Thinking Outside the Cell     Defined Terms     Baker's Dozen Problems    Articles & Reports - Bibliography     Filicide   Annexure A   Section B 

Petition directed to the Attorney General of Australia's Commonwealth Govt.

Philip Johnston's Petition is directed to Australia's Attorney General, Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, to pass a minor amendment to the relatively recent Crimes Legislation Amendment Act and to repeal the Death Penalty Abolition Act No. 100 - 1973 to allow Australia's State and Territory criminal courts to once again Sentence the 'death penalty' to male perpetrators of Spouse Revenge Filicide that are convicted Beyond any doubt of guilt
Below are some
not-for-profits that have lobbied long and hard for better protection for women and their children.

Listed further below are 12 Sections of pertinent evidence that support a return to a Sentence of Two Frightening Punishments one week apart previously decreed by our Forefather Governors for fathers and step-fathers that commit the Most Heinous Category of Filicide


Annexure A: 'Filicide murders (victims up to and including 18 years of age) by their father or their step-father or jilted former partner' chronicles the often brutal and gruesome deaths of over 50 children by fathers or step-fathers or jilted former partners since the mid-1980s.  The execution of many of these innocent children falls within the callous category of Spouse Revenge Filicide.  Photos in the embedded URL threads within Annexure A of the smiling innocent faces of children, whose lives were painfully snuffed-out, is heart-wrenching.  Many more Filicides occurred across Australia since the mid-1980s not noted in Annexure A.


Annexure Aa  -  Paedophilia and Mentally Deranged Child Murders (victims up to and including 18 years of age) lists the murder of other children where the convicted assassin was sentenced to jail.

Pursuant to The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, the Commonwealth Government shoulders a 'duty of care' that the most terrifying Punishments (previously handed down until the early 20th Century) are again Sentenced by criminal court judges to protect defenceless children vulnerable to Spouse Revenge Filicide It is beholden upon Australia's criminal court judges to Sentence the most potent and painful Punishment and fear-provoking Deterrent to ensure the maximum possible protection for innocent, defenceless children that are vulnerable to Spouse Revenge Filicide






Painful Corporal Punishment, followed a week later by carrying out fear-engendering Capital Punishment that evidence law makers have reverted to Punishments Sentenced by Australia's Forefather Governors will -

(i)       demonstrably reduce the incidence of Spouse Revenge Filicide (by males) committed each year across Australia; and

(ii)      achieve a flow-on reduction in -

          *       the other four of the Five Categories of Filicide; and

          *       the annual incidence of Femicides.

The Commonwealth Government shoulders a 'duty of care' that the most terrifying Punishments (previously handed down until the early 20th Century) are again Sentenced by criminal court judges to protect defenceless children that are vulnerable to Spouse Revenge Filicide 

To safeguard as much as humanly possible all children that are vulnerable to Spouse Revenge Filicide, it behooves the Commonwealth Parliament to amend the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and Death Penalty Abolition) Act 2010 (Cth) to enable criminal court judges in Australia's six States and two Territories to revert to Sentencing to each father, step-father or former partner (over 18 years of age) found guilty Beyond any doubt of executing their child or step-child or children (of a former female wife or partner) adjudged in the category of Spouse Revenge Filicide both  frighteningly painful Corporal Punishment, and a week later fear-engendering Capital Punishment.

It is therefore beholden upon Australia's criminal court judges to Sentence the most frightening/painful Punishment and Deterrent to ensure maximum protection for innocent, defenseless children that are vulnerable to Spouse Revenge Filicide

Section 7 (below) evidences that each of these Punishments were frequently Sentenced in Australian States and Territories up until the early 20th Century, albeit more intensely Sentenced in the 19th Century. 

Section 2 of this Petition evidences that three meals a day and a warm bed at The University Of Crime, with its Rapidly Revolving Door, is not a cost-effective Punishment to Deter inter alios fathers, step-fathers and jilted former partners from executing their child, or children in sadistic revenge against their former wife or partner.

This Petition includes the below 12 Sections of supporting evidence:

 1.    The crime of Filicide.  Spouse Revenge Filicide can be reduced, and in many years eliminated

 2.     Prison incarceration causes way more problems than it solves and is a failed and costly "...prevention."

 3.     Each time that a convicted murderer is Sentenced to Life Without Parole our Punctured Public Purse is again sentenced to Death by a Thousand Cuts

 4.     Capital Punishment Patently Deters Homicides

 5.     Mothers commit Filicide as often as fathers do

 6.    The numbers of Filicides annually may be higher than reported

 7.     Execution was not foreign to Australian Courts. 1,648 convicted felons were executed in the 147 years from 1820 to the final hanging at Pentridge Prison in 1967

 8.     People that have spoken in favour of Capital Punishment

 9.     Punishment to be Sentenced to each male (18 years of age and over) that has been found guilty Beyond any doubt of having committed Spouse Revenge Filicide

10.   Since 2009 the Department of Social Services has assigned considerable weight on protecting our most vulnerable, initially conducting major three year forums National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.  Multiple politicians and domestic violence authorities from across Australia attended every three years

11.   Principal reason to re-introduce both Corporal Punishment and Capital Punishment to demonstrably reduce Spouse Revenge Filicide, with flow-on reductions in the other Four Categories of Filicide and also reduce annual Femicide deaths

12.   This Petitioner disfavours Federal and State Govt. referendums that thus far have been compulsory to vote.  Those referendums failed to provide Australians with all relevant information in order to make an informed decision, thus contributing to so few of the 44 prior referendums having been approved. 
Only the votes of people who are informed about a particular issue and want to cast a vote should be measured in future referendums

Time to vote in favour of the Commonwealth Govt re-allowing the maximum possible Deterrent be Sentenced (for convicted male murderers) to reduce annual Spouse Revenge Filicides thereby ensuring that vulnerable children are Best Protected

It is now time for Australians that want to contribute to reducing the incidence of vulnerable children being executed by a parent, step-parent or jilted former partner in this country to -

(a)     nail their colours to the mast by electronically voting for this Petition hereunder; and

(b)     ask their family, friends and associates to similarly hoist their flag to the pinnacle for properly protecting our vulnerable newborns.


Conscience obligates Folk that read this Petition and agree its arguments/reasons to register and vote, or access voting via their Facebook or Google username and password.

If after say a three year trial of re-sentencing the Dual Punishments to fathers, step-fathers and former partners found guilty Beyond any doubt of Spouse Revenge Filicide, a notable reduction in domestic violence does not materialise, then the Commonwealth Parliament would be entitled to again commit those guilty of Spouse Revenge Filicide to tiny steel cages, many residing there until they die, albeit at a material burden upon Australia's flagging Public Purse.