The Bullsheet

Sunday, 7 Nov '10 Cinque or Trois Montagnes clockwise  -  1st Nosh Stop Andy's Cafe, Arcadia from 8:20am 

¨     "Cinque Montagnes" - clockwise from Nth Turra’ by 7:00am94km     ETR 12:20pm

¨     “Trois Montagnes”  clockwise from Hornsby    by 7:35am65km     ETR 11:45am

Cyclists from the longer departure point of Nth Turramurra do not pass the shorter Hornsby departure spot - usually meet after ascent of Galston Rd just before Andy's Cafe, Arcadia

Main Route:

Nth Turra’, Bobbin Hd, Galston Gorge, Berowra Waters punt, Pie in the Sky, Bobbin Hd, Nth Turra’


500m past Burns Rd in Bobbin Head Rd Nth Turramurra; or
300m Nth of Hornsby Stn West side, Jersey St.

Nosh Stops:

Andy's Cafe, Arcadia                  30 min
Pie in the Sky                             30 min


Ride Organiser: Phil aka BankTeller  0434 715.861 is not riding 'cause he is riding the Saturday ride and then taking a day off before 7 continuous days riding from Berry.
Jane aka Neo-Luddite is starting from Nth Turra’ at 7am.

Harry aka KayakMan and Pete aka CampyAficinado are starting from Hornsby at 7:35am.
If you think you are >80% of joining us, can you e-mail Scribe and he will add ya in the above.

1st Leg: Nth Turra' 31km (80 min) or Hornsby 16km (45 min) to Andy's Cafe, Arcadia

¨        Longer Ride - Cinque Montagnes [94km] - 31km 1st Leg
Park in Valley Park Cres carpark
on LHS (700m past Burns Rd) in Bobbin Head Rd Nth Turramurra to rollout by 7:30am from outside the Corner Cafe, for down/up Bobbin Head, arriving 1st Sag Stop (5 min) Kalkari Reserve
 after 9.9km.  Thence 4km along Bobbin Head Rd. 
into Belmont Pde.
[becomes Royston Rd] hugging Asquith Golf Course on LHS. 
Pacific Highway after R into Baldwin St and cross over railway line at Asquith train station, then veer R at traffic lights continue SW on Pacific Highway and shortly R into Galston Rd and pedal twds Hornsby Heights.


¨        Shorter Ride - Trois Montagnes [65km] - 16km 1st Leg
Rollout 7
:35am Hornsby car-park [100m Nth/West of Railway Hotel in Jersey St]  -
Nth up Jersey St for 500m, 
*    L into Bridge Rd 40m to lights at Old Pacific H’way, 
*    R and pedal 700m Nth; and 
*    L at lights at Galston Rd and cycle twds Hornsby Heights.

Route now becomes common for both start points.  NNW thru Hornsby Heights and descend to Galston Gorge and climb 3km to Crosslands Rd. Then left for 1.1km and Right at roundabout into Arcadia Rd for 4km to Wylds Rd and 100m further on Andy's Cafe, Arcadia for 1st Nosh Stop (30 min) arriving from 8:20am. 

2nd Leg: Andy's Cafe, Arcadia  to  Pie in the Sky - 30km (90 min)

8:50am pedal Nth along Galston Rd/Arcadia Rd which changes to Bay Rd at pastoral Berrilee, where a few km later after passing the familiar Koppers Log KOM descend to picturesque Berowra Waters for our 2nd Sag Stop (10 min) - ride on the punt. 
After another familiar climb, take a 3rd Sag Stop
(10 min) under cover at Former Pool Shop, before re-entering the Old Pacific H'way from Berowra Waters Rd. at 9am and cycle N past Cowan station and Pie in the Sky before descending to 'U' turn at Brooklyn Rd before climbing 3.85km back to Pie in the Sky at 10:20am for our 2nd Nosh Stop (30 min).

3rd Leg: Pie in the Sky to Hornsby 19km (55 min) or Nth Turra' shops - 31km (90 min)

10:50am commence return home Sth down Old Pacific H'way -

¨        enter Bobbin Head to Nth Turra' shops - ETR 12:20pm; or

¨        continue Sth onto Hornsby - ETR 11:45am.

Risk Warning

Ø   Do not cycle over the metal girders on the ramp at the Berowra Waters ferry, if you opt to cycle off the ferry, 'cause you will come down hard, like many before you.

Ø   Hardcopy these directions and bring on Sunday

Ø   Expend 5 min studying your street directory for this route, if you haven't ridden it before

Ø   Don't ride two abreast on single lane roads with an unbroken centre line and descend corners on wet roads as though you are skating on ice

Ø   When passing a fellow Mugg, always provide at least a metre clearance.  If you can't, or are passing on the inside, you MUST call out loudly eg. "passing inside" etc

Some forms of cycling are dangerous.  An ave of 36 Australian cyclists have been killed annually since 2000.  95% of these fatalities occur on the road

Other cyclists in Australia break bones and incur nerve impairment from falling off their bikes in accidents. 

A cyclist could fall from his/her bike, inter alia, due to -
(i)      being hit by a car or another cyclist; or
(ii)     encountering a pothole;

(iii)    cycling too fast on a wet downhill where the coefficient of friction is much less, particularly at corners; or
(iv)    getting their bicycle wheel caught in a gap in a timber bridge.

A negligent cyclist could -

(a)    be litigated by a seriously injured cyclist, or 3rd party (ie. a woman pushing a pram on a footpath or a car driver) under common law where the damages could exceed $500,000; and

(b)    lose his/her home if he/she did not have public liability insurance which covers their negligence whilst on a push bike.

A negligent cyclist who did not have personal injury insurance (ie self-employed without income protection cover) could struggle to meet regular outgo commitments.

A seriously injured cyclist could be awarded damages which a negligent cyclist could not afford to pay if the negligent cyclist -
(I)     did not have public liability insurance cover; and/or
(II)    did not possess valuable assets.

Ø    Cycling without Public Liability cover is as silly as driving without 3rd Party -
 join Bicycle NSW for PL insurance, so that all Muggs are better protected

Ø    Click on: Risk Management which warns of 'inter alia', the dangers of cycling on public roads with motor cars, potholes and over bridges with vertical timber planks with gaps

Ø   Cycling with Muggs is predicated upon notifying Bank Teller if you materially disagree with any clause(s) in Muggaccinos' "Ride Participants Liability Acknowledgment"

Scribe's rap-up of Hornsby to Wisemans Ferry n back - 104km - 8 crew

Our three climbs out of the Hawkesbury (2) and Wisemans Ferry (1) are self-evident in above Elevation Profile



Eight crew participated in yesterday's ride when it turned-out a lot warmer and a lot dryer than we initially anticipated, based on weather forecasts (Eric aka PapaBear, Harry aka KayakMan, Jane aka Neo-Luddite, Phil aka BankTeller, Tony aka Publican, Richard aka Sloth, David aka CricketTragic and Jean aka ChiliDog,
Eric peeled-off early because he had to attend another Sunday social party, where he is always invited because he doesn't drink alcohol anymore, so he appears a cheap guest, but still pigs-out on cakes.  Several of us, incl BankTeller, were underdone due to a lack of recent long hauls, and chickened-out on the Cliftonville leg. However, Publican and Sloth rode it, including continuing on River Rd until it met Sackville Ferry Rd, only to find that the Stone House Cafe at Maroota was closed until new lessees are signed-up. 

Peter aka AnotherBeanCounter, Bazza and Ron aka Draughtsman attended the annual Fitzs Challenge in Canberra, but only managed 60km in atrocious, wet conditions.

Justine aka Trumpeter attended the half-IronMan at Port Macq as a spectator.

BankTeller  had three flat tyres 'en route' to Wisemans Ferry, so much so that he had to walk the final mile.  But it had nothing to do with his Mr. Tuffy's

Can you believe it that John aka BakerBoy (on a day that he couldn't ride) recommended that we ride 5km off-road up a hill which scaled the arduous climb out of Wisemans Ferry. Check out the 4 yellow road warning signs.   Harry aka KayakMan, whilst repairing a flat tyre at the top, muttered, "Well I've ridden that climb once, which was enough".  John subsequently told Scribe that he hadn't ridden the Laughtondale Gully Rd section since he lived at Kenthurst 14 years ago.

Bank Teller    31 Oct '10