Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme 


Duties And Responsibilities Of The Indigenous Principal's Representative are not limited to -

A.)       visit each of the Six Regional Townships, whereupon following sign-off of the selected Six Regional Townships by the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement, then action Answer 4 of How (below);

B.)       source 6  x  Indigenous Local Connectors for the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge for acceptance by the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement;


C.)       be the communication/liaison conduit with the Various Authorities, Agencies And Not-For-Profits Involved With Children And Indigenous Australians In Isolated Country Towns (on behalf of the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement) to inform the scope and purpose of ATLSEIP, in particular to be the initial 'communication point' with the -


            (I.)        the local council in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams; and


            (II.)       the Rotary/Lions Club established in any/each of the Ten Regional Township Teams - refer Various Parties;

D.)       assist the Teenager Life Skills Website Directors design the Teenager Life Skills Website; and

E.)       assist the Six Regional Township Teams Co-ordinators prepare a Monthly Progress Report under 'Agreed Terms Of Reference' to the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement.

Answer 4 of How To Proceed With ATLSEIP notes:

At least two months prior to the commencement of the First RTV Year, the Indigenous Principal's Representative would telephone the Council Mayor(s) of each of the Six Regional Townships (eg Bourke Shire Council) and explain the -

(A)       'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme;

(B)       Administration Role to be performed by the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement;

(C)       that ABC intends producing 34  x  One Hour RTV Episodes of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills" for the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme; and

(D)       Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement seeks support and assistance from the 'Local Council' and any Rotary Club District Office and Lions Club District Office which includes each of the Six Regional Townships, particularly with regard to -

            (a)        sourcing the 10 x  Indigenous Local Connectors for the First Motivational Team Challenge (Year 9 Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge) and the subsequent two Motivational Teams Challenges; and

            (b)        the 14 x  Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in each of the Six Regional Townships performing 50 hours of Team Community Service in each of the First RTV Year, Second RTV Year and Third RTV Year
Ideally, one of
Rotary Australia and Lions Clubs Australia (refer Various Parties) would establish a club in each of the Six Regional Townships as a goal of the Teenager Life Skills' Programme is for RTV viewers, upon watching "Attaining Teenager Life Skills", to be more disposed to join a Rotary Club or Lions Club in their township, or form a new club, to deliver community services and assist others less fortunate than themselves, as the 'sum of the collective parts' usually exceeds the 'sum of the individual parts' due to economies, synergies and collective enthusiasm to make a positive difference.

The Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement would then confirm the above details by letter drafted by the Indigenous Principal's Representative (on Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement letterhead) to the Council Mayor(s) [as one of the Various Parties] and invite each Council Mayor(s) to inform his/her Councillors, their Local Government administration and ideally enthuse the local newspaper(s) to inform its readers which 'inter alia' will facilitate 13 year old or 14 year old Aboriginal School Student who attend school(s) within each of the Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000 across Australia to Submit An On-Line Application Form on the Teenager Life Skills Website as a Year 9 Student Applicant.

The Indigenous Principal's Representative would then telephone both Rotary Australia and Lions Clubs Australia and explain (A), (B), (C) and (D) above and seek assistance to establish either a Rotary Club or a Lions Club in each of the Six Regional Townships (if not already in existence) to achieve (D)(a) and (D)(b) above, as well as create an on-going community structure to provide community activities in each of the Six Regional Townships, as a long term goal is enhanced Sense Of Community.

The Indigenous Principal's Representative would then draft a letter to both Rotary Australia and Lions Clubs Australia (for execution by the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement) which confirms the above paragraph.