Defined Terms and Documents    'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme 

Facilitates Social Citizenship And Achieves Benefits Of Social Inclusion  or  Social Inclusion Facilitates Social Citizenship means ATLSEIP providing young Socially Disadvantaged Australians that have a prospect of -

i)         limited employment opportunities;

ii)        low income;

iii)       poor housing;

iv)       poor health; and

v)        family breakdown,

with Six Mentor Guidance Topics For Ten Regional Township Teams to learn Problem Solving Behaviours is central to -

a)        the full exercise of Social Citizenship;

b)        Sense Of Community which mitigates Violent Extremism And Radicalism by assisting vulnerable communities to achieve a "sense of identity and belonging within the community", which enhances social harmony; and

c)        associated Contribution To Society, as more detailed in the Benefits Of Social Inclusion:

 Enhanced Self-esteem / QOL Sense Of Community / Contribution To Society
Better Control Stress Responses / Coping Skills 
Personal Health And Fitness
 Increased Labour Force Participation Productivity Tax Contributions

 Diminished Drug Abuse Caused Crime / Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases.

Facilitates Social Citizenship And Achieves The Benefits Of Social Inclusion is one of Thirteen Deliverables From ''Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme.