First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

 ICDI Fifth Business Plan      I Can Do It - Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programme    ICDI Defined Terms

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

I Can Do It  -  Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programme or ICDI-HELP means the Fifth Business Plan under the First National Preventive Health Research Programme which -

(i)         draws upon the Community Organising Model For Social And Economic Change;

(ii)        utilises the substantive economies of employing the Gatekeeper attributes of Golden Gurus; and

(iii)       the ICDI-HELP SPV is administered by 32 Pioneer Other Fit Old Farts drawn from 16 Extra Equity Holders who possess Five Pioneer FOF Qualities,

where, as set out in ICDI Five Year Propagation Forecasts -

(a)        during the ICDI Launch Year, the ICDI-HELP  SPV will invite over 9,000 Interested Overweight & Obese Adults from amongst those 5.4m approx. Overweight and Obese adults in Australia who live in one of Eight Major Australian Cities [approx. 8 million Overweight and Obese adults across Australia (36% of the Australian population)] to complete the ICDI Challenge for the Four Purposes Of ICDI-HELP with over 8,000 Interested Overweight & Obese Adults completing the ICDI Challenge and thereby becoming ICDI Finishers; and

(b)        over 80,000 Interested Overweight & Obese Adults will complete the ICDI Challenge by the end of the fifth year and thereby become ICDI Finishers (1% of the 8 million Australian adults who are presently either Overweight or Obese) within the ICDI-HELP Five Year Budget of $21,328,428 - average cost of $264 per ICDI Finisher.

ICDI-HELP exploits the Motivational Incentive Of RTV in particular during the ICDI Launch Year -

*         Interested Overweight & Obese Adults' physical performance and commitment; and

*         the ICDI-HELP National Support Team's dedication and professionalism,

will be displayed on "I Can Do It"  RTV Programmes, which provides an enormous Motivational Incentive to both participants and health and fitness professionals (listed in ICDI-HELP National Support Team) to want to perform to their absolute utmost.

ICDI Five Year Propagation Forecasts -

i)         extracts the below Item D of Four Purposes Of ICDI-HELP:

 "D.      establish thru the medium of RTV, namely "I Can Do It"  RTV Programmes, that a material percentage of Australia's 14 million adults (ie. those not Obese or Disabled) will experience the Motivational Incentive to take greater personal responsibility for Improving Personal Health And Fitness by accessing e-Learning, e-Training and e-Research Techniques on the YELP Website in order to commence a REA (as a Participant) at a LDREG, logically not restricted to Jogging/Road Running/Cross Country Running which is the sole RREA in the Fifth Business Plan;"

ii)         notes that whilst the ICDI Five Year Propagation Forecasts is for the ICDI-HELP National Support Team to assist greater than 80,000 Interested Overweight Or Obese Adults by the end of the fifth year to become ICDI Finishers, the Business Plan Developer forecasts that for each Interested Overweight Or Obese Adult who lives in the Eight Major Australian Cities and accepts the ICDI Challenge, four other Australian adults will be motivated, after watching the "I Can Do It"  RTV Programmes, to -

             *        register as an Interested Adult on the YELP Website;

             *        complete an Interested Adult Application Form and requisite e-Learning, e-Training for the REA they opt to try out; and

             *        commence that REA (as a Participant) at a LDREG, logically not restricted to Jogging/Road Running/Cross Country Running.

iii)        forecasts, therefore, that greater than 80,000 ICDI Finishers and 320,000 additional Participants which aggregate 400,000 'in toto' will register on either the ICDI-HELP Website, or the YELP Website, and Materially Altering Lifestyle.