Muggaccinos.com The Bullsheet Sunday 20 Jul '08, "Tour de Austinmer" from Sutherland Leisure Centre carpark 8:40am 91km route due South down Princes H'way to Sambio Animal Gardens sign into Sir Lawrence Hargraves Drive - 22km. Left into Lawrence Hargraves Drive, Stanwell Park, crossing Coalcliff Bridge, Coledale for 16km to arriving from 10:25am for 1st Nosh Stop (35 min) at Beachside Cafe, Austinmer fronting the beach. Return -
* Thru RNP, via Otford Pie Shop,
up Lady Wakehurst Drive to Audley Weir - ETR 2:40pm Reduce to 57km if you catch the train from Otford station to Sutherland and cycle 2km Sth to Sutherland Leisure Centre carpark
If the weather is fine Scribe, PacificPete, Greg aka ArchitectToo, Jean aka ChiliDog and Martin aka Architect will start at 8:40am
Ride Organiser: Phil Johnston 9114.6689
hm or
0412 045.224
Ø Click on: Risk Warnings which warns of the dangers of cycling on public roads with motor cars, potholes and over bridges with vertical timber planks with gaps Ø Maintain your membership of Bicycle NSW for $20m Public Liability cover, in case you cause a nasty accident and seriously injure a cyclist, or 3rd party, who sues your arse to empty your pocketsØ Cycling with Muggs is predicated upon notifying Bank Teller if you materially disagree with any clause(s) in Muggaccinos' "Ride Participants Liability Acknowledgment"
1st Leg: Sutherland Leisure Centre carpark via Princes H'way to Sir Lawrence Hargraves Drive - 21.5km - 55 min Bank Teller and PacificPete will rollout at 8:50am. 8:40am Left South along Rawson Ave for 600m taking care crossing Princess Highway. Ahead along Princess Highway for 1.1km passing Loftus Oval and Rawson Av. Ahead South down Princes H'way for 20km to Sir Lawrence Hargraves Drive on LHS. 2nd Leg: Sir Lawrence Hargraves Drive to Austinmer - 15.5km - 40 min Left 100m past Sambio Animal Gardens sign into Lawrence Hargraves Drive.
Ahead due E for 3.1km to Bald Hill
(juncture of
Lawrence Hargraves Drive and Lady Wakehurst Drive [after
25km from Short Route].
3rd Leg: Austinmer Cafe to Otford Apple Pie Shop - 18km (after 55.1km from Shorter Route) - 50 min 11:25am Nth retracing up Lawrence Hargraves Drive to Otford Pie Shop arriving from 12:15pm for 2nd Nosh Stop (20 min). If you are all tuckered out, you can catch the 2 hourly train service at quaint Otford station just 500m NNW of the pie shop at 11:57am or 1:57pm arriving Sutherland station 30 mins later, and cycle 2km Sth to Sutherland Leisure Centre carpark. 4th Leg: Otford Pie Shop to Audley Weir - 32km (agg 86km from Shorter Route) - 85 min 12:45am Nth back up Lady Wakehurst Drive, initial 300m along the coast with spectacular views of the Blue Pacific, and then into the wooded forest where it is up-hill initially, then predominantly undulating. After 64km pass McKell Ave bridge (Waterfall exit) on the LHS. (Some cyclists may opt to cycle up McKell Ave, thence Princes H'way for a shorter route to Sutherland carpark.) Cycle a further 9.5km N along Sir Bertram Stevens Drive for a further fleeting Sag Stop (3 min) at intersection of Bundeena Drive. Continue NW another 9.8km for a Sag Stop (10 min) from 2:15pm at Audley Kiosk 50m before Audley Weir - excellent coffee 'n maggot sacks. 5th Leg: Audley Weir to Sutherland - 5km (agg 91km) - 15 min 2:25pm cycle over the weir and up steep early Farnell Ave to Princess H'way and R onto the H'way, shortly pass Loftus Oval on RHS. 2km after traffic lights at Rawson Ave turn R into Sutherland Leisure Centre - ETR 2:40pm. CARE: Keep well to LHS along the final legs from Bundeena to Audley Weir and up to Princess H'way. If a cue of cars is behind you, pull over to side of road and allow 'em to pass.
Bank Teller's rap-up of St Ives, Akuna Bay, West Head, Bayview Marina - 9 starters - 70km, although Harry aka KayakMan cycled from Baulkham Hills 'n back, Arno aka The Kaiser from/to Mt Ku'ring'gai, Grant aka BeanCounter from Pennant Hills and John aka BakerBoy came down from Pearl Beach, which all pales by comparison with Jean aka ChiliDog's escapades yesterday, as reported below
L to R - Samurai, Pete aka CampyAficionado, Pacific Pete, Rex aka Pimpernel, Harry aka KayakMan (obscured) Arno aka The Kaiser and John aka BakerBoy
No points for guess who was eyeing-off Pete aka CampyAficionado toasted sausage sambo.
Two of the "supremo" cooks at Bayview Marina Kiosk Bank Teller 13 July ' 08 |