Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme 

Show 'n Tell  Reward & Recognition Incentive means enabling the -

*          Indigenous Local Connector at each of the Six Regional Townships; and

*          Township Team Captain in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams,

to -

I.          log in a Calendar** on Google Drive the dates, times and venues to inform their 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students via computer access at the local library and their school of all upcoming -

            (a)         team training sessions for the Three Mixed Team Sports in the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge;

            (b)         team speaking sessions for the Two Public Speaking Categories in the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge;

            (c)         team Geek sessions to familiarise with I.T. And Useful Social Media Apps in the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge;    

II.         publish digital pictures and short video movies in their Regional Township Team Web Folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website of -

            (a)         training sessions for the Three Mixed Team Sports in the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge;

            (b)         speaking sessions for the Two Public Speaking Categories in the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge; and

            (c)         sessions to familiarise with I.T. And Useful Social Media Apps in the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge,

which will Maximise Student Enthusiasm And Keep Other 'Various Parties' Informed Of Progress.


**      The Writer's mother entered an aged care facility, Dougherty Apartments Chatswood a few years ago.  To enable his three brothers and sister to know who was visiting his mother and when, he set up a simple 'Dougherty Calendar' in 15 mins using Google Drive to enable all his mother's children to easily log when they intended visiting, which ensured they didn't double-up and his mother received regular visitors.  'Dougherty Calendar' can be accessed using a PC or mobile 'phone.  Google Drive is effectively a free website with Excel structure where the person who sets it up can grant 'edit capability' to his/her 'team' by providing the gmail address and password.


Australian Little Athletics usually provides a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place coloured ribbon to children who fill the initial three places in Little A's footraces etc.  All the Tiny Tots (children 3 to 5 years old) usually receive a coloured ribbon after running a Tiny Tots race. 

Invariably, young ribbon holders feel chuffed and would -

  • proudly 'show' them upon their return to their families/classmates; and

  • would cheerfully 'tell' about their achievement(s). 

The Writer has administered a bicycle website for 19 years which provides one of about 40 different >100km endurance road rides on the perimeter of Sydney every Sunday.  The website provides 'inter alia' a weekly newsletter, known as The Bullsheet, which provides a detailed description of the ride routeOn a fine Sunday up to a dozen road cyclists will ride the advertised route.  Each weekly edition of The Bullsheet also provides a handful of pictures of riders on the previous Sunday's road ride.  Even though the average age of the riders would be 'early 50s', they 'get a jolly' from seeing themselves decked out in their cycle clobber sometimes astride their 'trusty treadley'.  Team pictures create Warm Fuzzies which enhances bonhomie and a sense of belonging, which facilitates maximising attendance on the upcoming Sunday rides. also provides a 'Student Profile page' for each Crew Member which assigns a 'handle' and often a humorous, sometimes far-fetched description of the Crew Member which also fosters Warm Fuzzies within the 'team'.  The Writer's 'handle' is Phil aka Bank Teller.

Year 12 school students receive a cotton football style jersey from their school which is part of their Year 12 uniform.  The jersey usually has the school name and school crest on the breastplate and the student's 'nickname' across the shoulders on the back of the jersey; creates a sense of 'personal identity' and 'pride in oneself'. 


Student Sports Clothing, Equipment, Suit and PC notes that each of the three outfits for the Three Mixed Teams Sports for the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge will display the -

(a)        name of the particular Regional Township Team on the breastplate 'Team Darwin', 'Team Palmerston', 'Team Katherine', 'Team Alice Springs' , 'Team 'Arnhem', 'Team Barkly'; and

(b)        the 'nickname' of the particular student across the shoulders on the back of the shirt/jersey.

Hence, in order to Maximise Student Enthusiasm And Keep Other 'Various Parties' Informed Of Progress the Teenager Life Skills'  Website will adopt the Show 'n Tell Reward & Recognition Incentive which will enable the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in the Ten Regional Township Teams to proudly see in their particular Regional Township Team Web Folder -

(a)        both still photos/movies and Google Drive Calendar** evidence of their training/learning sessions; and

(b)        an individual Student Profile webpage for each of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students.

Show 'n Tell  Reward & Recognition Incentive, and the associated Regional Township Team Web Folder, will -

(i)         necessitate two or three hours of 'user-friendly' website 'publishing training' for each of the 10 Indigenous Local Connectors and the 10 Township Team Captains (per year for the 3 years of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges); and

(ii)        facilitate the final of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges, namely the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge.