Defined Terms YELP Holistic First Business Plan SWOT Analysis Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs Snapshot Page To Benchmark Techniques Research Programme Software means using Return On YELP Capex Software which feeds into the Base Case Financial Model which 'inter alia' estimates all Cashflows and the IRR and 'Net Present Value' of the YELP SPV's projected Capex on Human Brownfield Infrastructure. The purpose of the Research Programme Software is to quantify the Economic Return On YELP Capex to prove during the Primary Research Programme (within the Pilot) the Forecast Return On YELP Capex. Compilation of the 12 Private Sector Equity Holders where each Private Equity Holder brings Infrastructure expertise to the PPP from 2 Pioneer Fit Old Farts and Section 16 (i) Equity Holders Input................ explains that writing the code for the Research Programme Software would be the carriage of Pioneer Fit Old Farts from leading Australian Infrastructure, Petroleum and Mining Companies, two Banks and two Accounting Firms because these types of companies employ highly skilled economic modellers exceedingly used to building complex Base Case Financial Models, and specific measurement yardsticks similar to the following used by 'Health' researchers - * Quality-Adjusted Life Years; and
Transfer To Utility.
Forecast Return On YELP Capex
notes that the
cites a recent US study
Prevention for a Healthier America
that utilised modelling to estimate that for every US$1 invested in "proven community-based disease prevention programs" (ie. increasing physical activity,
maintaining a
Healthy Diet and reducing smoking levels), the return on investment over and above the
$1 per head cost of the program would be US$5.60 within five years. Section 18(a) explains "Forecasting Economic Return On YELP Capex from Propagating YELP to >100,000 Participants across Australia by end-2015" Further explained in Section 16, in particular Section 16(c), Preparatory Research Programme, Primary Research Programme, Research Programme Team, Head Consultant and Interested Parties. |