Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Commit To And Complete An Annual Endurance Sporting Event(s) or Challenges or Challenging means Participants in a LDRREG under the Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model committing to complete a difficult future sporting event(s) "outside their familiar patch", known as an Annual Endurance Sporting Event(s), which requires Commitment, Dedication And Discipline to build up a higher level of endurance, experience and expertise, by regularly training together amidst a LCCBSG.

Consistent with Existing Recreational & Competitive Exercise Infrastructure, each of the 9 RREAs would offer renowned Challenging endurance events each year (Recreational Road Cycling,  Road And Track Cycle Racing,  Mountain Biking,  Triathlon,  Bushwalking/Hiking,  Surf Kayaking & Canoeing,  Lap Swimming and Ocean Swimming Jogging/Road Running/Cross Country Running), known as Annual Endurance Sporting Events, for Participants to commit to and train, with other Participants in their LDRREG, to complete.

Section 16.(e)4(b) explains the Annual Endurance Sporting Events proposed for the 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme are Two Legendary Endurance Cycling Challenges which each of the 50 Volunteers agree to train for and complete.

The definition of Indigenous Australians explains that Nelsons Mandela's  "Sport has the power to change the world" is the optimum vehicle to reduce Lifestyle Related Chronic Disease by providing 'pleasant activity scheduling' and 'distraction techniques' , pursuant to the Second Basic Component Of CBT under the Biopsychosocial Behaviour Model, which enables Australians, both indigenous and non-indigenous, to Commit To And Complete An Annual Endurance Sporting Event which is more appealing than the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks.

Section 4.(e) contends that regularly achieving lofty cardiovascular Challenging sporting goals, amidst a LCCBSG, increases Self-esteem and hardens the resolve, thereby enhancing 'inter alia' Coping Skills and Cognitive Development.

As precedent, Section 16.(j) reviews a 'Case Study' on PBS called Marathon Challenge of 13 volunteer interested adults in Boston, Massachusetts USA who were leading a Sedentary Lifestyle with varying ailments (eg. HIV, Type 1 Diabetes, Depression, post-divorce trauma, Obesity and post-fatality trauma) who accepted a challenging invitation from a Team Of Clinicians And Sports Therapists Supported By An RTV Producer to train together each Sunday over 9 months in order to successfully run the 2007 Boston Marathon.