What, Who, Where, When, Why, How & How much?  SWOT Analysis  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Structure Diagram  Business Case Questions  Executive Summary  Defined Terms and Documents  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Social Inclusion Early Intervention Program 

1305, 12 Glen St
Milsons Point NSW 2061
0434 715.861

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27 February 2020

Senator Patrick Dodson                              senator.dodson@aph.gov.au
PO Box 3490
Broome, WA, 6725

Dear Senator Dodson

Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme ticks ALL the current bureaucratic boxes as chronicled herein

Ipso facto, will the Australian Labor Party ask the Commonwealth Govt. to support ATLSEIP on a bipartisan basis?


The Writer refers to -


A)      his initial Letter to Senator Patrick Dodson dated 1 January 2020 (provided in 2 x CDs, one x USB Stick and 3 x A4 hardcopy) that asked the Australian Labor Party to request the Commonwealth Govt. to support the Writer's  Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme which -

*        accords with -

          (i)        Recommendation 236 of the Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody;

          (ii)       Chapter 7 'Community engagement' of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory - Findings and Recommendations;

          (iii)      Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, in particular "shared accountability and shared responsibility – governments, Indigenous Australians and their communities and organisations" under the P.M.'s recently announced/acknowledged involvement with the Coalition of Peaks;

          (iv)      Closing the Gap Partnership Agreement dated 22 March 2019 "recognises that shared decision making with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, through their representative organisations, in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Closing the Gap framework is essential to closing the gap in life outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians."

*        Closes the Gap on Indigenous Disadvantage under a highly cost-effective RTV Platform;

*        is managed by the Coalition of Peaks that selects/appoints Three Indigenous Local Connectors in each of the Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000;

*        is Administered by Ten Corporate Sponsors -

          (a)        for the Thirteen Deliverables from the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme involving 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students drawn from the Selected Six Townships In the Northern Territory With A Population >2000;

*        (b)        under the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement, comprising Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues - where at least one third of the Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues will be Indigenous Australians;

*        at least one of the Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues, from each of each of the Ten Corporate Sponsors, from each of Ten Different Market Sectors, will be an Indigenous Australian; and

*        is fully Funded by Ten Corporate Sponsors for the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors; and

B)      his follow-up email to Senator Dodson sent 11 February 2020 that provided six attached files referred to therein and offered to respond to any questions re. his ATLSEIP; and


C)      email receipt acknowledgement from Senator Dodson's office sent 11 Feb 20 that included inter alia "I will consider the matters you raise as soon as possible."

The Writer -

(a)     will answer in writing any written questions put to him by anyone that reviews ATLSEIP, in particular from members of the Coalition of Peaks that hail from the Northern Territory (Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance N.T., Central Land Council and Northern Land Council); and

(b)     is available to meet with you or your representative/s at any time, at any venue, to discuss ATLSEIP.

Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme complies with all the current bureaucratic sensitivities/focuses, as evidenced above Hence, will the Australian Labor Party ask the Commonwealth Govt. to support ATLSEIP on a bipartisan basis?

Yours sincerely   


Philip Johnston