Bikes - Excessive muffler noise and speeding increase fatalities and
associated Govt. policing and health care costs
The cost of road
crashes: A review of key issues -
Dr Richard Tooth -
Newspaper Articles re Dangerous Motor
Vehicle Driving, particularly Motor Bikes
Associated documents and information
Letter to the NSW Police Minister, Mick
Fuller, dated
3 September 2017
Letter to NSW
Roads Minister,
Ms. Melinda
dated 3 September 2017
2nd Letter to
NSW Police Minister, Mick Fuller, dated
22 January 2018
2nd Letter to
NSW Roads Minister,
Ms. Melinda
dated 22 January 2018
Letter to
Current Affairs dated 23 January 2018:
Four YouTube's of
motor bikers on the Old Pacific Highway (north of Cowan) evidence that police
patrols are ineffective in deterring -
* dangerous
motor bike driving; and
some motor bike owners are breaching exhaust noise emission levels
email to Jake McCallum - Hornsby Advocate 23
Jan 2018
Three emails to Environment NSW asking about
noise testing regimes to save lives and reduce trauma health costs
Letter from Sherryn Cabardo-Oclarit,
Unit Head – Regulatory and Compliance Support Unit,
Regulatory Operations Regional - Environment NSW - 23 May 2023
Categories of Road Death - Monthly - BITRE
67% increase in motor bike fatalities over
last 5 years in NSW - BITRE
Peaceful resident protest concerned over Motor Bike Madness
- Sat. 21st Oct 2023 (11am to 12:30pm) - southern end of
Hawkesbury River Bridge
There's not much better than the roar of a
motorcycle exhaust.