www.Muggaccinos.com   The Bullsheet

Sunday, 16 Jan, Yarramalong Manor for lunch - "Iron Horse” home from Wyong - 91km:

*    6:45am - Hornsby - 93km - ETR 1:36pm

*    6:55am - Berowra - 81.5km - ETR 2:06pm

*    Or cycle back from Mt White - 71km - ETR 10:20am

  • No trackwork on Northern, North Shore, Newcastle or Gosford train lines

  • A train from the Northern line (West Ryde, Epping, Normanhurst etc) arrives at Hornsby at 6:44am

  • Ride Organiser Phil Johnston - 9498.3684 hm

  • Hardcopy these directions and bring on Sunday

  • Cycle two abreast on single lane roads at own risk, and NEVER with an unbroken centre line

  • Keep well to LHS and get off the road at Sag Stops

  • Maintain your membership of Bicycle NSW for $20m Public Liability cover in case you cause an serious accident and another Mugg sues you for riding negligence


Park at Hornsby station car-park - 80m Nth of Railway Hotel in Jersey St - N/W side of Hornsby station.  Roll out from 6:45am passing Berowra station from 7am.  Starters from Berowra should commence by 6:55am and cycle due N up the Old Pacific H’wayNosh Stops at Mt White, Peats Ridge and Yarramalong Manor, to catch an All Stops train home from Wyong at 12:55pm (1:55pm) - returns to Hornsby at 2:06pm (3:06pm). 
Or an Express at 12:37pm (1:37pm) returns to Hornsby at 12:36pm (1:36pm).
SagStop         Midcoast Petroleum, Peats Ridge                  from 9:40am (10min)
Springs Rd turn to Bumble Hill                       from 10:30am
1st:                 Mt White Road Warriors' Café                         from   8:50am (25min)
            Yarramalong General Store                             from 10:55am
KOM climbs

1st climb:       Cherro Point Rd to 2nd Mt White sign             7.55km
climb:      Yarramalong Rd to Bumble Hill                      3.75km  


1st Leg:  Hornsby to Mt White - 35.5km - 82 min

Park in Hornsby street side car-park 80m Nth of Railway Hotel in Jersey St - N/W side of Hornsby station. 

Rollout from 6:45am, -

  • Nth up Jersey St for 400m,

  • L for 20m to traffic lights;

  • R onto Old Pacific Highway for 35km, passing Berowra station from 7am, for 1st Nosh Stop (30 min) at Mt White Road Warriors' Cafe from 8:10am.


2nd Leg:  Mt White to Peats Ridge - 21km - 57 min

Depart Bikie Hangout by 8:40am -

  • Nth along Old Pacific H'way for 6.2km;

  • L into Peats Ridge Rd for 15km continuous, gradual climb for Sag Stop (1mins) at Midcoast Petroleum, Peats Ridge from 9:40am.


3rd Leg:  Peats Ridge to Yarramalong Manor - 17km - 55 min

Re-mount 9:50am -

  • Nth along Peats Ridge Rd for 300m;

  • L into George Downs Drive crossing Wisemans Ferry Rd at Central Mangrove and continue 8.7km NNW;

  • R into Springs Rd for a Sign Post, thence 2.5km East twds Bumble Hill, then it becomes Greta Rd for 2km up Bumble Hill, then 3.4km descend Bumble Hill cautiously;

  • R for 60m to 2nd Nosh Stop (4min) for brunch at Yarramalong General Store.


4th Leg: Yarramalong Manor to Wyong station - 18.8km - 50 min
By 11:30pm 18.8km flat/fast hit-out E along Yarramalong Rd into Wyong, arriving by 12:30pm to catch ($7.80 fare) –

  • 12:37pm Express 59 min to Hornsby 1:36pm; or

  • 12:55pm All-stops 71 min to Hornsby 2:06pm; or

  • 1:37pm Express 59 min to Hornsby 2:36pm; or 

  • 1:55pm All-stops 71 min to Hornsby 3:06pm.


Scribe's rap-up of Tour de Whale & Palm Beach / Akuna Bay, 8 Jan - 90km - 13 starters


11 rolled out of St Ives and we picked-up two more along the way - Tornado and Pacific Whippet, Engineer 'n Navigator peeled-off for West Head.  Whereupon Tony aka QuietAchiever, Pete aka Knees (10 knee ops, and the scars to prove it, but Pete's as tough as a draught horse up a hill), Adam 'n Eve, BankTeller, ToothFairy, Pacific, LongHaul 'n Printer continued to Church Point.  Trev joined us having ridden from his northern beaches digs.  His presence came with mixed blessings 'cause Tornado took a few of us on a roller coaster back-route to Whale Beach which has to incl the steepest road (Loombah St) in Sydney.  Two of the guys, Printer and Knees, climbed it with only a double chairing on the front.  Pete's 18 year old aluminium prototype relic bike, label "TechnoBullshit", has a 52/41 on the front, with 23 his biggest chainring on the back.  So it was a Herculean effort to scale Loombah St which has to be 16o.  It is only about 500m.  But somebody's pump will snap on that killer someday.

Tornado, LongHaul, Printer 'n Knees enjoying a pleasant repast at Whale Beach café


Scribe, GungHo, Adam 'n Eve, Tony aka QuietAchiever 'n Pacific



                        QuietAchiever at Serpentine Lookout         GungHo, Knees 'n Tornado climbing from McCarrs Creek


Scribe    9 Jan '05


