Defined Terms YELP Holistic First Business Plan SWOT Analysis Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs Snapshot Page To Benchmark Techniques Regulate Existing Sporting Activity Providers means, with regard to the Civil Liability Acts which were enacted across Australia in 2002 and in the case of NSW Clause 5M(1) "No duty of care for recreational activity where Risk Warning" of Division 5 Recreational Activities of Civil Liability Amendment (Personal Responsibility) Bill - Nov 2002 , and as explained in Community Driven Regulation To Minimise Trauma Accidents the - (I.) YELP Website would provide dedicated Risk Management Protocols for each RREA, which would be developed/agreed through the collective input from RECs and those FOFs who possess Liability Risk Management Acumen; and (II.) YELP SPV would alert Sporting Activity Providers, how simple it is to always provide a Risk Warning and a Disclaimer of Liability in all 'Invitations to specific RREA events' ie. community bicycle rides, community kayaking paddles, community bushwalks, community ocean swims etc, to Encourage An Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model which 'inter alia' materially reduces - (a) the incidence of future Serious Sporting Accidents; and (b) associated costly and stressful litigation which may follow a Serious Sporting Accident. See Section 23 and definitions of Risk Management Protocols, Provide A Risk Warning, Risk Warning, Dangerous Recreational Activity, Recreational Activity and Two Purposes Of YELP SPV.