Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Challenge Sport Workshop Schedule means the 6  x  Team Sporting Coaches will have to consult with each of the ten Indigenous Local Connectors and the six Regional Township Teams' Co-ordinators prior to agreeing the Challenge Sport Workshop Schedule for the 3 Mentor Days  On-Site Workshop at each of the Six Regional Townships to be published in the Regional Township Team Web Folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website which logically will focus on the coaching material and schedule for the particular sport in the Three Mixed Team Sports for say 12 hours over the 3 training days. 

With the primary goal of Team Bonding, the Challenge Sport Workshop Schedule should include two or three hours discussing each of the other two of the Three Mixed Team Sports, as well as allocating say three hours for a group golf lesson followed by 9 holes of golf, or ten pin bowling, touch football etc.    

Team Sporting Coaches is one of the Eleven Mentoring Roles.