeling good and improved mental health, smaller Personal Carbon Footprint;

(iii)       acknowledges the environment also benefits. "If we all walked and cycled more, our neighbourhoods would be cleaner because there would be fewer cars on the road and safer because more people would be out and about"; and

(iv)       highlights that being active facilitates "meeting people and making new friends while participating in active leisure activities".

Alas, notwithstanding the materiality of (i) to (iv) above, Live Life Well does not provide any explicit activity(ies) to Australians, be it annual or one-off, such as YELP's  Annual Challenge Series Competitions for selected MREAs and RREAs to achieve (i) to (iv) of Live Life Well

Furthermore, NSW "State Plan - A New Direction For NSW - Performance Dashboard 2007" note "Less people participated in sporting activities and physical exercise in 2006 (4,403,100) compared to 2005 (4,429,600).  This trend was consistent across Australia, and is contrary to the previous five year growth." 

As explained in my dated 3 March 2009 fundamental to YELP's  Business Plan is substituting RECs in place of GPs to implement the below Final Three Stages of Lifescripts Five Basic ‘Stages of Change’ because the vast majority of GPs -

(i)         do not have requisite time; and

(ii)        do not possess the Supervision skills available from Eleven Sports Administration Attributes.

And GPs' cost far exceed that of a REC.

Ipso facto it is not cost-effective, feasible or logical for the vast majority of GPs to be able to action the following Final Three Stages:

                     3.    Decide and prepare to make a change (determination/preparation)
                     4.    Implement genuine, determined action (
                     5.    Over time, attempts to maintain the new behaviour occur (

Lifescripts inability to action 3, 4 and 5 above is costing Australia billions of dollars annually.

RECs would have to achieve Accreditation Benchmarks not limited to possessing Eleven Sport Administration Attributes which are measured and quantified by a 100 Point Test.

The following auxiliary features of my Business Plan are to ensure Milestones and Pilot Goals, Forecasts and Predictions therein are robust and achievable:

*           400 Defined Terms;

*           100 further Defined Terms in the Information Memorandum for the initial Annual Challenge Series Competitions under Product;

*           35 Section Titles; and

*           26 pages of Excel worksheets in a YELP Budget,  Structure DiagramKOM Challenge Series Structure and Timetable. and KOM Series Timeline.

I have not found any reports on the internet from ABS, Federal Health, State Health departments or AMA which indicate that GPs are successfully performing the vital Final Three Stages of Lifescripts Five Basic ‘Stages of Change’, in particular reducing the burgeoning cost of Obesity (correlated Type 2 Diabetes) and excessive Recreational Drug Use.  All the data shows that these problems are increasing under Lifescripts at an enormous financial cost.

The Business Plan Developer submitted his Business Plan to NSW Health on 5 Feb 2008 because -

(I.)         his Business Plan proposes the Pilot and Primary Research Programme be held in NSW because the vast majority of the Business Plan Developer's networking contacts both within the corporate sector and cycling sports administration are in NSW and the Two Legendary Endurance Cycling Challenges are accessible to NSW residents; and

(II.)        the response letter from Professor Anderson, CEO, NHMRC of Australia dated 13 December 2007 included "You will need to approach the NSW Department of Health directly.......I wish you well in your endeavours”.

The only programme that even resembles Lifescripts' mandate was Heartmoves which not unsurprisingly has not been developed beyond the trial in the Hunter Region, because -

(A)       inter alia' the vast majority of Australians want to exercise in the great outdoors not in a fitness centre; and

(B)       "There were -
*        1,831 participants in the fitness centre clients’ survey at Baseline; and
*        1,666 at Follow-up (60% and 72% response rate respectively).

The results indicate that the characteristics and cardiovascular profile of fitness centre participants at follow-up were not significantly different from baseline


As mentioned above, I have summarised COO - NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008 - dated June 2005  in  Attachment "2"  which inter alia includes the following which the YELP Business Plan addresses:

The Business Plan Developer's key points from COO "NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008 - dated June 2005 notes the following strategic aims which are consistent with the YELP Business Plan.

> Direction 2 – Getting research into practice
> Direction 3 – Developing a sustainable organisation
· contributing to policy and system changes, within and beyond the health sector, to reduce overweight and obesity.
In making this contribution, COO will be a viable organisation with a high profile and will have:
· secured additional external funding
COO’s strategic directions for the next three to five years:
2. Getting research into practice: Actively translate research into policy and practice changes.
Pursuing a research agenda that is focussed and applied
COO contributes to the development of knowledge about effective interventions and intervention components that are appropriate and feasible within the NSW and Australian context.
> Collaborate in the development and evaluation of interventions for the prevention and management of overweight and obesity
> Investigate the role of environmental factors in influencing physical activity and nutrition
> Investigate and conduct research on the capacity required and available to address overweight and obesity.
> Assimilate and apply best practice methods in the dissemination of research and its application into policy and practice
COO develops as a viable organisation, with a high professional profile and a secure funding base.
> Actively seek stakeholder engagement through advisory mechanisms and specific activities and projects
> Select and undertake research and capacity building projects that enhance the professional profile of COO with key stakeholders
> Links with other research groups


Presently the YELP  Business Plan entails the Business Plan Developer obtaining 49.9% of required funding from the private sector ie. "secure additional external funding" which would facilitate  "COO’s overall sustainability".  The YELP Business Plan presently is structured with both public and private sector equity.  However, it can be structured any way that suits Health and Climate Change Agencies YELP specifically will "Get research into practice" in the same manner that Marathon Challenge motivated a test case of a dozen adults from Boston, Massachusetts with ailments from HIV, Type 1 Diabetes, heart attack, Depression, divorce, Obesity and post-fatality trauma to establish themselves as a LCCBSG to train for and successfully run the arduous Boston Marathon in 9 months.



The Business Plan Developer has expended well over a thousand hours preparing the YELP Business Plan it in the same format of a Project Development  Information Memorandum for a new Greenfield infrastructure project.  In light of the afore-mentioned similar goals of "NSW Centre for Overweight and Obesity" (referred to as COO) and my YELP Business Plan, would you arrange for me to meet with someone from the below COO Directors, or the Executive Officer (Lesley King) provided regular, rigorous, Challenging, recreational exercise within a LCCBSG is part of that person's Lifestyle Behaviour ie. is a member of a bushwalking group, triathlon club, cycling group, kayaking club, completes ocean swims or swims with a regular group etc:

            Professor Adrian Bauman, Professor Louise Baur, Dr Michael Booth, Professor Ian Caterson, Ms Marilyn Wise

If none of the above COO representatives exercise regularly, could I meet with someone in NSW Centre for Physical Activity and Health ("CPAH") who exercises regularly.  Alternatively, could you send one or both of the enclosed 'Version 2' YELP Business Plan CDs to someone from CPAH who is familiar with COO to ascertain if that person will review my Business Plan and meet with me to discuss it because I obviously believe it can materially reduce an existing >$155b annual cost of Fifteen Problems, in particular Climate Change and Obesity/Type 2 Diabetes.




Below is an extract from our Prime Minister's "Australian 2020 Summit" which the Business Plan Developer has submitted a Delegate Nomination Form to be one of the 1,000 for the ten Working Groups of 100 for the ten Critical Areas.

         "Government, irrespective of its political persuasion, does not have a monopoly on policy wisdom. To thrive and prosper in the future we need to draw on the range of talents, ideas and energy from across the Australian community.

          For too long Australian policymaking has been focused on short-term outcomes dictated by the electoral cycle. If Australia is to effectively confront the challenges of the future, we need to develop an agreed national direction that looks at the next ten years and beyond."

Mr Rudd also invites Australians to complete submission forms relating to the ten critical areas.

As my Business Plan explains, having worked on very large infrastructure projects for 20 years involving both Government and major Australian companies, the Business Plan Developer shares Mr Rudd's above views that the private sector can offer innovation and project expertise, particularly those companies which understand PPPs and building Base Case Financial Models and Economic Return On YELP Capex software in order to -

(i)         maximise the likelihood of achieving Practical Completion for YELP on time and within budget; and

(ii)        to measure the economic benefit of YELP.


In summary:

1.          NSW Health's Diabetes programmes are targeting <3,600,000 of Australia's 22m population, being <17%. 

2.          Section 3.III.(a) reviews recent ABS report "Australian Social Trends 2007" which "Overweight and obesity" (Aug 2007) paints a grim picture of adult obesity across Australia which is "reaching epidemic proportions."  NSW accounts for one third of Australia's 22m population.

3.          Pertinent goals set out in NSW Centre for Overweight and Obesity - "Strategic Directions 2004-08" align with the YELP Business Plan, in particular "secure additional external funding", Developing a sustainable organisation and "Getting research into practice".

4.         Could you arrange for me to meet with a Director or the Executive Officer from COO and send that person the enclosed V2 of my Business Plan, if regular exercise is part of that clinician's Lifestyle Behaviour or someone from CPAH, as the YELP Business Plan will materially cost-effectively reduce $155b annual cost of Fifteen Problems which include Obesity/Type 2 Diabetes amongst NSW adults.

Yours sincerely   


Phil Johnston
Ride Organiser and President Muggaccinos Bicycle User Group
Director of KOMpm Pty Ltd