The Ten Commandments drawing upon 21st Century's exchange of knowledge according to Saint Philip of Sydney, Oz 1st Thou shalt believe that a highly intelligent, skilful and powerful Energy Force, hereinafter Extreme Energy Force, far beyond even a remote understanding by Homo sapiens is responsible for creating the Universe, thence planet Earth and finally enabling life on Earth. This Extreme Energy Force initiated The Big Bang 13.8 bil. circa years ago that created the Universe. Thence Earth's solar system formed within the expanding Universe around 4.54 bil. years ago. Taxonomy is the science of categorization or classification. Humans are classified as descendants of apes and chimpanzees that started walking on two hind legs, not loping along on all fours. Hence, the first humans were aptly named Homo erectus. Fossils indicate Homo erectus first appeared in East Africa around two million years ago. Neanderthal appeared around 430,000 years ago. Primitive Homo sapiens first appeared 300,000 years ago in East Africa. Homo sapiens, known as Early Modern Humans, appeared 125,000 circa years ago on the Savannah Plains in East Africa. 2nd Therefore, thou shalt believe that - (A) a Christian God referred to as God the Father did not create the world in six days and rest on the seventh day; and (B) the first human inhabitants of terra firma were not Adam and Eve who reputedly lived on their lonesome in The Garden of Eden assertedly only 7,520 years ago and supposedly survived by eating copious fruit. But no protein or carbohydrates. "The story of the Garden of Eden is a theological use of mythological themes to explain human progression from a state of innocence and bliss to the present human condition of knowledge of sin, misery, and death. According to Genesis account (2:4–3:24), God created Adam from the dust of the ground and then planted the Garden of Eden with the “tree of life” and the forbidden “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” at its centre." How did Genesis know how its God created the first human? Nor shalt thou believe that these fictitious first human inhabitants of Earth brought on Original Sin when first Eve, then Adam, purportedly ate an apple from a forbidden apple tree in the Garden of Eden. (Modern Homo sapiens appeared 125,000 circa years ago in East Africa, and not a mere 7,520 years ago in the inane biblical Garden of Eden). 3rd Thou shalt believe that the greatest achievement of the Extreme Energy Force is the biology of a male of an animal species injecting a small amount of sperm into the vagina of a female of the same species. In the case of Homo sapiens during approx. 9 months a tiny, beautiful, delicate, complex progeny forms/grows and is ejected from the mother's uterus that has -
4th Thou shalt not believe that a biblical character
named Noah received a message from God the Father (around 2,592 BC - only
4,615 years ago) that an
angry and wrathful God wanted to drown all human life by a giant flood (around 2,472 BC) and assertedly at the age of 500 years'
old circa, Noah then worked with his family
to build a giant timber boat over the following 120 years that then sheltered two
of every known animal on the planet and safeguarded all these animals from ".......
rain that fell for forty days and forty nights until the highest mountains were
covered to a depth of 15 cubits,
and all earth-based life perished except Noah and those with him in the Ark."
How did Noah and his family protect carnivorous food for the lions and
tigers, namely the sheep, cattle and goats, from being devoured? 5th Thou shalt not believe in the mythology of The Parable of the Passover (1250 BC circa) where reputedly God the Father: The Celebration of Passover is prescribed in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament (in Judaism, the first five books of Moses are called the Torah). "12 “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. 13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt." The book of Exodus fails to chronicle how God the Father's "angel of death" actually killed the first born male child in each Egyptian family, as punishment for the Egyptians not allowing the Israelites to escape from reputed slavery in Egypt. Nor does Exodus note the number of first born Egyptian males that God the Father's "angel of death" actually killed. (More Christian biased dogma about God the Father bringing about the execution of each Egyptian's first born son.) 6th Thou shalt not believe the further Christian invented parable that God the Father drowned the Pharaoh and his Egyptian army:
7th Thou shalt not believe that after the omnipresent, ubiquitous, Moses, who popped-up everywhere in the Old Testament scrolls, had hung out at the apex of Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights without a food store within cooee, a mythological God the Father then presented Moses with two heavy stone tablets that chronicled the Ten Commandments (as noted hereunder). Thence the exceedingly hungry and withered Moses twice walked the 3,750 stairs to the bottom of Mount Sinai, sometimes referred to as "God's Stairmaster" to present the two stone tablets to the assembled Israelites who had scripturally already endured the perils of crossing The Red Sea":
The Ten Commandments were a creation of the
early Christian
Church without any drafting or input from - 8th Thou shalt not believe that Jesus was the only child of Mary and Joseph. Nor that Mary was a virgin. Mary bore four other sons (James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas) and two sisters. Following Jesus' crucifixion, his brother, James, reputedly became the most important leader of the early Christian church. 9th Thou shalt not believe that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead after being nailed to a timber cross for three days. The asserted authors of the Gospels have written conflicting accounts of Jesus' execution and reputed rise from the dead. Below are extracts from The American Humanists Association that ADVOCATES PROGRESSIVE VALUES AND EQUALITY FOR HUMANISTS, ATHEISTS, AND FREETHINKERS:
Below is an extract from Jon Santiago's appraisal of “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” written by Reza Aslan
When the Romans painfully nailed a dissident Israelite to a wooden cross, the Romans did not allow him the dignity of a burial. Rather the carcass remained hanging on the wooden cross to be picked at by high lunging dogs and birds of prey for other Jews to see. To allow the corpse to be buried would have diminished the significance of an excruciating and drawn out execution.
10th Thou shalt not believe that the Christian Church of The Holy Trinity was the first religion to offer the enticement of an Afterlife in Heaven for those that obeyed their own version of the Ten Commandments and did not die with a Mortal Sin on their soul. Many other religions, both BC and AD, not limited to the following, have promised an eternal Afterlife in Heaven or paradise for its Obedient Followers: |