Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Plain English or Efficient Talking or Talk Efficiently or Efficient Speech or Speaking Efficiently means using language bereft of Filler Words and 'hackneyed' descriptive adjectives such as 'awesome' and 'fantastic' when the following superior adjectives are available:

             'brill', 'marvellous', 'stunning', 'spectacular', 'awe-inspiring', 'tremendous', 'magnificent', 'wonderful', 'amazing', 'splendid, 'remarkable', 'superb'.

Life is competitive.  Occasionally it is 'survival of the fittest'.  Opportunities may not come along regularly.  Hence, if you are seeking to 'make the sale' or impress a potential employer, and you have only a few minutes to win him/her over, best to convey as much logical thought as possible bereft of Filler Words and 'hackneyed' descriptive adjectives and clichés.

Developing the art of Talk Efficiently using Plain English is remarkably 'confidence building'.

The Plain English Foundation is Australia's authority on "Getting to the point with the clear communication".

"Intelligence Squared"  is a UK based organisation that stages televised debates around the world which began in London, but now operates globally in the USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Greece, Ukraine, Nigeria and Israel.  The televised debates are held in the traditional Oxford style, with as many as 2,500 people attending some events.  The rousing debates invariably on display evidence the enormous advantage of possessing razor sharp Public Speaking And Speech Preparation Skills.