The Bullsheet    Sunrise 6:17am        To exit RNP, we turn left into McKell Ave and ascend to Waterfall
                            Wear your Team Muggaccinos jersey

Good Friday, 14 April '17, 8:15am from Sutherland Leisure Centre - Tour de Royal National Park via Bundeena and Otford - 94km – ETR 2:50pm
Add 5.3km by cycling down to Garie Beach and climbing the KOM Climb.

Snap Shot:
At sparrow fart on a Sunday morn' it is only 55 minutes drive from Chatswood [38km] to the Sutherland Leisure Centre at Waratah Park off Rawson Ave (approx 1km south of Sutherland shopping centre).  Park in middle of largish open-air carpark outside the swimming complex. 
Nosh Stops:

Bundeena Beach Cafe
                     from  9:35am           30 min
Otford Pie Shop
                                from 11:35am           30 min
Audley Weir cafe                             from   2:10pm           15 min
Sag Stops:
Bundeena Drive turn-off   from   9:05am          5 min
Bundeena Drive turn-off   from 10:20am          5 min
Bundeena Drive turn-off   from  1:30pm           5 min
KOM Climbs:
2.65km from Audley Weir to 55km p/h sign at apex of Artillery Hill
4.1km from McKell Ave
to Garie Beach Rd KOM
2.65km from
Garie Beach to Sir Bertram Stevens Drive

1.55km from Audley Weir to TollBooth

Directions from North Shore, either –

Ø         Homebush Bay Drive / Centenary Drive / Roberts Rd / Wiley Ave / King George's Rd / Princess H’way; or

Ø         Pacific Highway over Harbour Bridge onto Princess H’way at Broadway, remaining on Princess H’way crossing George’s River Bridge and passing thru Sylvania and Gymea. 
Then -

  (a)      continue straight into The Grand Pde (when most of the traffic turns L into Arcadia Rd.)

  (b)      250m later veer L into Old Princess H'way which 250m later, after passing President Ave on LHS, becomes Rawson Ave.

  (c)      150m later L into carpark at Waratah Park and park down the bottom on RHS in front of the Swimming Centre. 


Ride Organiser, Phil Johnston aka BankTeller 0434 715.861 [1st Acceptor], George aka EnglishMan [2nd Acceptor], Chris aka RecalcitrantBankTeller [3rd Acceptor], Martin aka Architect [4th Acceptor], Pete aka Yamaha (50%) [5th Acceptor], are starting at 8:15am from Sutherland Leisure Centre.

  Andrew aka TugBoat [3rd Responder],   [4th Responder], Lea aka SlowLea  [6th Responder], Terry aka Navigator [5th Responder]

Jean aka ChiliDog, Jane aka NeoLuddite ,



If you are 80% confident of joining this ride, predicated upon a fine morn', please let Bank Teller know by e-mail by 5pm Sat.

Pursuant to Division 5 of the Civil Liabilities and Personal Responsibility Act (NSW) 2002, any Invitee cyclist that decides to accept a Ride Invitation (such as that contained in this Bullsheet) to participate in a Dangerous Recreational Activity needs to inform the Inviter by email before attending the Ride.  The alternative to notifying the Inviter by email by 5pm the day before the ride that he/she intends to participate in, is for the Inviter to re-introduce his former Ride Sign On Sheet which Bike North and other BUGs assiduously use to mitigate Inviter risk.

Risk Warning
Road cyclists share the road with heavy, fast vehicles.  Hence, road cycling can be fatal. 
An ave of 36 Australian cyclists have been killed annually since 2000.  95% of these fatalities occur on the road

Other cyclists in Australia break bones and incur nerve impairment from falling off their bikes in accidents. 

A cyclist could fall from his/her bike, inter alia, due to -
(i)      being hit by a car or another cyclist; or
(ii)     encountering a pothole;

(iii)    cycling too fast on a wet downhill where the coefficient of friction is much less, particularly at corners; or
(iv)    getting their bicycle wheel caught in a gap in a timber bridge.

A negligent cyclist could -

(a)    be litigated by a seriously injured cyclist, or 3rd party (ie. a woman pushing a pram on a footpath or a car driver) under common law where the damages could exceed $500,000; and

(b)    lose his/her home if he/she did not have public liability insurance which covers their negligence whilst on a push bike.

A negligent cyclist who did not have personal injury insurance (ie self-employed without income protection cover) could struggle to meet regular outgo commitments.

A seriously injured cyclist could be awarded damages which a negligent cyclist could not afford to pay if the negligent cyclist -
(I)     did not have public liability insurance cover; and/or
(II)    did not possess valuable assets.

Ø    Cycling without Public Liability cover is as silly as driving without Third Party -
 join Bicycle NSW for PL insurance, so that all Muggs are better protected

Ø    Click on: Risk Management which warns of 'inter alia', the dangers of cycling on public roads with motor cars, potholes and over bridges with vertical timber planks with gaps

Ø    Cycling with Muggs is predicated upon notifying Bank Teller if you materially disagree with any clause(s) in Muggaccinos' "Ride Participants Liability Acknowledgment"

Ø   Hardcopy these directions and bring on Sunday

Ø   Expend 5 min studying your street directory for this route, if you haven't ridden it before

Ø   Don't ride two abreast on single lane roads with an unbroken centre line and descend corners on wet roads as though you are skating on ice

Ø   When passing a fellow Mugg, always provide a metre clearance.  If you can't, or are passing on the inside, you MUST call out loudly eg. "passing inside" or "passing close" etc

1st Leg: Sutherland to Bundeena Beach Cafe - 26km  - 80 mins

Rollout 8:15am Sth along Rawson Ave for 600m taking care crossing Princess Highway.

Ahead along Princess Highway for 1km passing Loftus Oval on LHS.

L into Farnell Ave (some maps call it Sir Bertram Stevens Drive).

Pass the toll booths where road changes to Audley Weir Rd and shortly descend on a dog leg R and hook L, then R to cross Audley Weir [after 5km. 

Veer R (becomes Sir Bertram Stevens Drive) up wonderfully steep Artillery Hill to Gibraltar Rock [after 7km] and along Flat Rock, passing Warumbul Rd on LHS to Bundeena Drive [after 11km].

After hooking L into Bundeena Drive pause 50m along for our 1st Sag Stop (5 min) [after 15km].  Pedal 10.2km due E to 1st Nosh Stop (30 min) from 9:35am at picturesque Bundeena Beach Cafe [25.5km] with spectacular views NW twds Sydney Harbour and cafés overlooking the pristine beach

2nd Leg: Bundeena Beach to Otford Pie Shop - 31km (agg 57km)  -  90 mins

10:05am commence 2nd climb, retracing up Bundeena Drive and halting 50m shy of Sir Bertram Stevens Drive for 2nd Sag Stop (5 min) [36.2km].

After re-grouping, hook a L into Sir Bertram Stevens Drive and high tail it along the ridge.  Pass Garie Beach turn-off on LHS [41km], thence pass a bridge on RHS to McKell Ave [46km].  Road becomes Lady Wakehurst Drive which takes us to 2nd Nosh Stop (35 min) Otford Pie Shop [56.6km] with fabulous views of the Blue Pacific - arriving 11:35am.

3rd Leg: Otford Pie Shop to Audley Weir - 32km (agg 89km)  - 120 mins

12:10pm cycle Nth back up Lady Wakehurst Drive, initial 300m along the coast with spectacular views of the Blue Pacific, and then into the wooded forest where it is up-hill initially, then predominantly undulating.  After 67.4km pass McKell Ave bridge (Waterfall exit) on the LHS.  Cycle a further 9.5km N along Sir Bertram Stevens Drive for a further fleeting 3rd Sag Stop (5 min) at intersection of Bundeena Drive.  Continue NW another 9.8km for a 3rd Nosh Stop (15 min) from 2:10pm at Audley Kiosk 50m before Audley Weir - excellent coffee 'n maggot sacks.

4th Leg: Audley Weir to Sutherland - 5km (agg 94km)  -  25 mins

2:25pm cycle over the weir and up precipitous Farnell Ave to Princess H'way and R onto the H'way, shortly pass Loftus Oval on RHS.  2km after traffic lights at Rawson Ave turn R into Sutherland Leisure Centre - ETR 2:50pm.

CARE: Keep well to LHS along the final legs from Bundeena to Audley Weir and up to Princess H'way.  If a cue of cars is behind you, pull over to side of road and allow them to pass.

Sun, 9 Apr - Hornsby, St Ives, Palm Beach ferry to Patonga, Woy Woy - 61km - 7 riders although only 4 boarded the ferry to Patonga

Brill morn', blue skies, fresh Autumn air.  And a new wharf at Palm Beach with impressive black poles

Pete aka CampyAficinado thought that we were behaving 'immature like'.

That thing up the pole is a Pelican enjoying "a bird's eye view" of Patonga on a pristine, perfect morn'

We called a 'Power Play' Nosh Stop at the General Store after alighting the Patonga Ferry and doing the customary 5 min clockwise reconnoiter of Patonga taking us thru the camp ground, cause that nasty climb up Patonga rd awaited.


Scribe     9 April  2017 (last edited)