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Attachment "2"

COO - NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008 - dated June 2005

The Business Plan Developer's review of COO "NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008 - dated June 2005

The Business Plan Developer's key points from COO "NSW CENTRE FOR OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Strategic Directions 2004 - 2008 - dated June 2005

Prevention of Obesity in Children and Young People  -  NSW Govt Action Plan 2003 - 2007

NSW Childhood Obesity Summit - Government Response 2003


Heartmoves Report - NSW Health - March 2004

Heartmoves pamphlet

Heartmoves pamphlet webpage

Business Plan Developer's review of Heartmoves Report of March 2004

Business Plan Developer's review of Heartmoves pamphlet

Business Plan Developer's notes of Heartmoves pamphlet


Munch and Move -

(a)        promotes health eating, physical activity and limit small screen recreation through formal childcare centres across NSW, with an initial focus on preschools;

(b)        offered to all preschools and long day care centres across the State over the next four years;

(c)        provides information and training for early childhood staff on how to teach and incorporate active play and healthy food choices into the childhood setting.


Live Life Well -

(i)         extols Australians to incorporate more physical activity into their lives;

(ii)        notes numerous health benefits to be gained by being active, including reducing the risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, osteoperosis lower blood pressure and cholesterol, feeling good and improved mental health, smaller Personal Carbon Footprint;

(iii)       notes the environment also benefits. "If we all walked and cycled more, our neighbourhoods would be cleaner because there would be fewer cars on the road and safer because more people would be out and about"; and

(iv)       being active facilitates "meeting people and making new friends while participating in active leisure activities".

Live Life Well acknowledges these problems but doesn't offer assistance or an explicit "Feel and Scratch" strategy with targets, forecasts and a Timetable Of Milestones to reduce them.