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Improve Personal Health And Fitness means an Interested Adult overtly wanting to abandon a Sedentary Lifestyle by commencing a RREA in a LDRREG which treats any/all of the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks and improves Personal Health And Fitness because:

(i)          Recreational Exercise Activity Is Fun & Addictive within a LCCBSG.

(ii)         Improving physical performance in a RREA within in a LDRREG enhances Self-esteem and fires-up ego to further improve physical performance in order to be competitive with other Participant mates.

(iii)        Physical exercise in a RREA produces Endorphins and Adrenaline which can be more potent than heroin, opium and morphine and provide several different Beneficial Effects Of Exercise Induced Drugs

(iv)        Maintaining a Healthy Diet will keep the weight down, and the waist line trim to maximise exercise performance.

Section 4 notes:

            "Around 20% of Recreational Road Cyclists will attest that the discipline to remain competitive with their cycle buddies on weekend road rides has caused them to abandon a former lifestyle characterised by Obesity and Recreational Drug Abuse and in some instances Substance Abuse.  A few have lost >33% of their former body weight and materially reduced Recreational Drug Use.  One male, Andrew aka TugBoat reduced his body weight from 110kg to 57.4km which is 49% loss because of Andrew's conviction to cycle faster up King of the Mountain Climbs Resolute Diehards profiles highly driven Recreational Road Cyclists, several of which have Materially Altered Lifestyle because of the joys of Youthful Exuberance and the Hypothesis."

Section 4(d) posits that fundamental to marketing YELP is to encourage Interested Adults to want to incorporate a REA to Materially Alter Lifestyle by highlighting that -

(i)         such exercise in a LDRREG under the Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model is lots of Fun & Addictive; and

(ii)        back during our Youthful Exuberance Growth Phase many of us thrived on playing outdoors with our mates/neighbourhood friends from sunup to sunset.

Section 12 notes the prospective 20 RECs will -

(i)         be highly proficient salesmen as Go-To-People, because they believe in the product they have been selling to fellow Australians for many years; and

(ii)        rarely take the foot off the pedal because of the satisfaction they derive in evidencing others enhance their QOL and Compress Morbidity through the sport the particular REC pursues/enjoys, where many "new recruits" become sporting friends of the REC who proffered assistance.

Section 15 explains that an "Overdose EIDs" slogan would position the Core Product to Compete For Market Share "toe-to-toe" with other Recreational Drug Use, rather than tacitly implying that all drugs are a No No, when these substances are kickers and unwinders which many of us will not do without.  Hence, better to promote the naturally produced drugs of Adrenaline and Endorphins which have safer side effects.

Section 15(f) explains that researchers have discovered that Endorphins and Adrenaline are more potent than heroin, opium and morphine and provide several different Beneficial Effects Of Exercise Induced Drugs.

Gordon Parker, Director of the Black Dog Institute says, "individuals who recover from clinical depression frequently rate exercise as the single most important factor".