Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Character Building Benefits From Volunteering means in return for being selected as one of 140 Accepted Year Aboriginal 9 Student in the Teenager Life Skills' Programme and receiving benefits, not limited to transport/accommodation at up to three of the Four Challenge Judging Venues, sports clothing, shoes and sporting equipment and a computer (noted in Student Sports Clothing, Equipment, Suit and PC) to participate in the Three Motivational Teams Challenges, each of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students will complete ten  x  5 hours sessions in each of the initial three years which aggregate to 150 hours -

For those of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students who are already undertaking volunteer work on a regular basis, such as 'caring' for family and/or neighbour 'elders', this would be counted towards Team Community Service.

Team Community Service notes that all of the 120 attending Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students will -

(i)        carry out 'Meal Preparation Shifts' and 'Washing & Wiping Up Shifts' in the kitchen at breakfast and dinner on each day that Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students attend the Four Challenge Judging Venues whilst billeted at GPS or CHS Colleges during the Late September/Early October School Holidays when the majority of 'borders' are absent visiting their families; and

(ii)       expend half a day at each Challenge Judging Venue learning how to plant and grow a variety of vegetables not limited to potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, broccoli, mushrooms and pumpkin.

Character Building Benefits From Volunteering also means that in the role of a volunteer, one is Contributing To Society, but can also benefit personally, such as:

  • increased personal satisfaction from 'paying one's own way'

  • development of social networks by meeting employees of those utilities

  • learning new skills and using new equipment

  • acquiring work disciplines.

Team Community Service conducted by the Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in the First RTV Year, Second RTV Year and Third RTV Year  would by featured in the 10  x  First Year One Hour RTV Episodes 10  x  Second Year One Hour RTV Episodes and 10  x  Third Year One Hour RTV Episodes respectively of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills".