Thinking Outside the Cell    Defined Terms    Baker's Dozen Problems     Articles & Reports - Bibliography

Section B
A profile of each of 76 heinous murderers
Sentenced to 'Life Without Parole' who killed 200 innocent people that have cost, are costing and will cost, the Public Purse a smidgeon over half a billion Australian dollars by the time nearly all will die in jail.  Those 76, whose Maximum Security Incarceration will cost the Public Purse over half a billion dollars, murdered slightly less than 2¾% of the 7,699 reported murders over the 27 years to June 2016 -  too many were children   
Economic necessity, the need to instil a patent Deterrent, breaches of Human Rights, COVID-19 and now vocal Black Lives Matter advocates in Australia, impel our politicians to pass legislation to enable our criminal court judges to re-introduce the Sentence of Capital Punishment for evil,
heinous murderers that are presently Sentenced to 'Life Without Parole', where the highest level of proof, namely Beyond any doubt of guilt is established.

1st Murder – Victim: Anita Cobby – 5 convicted killers sentenced to die in jail

There have been several exhaustive articles written about the gang rape and murder of Anita Cobby in Blacktown NSW in 1986, not limited to:

·                 The most savage, fiendish murder ever known’ – Candace Sutton –

·                 ‘Innocent nurse gang raped and murdered on her way home from work’ – Kate Williams

Also a 215 page book, ‘Someone else’s daughter – the life and death of Anita Cobby’ written by Julia Sheppard – published by Macmillan.


The former beauty queen was walking home from Blacktown train station in February 1986 when five men dragged her into a stolen car.

They drove her to a secluded paddock where she was gang-raped and beaten before she was tortured with knives and left to die.

Angry crowds gathered outside Bankstown court when Anita Cobby’s killers were initially charged.  Some held banners demanding the death penalty, including parading an effigy of an adult hanging from a noose.

A young Leader of the NSW State opposition, Nick Greiner, presented 10,000 petitions to the Premier, Neville Wran, in 1987 demanding that the murderers of Anita Cobby be executed.

On 10 June 1987, in the Darlinghurst Supreme Court, a jury found Anita Cobby’s five killers (John Travers (gang-leader), Michael Murdoch, three brothers Michael, Gary and Les Murphy) guilty of sexual assault and murder in Feb 1986 in Blacktown. They were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Leslie Murphy was 22, his brothers Gary and Michael were 28 and 33, Michael Murdoch was 19 and John Travers (ringleader) was 18 at the time of Ms Cobby’s death.

The five men charged, who later all pleaded guilty or were convicted of the murder, had over fifty prior convictions for offences including armed robbery, assault, larceny, car theft, breaking and entering, drug use, escaping lawful custody, receiving stolen goods and rape.

In and out of children’s court, John Travers had previously been sent to a juvenile detention facility and expelled from school in year 10.

  1. John Travers, now 53, is Sentenced to life without parole.  He has already served 34 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Travers live another 22 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.800 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 56 years).
  2. Michael Murdoch, now 54, is Sentenced to life without parole.  He has already served 34 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Murdoch live another 21 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 55 years).
  3. Michael Murphy died of liver cancer on 22 Feb 2019 in Long Bay Jail aged 66.  He served 33 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Michael Murphy's jail incarceration have cost the NSW taxpayer $5.775 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 33 years).
  4. Gary Murphy, now 63, is Sentenced to life without parole.  He has already served 34 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Gary Murphy live another 12 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $8.050 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 46 years).
  5. Leslie Murphy, now 56, is Sentenced to life without parole.  He has already served 34 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Leslie Murphy live another 19 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.275 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 53 years).

The aggregate cost of jail incarceration upon the Public Purse of the above five inmates is $42.525 million dollars.

The laws surrounding murder in New South Wales are governed by the Crimes Act 1900.

Section 18 of the Crimes Act defines murder as causing another person’s death, inter alia, “with the intent to kill”.

Crimes Act 1900 No 40 19A ‘Punishment for murder’ includes:

(1)  A person who commits the crime of murder is liable to imprisonment for life.

(2)  A person sentenced to imprisonment for life for the crime of murder is to serve that sentence for the term of the person’s natural life.

Questions re 1st Murder – Victim: Anita Cobby

Q (i)

Should the Crimes Act 1900 No 40 19A ‘Punishment for murder’ have been altered in early 1987 to provide execution by hanging by the neck as the maximum penalty for murder for the gang-leader, John Travers, due to:

·         $42.525 million circa cost to imprison Anita Cobby’s five murderers in Maximum Security Incarceration until they die.

·         10,000 petitions handed to the then Premier, Neville Wran, by Nick Greiner seeking the death penalty.

·         Protests outside Bankstown court.

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Q (ii)

Might Corporal Punishment, instead of slaps on the wrist, for the below array of prior criminal behaviour by the five convicted criminals have deterred those five from kidnapping Anita Cobby?

armed robbery, assault, larceny, car theft, breaking and entering, drug use, escaping lawful custody, receiving stolen goods and rape.

John Travers had previously been sent to a juvenile detention facility

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Q (iii)

Would the five convicted criminals have been less likely to have kidnapped and raped Anita Cobby, if two or three of the most monstrous/unprovoked convicted murderers had been executed by hanging each year in the early 1980s, after the following infliction of Corporal Punishment a week before being hanged by the neck?:
(three strokes of the cat ‘o nine tails and three strokes of the Australian Rattan)

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6th Murderer:  James Gargasoulas – Killed six pedestrians in a ‘vehicle ramming attack’ in Bourke Street, Melbourne in Jan 2017

On 20 January 2017 James Gargasoulas, 27, drove a stolen car through the busy pedestrian mall in Bourke Street, Melbourne killing six people and injuring dozens more.

Six days before the massacre Gargasoulas was released from custody during an out-of-sessions bail hearing.

On Friday 22 Feb 2019, Gargasoulas, 29, was sentenced in Victoria’s Supreme Court to at least 46 years in jail for his deadly driving rampage in busy Bourke Street mall two years earlier.

James Gargasoulas

·         Bourke Street killer James Gargasoulas jailed for life over massacre – The Guardian – 22 Feb 2019

·         Victorian police given shoot-to-kill powers to stop hostile vehicle attacks  -  9News – 28 Oct 2019

·         Melbourne CBD terror attack a 'wake-up call', Australian police say - . The Guardian – 10 Nov 2018

If James Gargasoulas remain alive throughout his 46 years’ minimum sentence and then be released the cost to the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, will be $8.05 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 46 years).

Separately, on 9 Nov 2018 Hassan Khalif Shire Ali, 30, drove a 4x4 truck loaded with gas bottles into Bourke St Mall, ignited the vehicle in a ball of flames and then attacked
passers-by with a knife, stabbing to death Sisto Malaspina.  Hassan Khalif Shire Ali was shot by police at the scene of the attack and died in hospital shortly after.

Questions re 6th Murderer - James Gargasoulas

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another vehicle ramming attack in its state? 

Should other states and the two territories similarly amend their criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another vehicle ramming attack?

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7th Murderer:  Saeed Noori - Killed one pedestrian in a ‘vehicle ramming attack’ in Flinders Street Melbourne in Dec 2017

On 21 Dec 2017 at 4:41 pm, ISIS sympathizer, Saeed Noori, 30, driving his mother's SUV, rammed 16 pedestrians at a busy Melbourne intersection (Cnr. Flinders Street and Elizabeth Street) four days before Christmas.  He killed one man and injured 16 others.

On 28 March 2019, Noori was sentenced to 30 years' in jail before he would be eligible for parole.

Saeed Noori

·         Flinders Street attack Saeed Noori sentenced to life imprisonment with non-parole period of 30 years – 9News – 28 Mar 2019

·         Victorian police given shoot-to-kill powers to stop hostile vehicle attacks  -  9News – 28 Oct 2019

If Saeed Noori remains alive throughout his 30 years’ minimum sentence and is then released, the cost to the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, will be $5.25 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 30 years).

Questions re 7th Murderer - Saeed Noori

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another vehicle ramming attack in its state? 

Should other states and the two territories similarly amend their criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another vehicle ramming attack?

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8th Murderer:  Man Haron Monis - Killed one person in the Lindt Café siege

On Monday 15 Dec 2014, Man Haron Monis aged 50, in the Lindt Chocolate Café in Martin Place Sydney, presented a gun and began a 16-hour hostage siege that resulted in the deaths of one customer, Katrina Dawson, and cafe employee, Tori Johnson.

Katrina Dawson and cafe employee, Tori Johnson.

 Man Haron Monis was shot dead by police when they raided the café the following morning.

Man Haron Monis

Prior criminal activity

On 14 Mar 2014, Monis was arrested and charged with sexually and indecently assaulting a young woman who went to his consultancy in Wentworthville, NSW, for "spiritual healing", after seeing an advertisement in a local newspaper. Seven months later, on 13 October 2014, a further 40 charges were added, including 22 counts of aggravated sexual assault and 14 counts of aggravated indecent assault, allegedly committed against six more women who had visited his business.
In 2014, Monis was also charged with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife

If Man Haron Monis had not been shot dead, but apprehended, he would have been sentenced to at least 30 years’ jailShould he have lived another 25 years, the cost to the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, would have been $4.375 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 25 years).

Questions re 8th Murderer:  Man Haron Monis

Why are Australians invariably pleased when a gunman such as Man Haron Monis is executed by police fire in an armed siege?  Yet if the armed gunman that has killed one or more innocent people is apprehended and faces the courts, the maximum penalty does not allow executing the murderer?

Should the NSW state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another armed siege in NSW?

Should other states and the two territories similarly amend their criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another armed siege?

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9th Murderer:  Adrian Ernest Bayley - Victim: Jill Meagher

In June 1990, Adrian Bayley raped a 16-year-old girlfriend of his sister when his wife was five months pregnant with his first child.  Two months later he attempted to rape a 17-year-old girl and threatened to kill her as she walked home from a bus stop. He poked her in the eyes several times and ripped off her clothes.  In December, he abducted a 16-year-old hitchhiker and took her to a remote area before trying to rape her.

Jill Meagher

He was arrested in 1991 and pleaded guilty in June to those offences and was jailed for a minimum of three years.

In 1995, Bayley separated from his wife and began a new relationship in the same year and had another two children.

In 2000 he changed his name by deed poll from Edwards to Bayley.

In 2002, he was jailed for 11 years with a non-parole period of eight years for attacking and raping five prostitutes in St Kilda between September 2000 and March 2001.

Bayley was released on parole on March 17, 2010.

He appeared in Geelong Magistrates Court in February 2002 and pleaded guilty to king-hitting a 20-year-old man, breaking his jaw and leaving him unconscious.

Bayley was convicted and sentenced to three months in prison, but then appealed against the sentence. Because he was appealing, he was released from custody until the appeal could be heard.

Bayley, 41, was working as a labourer digging holes for piping when he raped and killed Jill Meagher, 29, in a Brunswick laneway off Sydney Road, Melbourne on September 22, 2012.

Ms Meagher, who was originally from Drogheda, County Louth, moved to Australia from Ireland in 2009 with her husband, Thomas.

Ms Meagher worked for ABC radio but went missing during a night out with colleagues.  Her body was discovered six days later buried on the outskirts of the city.

The BBC's correspondent in Sydney, Phil Mercer, said there had been a huge turnout for Ms. Meagher's memorial rally and he had never seen "public revulsion on that scale".

"A few weeks after Jill Meagher was murdered a crowd of about 30,000 people marched through the inner city district of Brunswick, in Melbourne, to remember Jill Meagher and also to highlight the broader concerns about
violence against women," he said.

"Certainly, this case did touch a very raw nerve in the city of Melbourne."

On 18 June 2013, Bayley, who had pleaded guilty, was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum jail term of 35 years.

Bayley then faced three separate rape trials in the County Court beginning in July 2014.

On July 13, 2014 he was found guilty after another  first trial of three counts of rape, two counts of assault, one count of false imprisonment and one count of making threats to kill between October 31 and December 1, 2000, at Elwood. He had attacked and raped a then 18-year-old sex worker.

He was found guilty on March 12, 2015 after his second trial of one count of rape and one count of false imprisonment after attacking a then 25-year-old sex worker. He had driven the victim from St Kilda to a narrow laneway at Elwood before raping her.

Bayley was guilty on March 26 after this third trial of one count of rape, two counts of indecent assault, one count of false imprisonment and one count of assault after being accused of attacking a Dutch backpacker on July 15, 2012.

Adrian Bayley      

Bayley was born in 1971.  Bayley, now 49, has been in jail for seven years. If he lives until he is 75, the cost to the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, would be $5.775 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 33 years).

Questions re 9th Murderer: Adrian Ernest Bayley

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another rape and murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and two territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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10th Murderer:  Codey Herrmann – Victim: Aiia Maasarwe

On 16 Jan 2016, 21-year-old Arab-Israeli student, Aiia Maasarwe, who was on a year-long exchange from her university in Shanghai, was on her way back from a social night out with friends in the CBD.

Aiia Maasarwe

Codey Herrmann, 21, attacked Ms Maasarwe as she was walking home from a tram in Bundoora just after midnight.

Codey Herrmann

In June 2016 Codey Herrmann pleaded guilty to Aiia Maasarwe's rape and murder.

Victorian Supreme Court Justice, Elizabeth Hollingworth, sentenced Codey Herrmann to 36 years in prison for the rape and murder of Ms. Maasarwe, setting a non-parole period of 30 years.

If Herrmann is released after 33 years in jail, the cost to the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, would be $5.775 million dollars ($175,000 p.a. X 33 years).

Questions re 10th Murderer:  Codey Herrmann

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another rape and murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and two territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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11th Murderer: Jaymes Todd – Victim: Eurydice Dixon

On the morning of 13 June 2018, aspiring Melbourne comedian Eurydice Dixon, 22, was found dead on a soccer field at Melbourne's Princes Park.  

Eurydice Dixon

She had been walking home from a performance at Highlander Bar the night before when she was attacked and murdered by 19 year-old Broadmeadows Victoria man, Jaymes Todd, who handed himself into police after CCTV footage of him was released.

Jaymes Todd

Todd pleaded guilty to her rape and murder on 8 Nov 2018.

On 2 Sept 2019, Todd was sentenced to life in prison. Todd has to serve a minimum of 35 years in prison before being eligible to apply for parole.

If Todd is released after 35 years of his Sentence, coupled with the year he spent in jail pre-Sentence, the cost to the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, would be $6.3 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 36 years).

Questions re 11th Murderer

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another rape and murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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12th Murderer:  Dante Arthurs – Victim: Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu   

At 4pm on the 26th June 2006, 8 years old, Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu, walked away from her family to go to the nearby female bathroom in Livingston Marketplace, suburban shopping centre in Canningvale, Perth.

Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu

As Sofia was leaving the female bathroom, her murderer, Dante Arthurs, aged 22, grabbed her from behind and dragged her into the disabled cubicle. Minutes later, her 14-year-old brother, wondering why Sofia had not returned, went to look for her.  As the minutes passed Sofia's family became more frantic.

Dante Arthurs

When her brother went back to the bathroom area for the second time, the previously locked disabled toilet was now unlocked. Inside, he found Sofia’s naked little body.  It was a grisly scene. In dragging Sofia into the bathroom, her murderer, Dante Arthurs, had broken both her legs and dislocated her left arm. Her clothing had been removed, and her throat was so compressed from him strangling her cries, that her larynx was crushed. Horrifically she also had a severe perineal tear. The assault was said to have only lasted for 3 - 5 minutes, but Sofia passed away from the direct result of strangulation. She was left dead on the floor as Arthurs made his escape.

On 7 November 2007 Arthurs was sentenced to life in prison with a non-parole period of 13 years. He was also sentenced to two years for depriving Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu of her liberty.  Describing Arthurs' crimes as "so evil they shock the public conscience". Justice John McKechnie also advised Arthurs of the possibility that he may never be released as the release of offenders sentenced to life imprisonment must be signed off by the Western Australian Attorney-General.

Many areas of the Western Australian and Australian community debated the re-introduction of the death penalty due to the emotion evoked by Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu's murder.

Dante Arthurs’ 13-year non-parole sentence ends on June 26 2020. That jail term sparked community outrage and was the catalyst for the introduction of tougher homicide laws.  Paul Litherland, a former police officer whose son was in the year below Sofia at Yangebup’s Mater Christi Catholic Primary School, started a petition in July 2018.  Within 48 hours, the petition had attracted more than 25,000 signatures.

·         Child killer Dante Arthurs stalked up to 12 girls - Perth NOW - Nov 9, 2007

·         Unlocking the Evil in Dante Arthurs -

Arthurs is now 36.  He has been in jail for almost 13 years. If he is not released until serving 25 years due to his history of child molestation, he will have cost the Public Purse based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, $4.375 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 25 years).

Questions re 12th Murderer: Dante Arthurs

Should the WA state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another attempted rape and ultimate murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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13th Murderer: James Beauregard-Smith – Victims: Sandra Holland and her two young sons

James Beauregard-Smith is a convicted Australian rapist and triple murderer, currently serving a life prison sentence in SA.

In 1977, Beauregard-Smith was convicted of strangling Sandra Holland and drowning her sons Craig, 9, and Scott, 11, and later diagnosed by forensic psychologists as a psychopath.

The bodies of Sandra Holland and her eldest son, Scott, were found by police under trees and branches in Woodside. Craig Holland was found buried under the floorboards of the family home.

Sandra Holland and her drowned sons Craig, 9, and Scott, 11

On 10 November 1992, Beauregard-Smith was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment for escaping custody.

On 8 April 1994, one week after his release from prison on parole, he raped a girl at Cudlee Creek in South Australia.

On 15 November 1994 Beauregard-Smith was convicted of the rape and was sentenced to twelve years imprisonment, later reduced to eight years on appeal. Due to Beauregard-Smith being on parole when the rape was committed his parole in the relation to the sentence for murder was revoked and he became liable to serve the balance of that sentence. A non-parole period of 15 years was set to begin 25 November 1994, the date when the applicant was sentenced in relation to the conviction for rape.

In 2009, the then Adelaide Premier, Mike Rann, told the Adelaide Advertiser that there was "zero chance" he would allow Beauregard-Smith out of prison. 

·         Rann vows no parole for triple murderer – ABC News – 6 Aug 2009

Beauregard-Smith, now 77, has now been in maximum security jails in SA for over 40 years.  If he lives a further 3 years to 80, based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, the cost to the SA Govt Public Purse will have been $7.525 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 43 years).

Questions re 13th Murderer:  James Beauregard-Smith

Should the SA state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced in the event of another attempted rape and ultimate murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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14th Murderer:  Bevan Spencer von Einem – Victim: Adelaide teenager, Richard Kelvin

Bevan Spencer von Einem (born 29 May 1946) is a convicted child murderer and suspected serial killer from Adelaide.  An accountant by profession, he was convicted in 1984 for the murder of 15-year-old Adelaide teenager, Richard Kelvin, the son of local television and radio personality Rob Kelvin.

von Einem is currently serving life imprisonment. He was in G Block of Yatala Prison for decades, but was transferred to the highest security wing at Port Augusta Prison in the north of SA in 2007.

von Einem, now 73, is unlikely ever to be released from jail.  He has already served 36 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should he live another four years, his jail incarceration will have cost the SA taxpayer $7 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 40 years).

Bevan Spencer von Einem

Richard Kelvin was held captive, drugged, tortured, and repeatedly raped for five weeks until he died

Questions re 14th Murderer: Bevan Spencer von Einem

Should the SA state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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15th and 16th Murderers:  Kevin Crump and Allan Baker – Victims: Ian James Lamb and Virginia Morse

Kevin Crump and Allan Baker were jailed in 1973 for the murders of Ian James Lamb and Virginia Morse. 


Kevin Crump                                        Allan Baker

Ian Lamb was shot four times in the head in northern NSW.  Virginia Morse was abducted, tied up and repeatedly raped before being beaten. Then she was shot in the head and dumped in a river just across the Qld border.  The details of her injuries were so severe they are still covered by a suppression order.  

Virginia Morse

Their murders, particularly the “atrocities” committed to Mrs. Morse, haunted experienced investigators for decades. Crump tried to challenge his “never to be released” status, but in 2012 the High Court ruled he was to remain jailed until he was dead or incapacitated. 

At their trials, each was told by the sentencing judge: “I believe that you should spend the rest of your lives in jail and there you should die.” 

Crump, now 70, and Baker, now 72, have each been in NSW prisons for 47 years.

Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should each live another five years, their jail incarceration will have cost the SA taxpayer $18.2 million circa ($175,000 p.a. x  52 years x 2 inmates).

Questions re 15th and 16th Murderers: Kevin Crump and Allan Baker

Should the NSW state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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17th and 18th Murderers: Leslie Camilleri and Lindsay Beckett - Victims: Two Bega school girls, Lauren Barry and Nichole Collins

It was a crime that shocked not just the Bega Valley, but the entire nation.  Twenty three years ago, Bega High School students and best friends Lauren Barry and Nichole Collins had their young lives tragically cut short after being held captive for 12 horrendous hours.  Fourteen-year-old Lauren and 16-year-old Nichole were killed on 6 Oct 1997, in what has been described as one of Australia’s most vicious crimes.

Lauren Barry and Nichole Collins

The two Bega High School students were abducted by Leslie Camilleri and Lindsay Beckett while walking from their campsite at White Rock near Tathra to a nearby party, their bodies found five weeks later at Fiddler’s Green Creek after Beckett confessed to investigators.

Leslie Camilleri subjected his victims to torture, sexual assault and murder.  His victims were Bega schoolgirls Lauren Barry and Nichole Collins and Melbourne schoolgirl Prue Bird, whose remains have never been found.

Prue Bird

Prue Bird was Camilleri's first victim in 1992.  It’s believed she was held captive in a shed and raped but the exact circumstances of her death — and who else was involved — may never be known.

Five years later, in October 1997, Camilleri, then 28, and his friend, Lindsay Beckett, abducted Lauren and Nichole and raped them. They were eventually tied up and Beckett killed them - on Camilleri’s order.


A fattened, Leslie Camilleri

Beckett was sentenced to life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 35 years on 20 Aug 1998 and could be paroled in 2033.  On 27 April 1999 Camilleri was sentenced to two life sentences with no chance of parole.

Beckett, now 46, could be paroled in 2033.  However, in view of the three gruesome murders, he will likely die in jail.  He has been behind bars for 22½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Beckett live another 29 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 51½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.012 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 51½ years).

Camilleri, now 51, is not eligible for parole.  He has been behind bars for 22½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Camilleri live another 24 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 46½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $8.138 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 46½ years)

Questions re 17th and 18th Murderers: Leslie Camilleri and Lindsay Beckett

Should the NSW state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

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19th Murderer: Peter Dupas - Victims: Margaret Maher, Nicole Patterson and Mersina Halvagis – suspected of three other murders: Helen McMahon, Renita Brunton and Kathleen Downes

Peter Norris Dupas (born 6 July 1953) is an Australian serial killer, currently serving three life sentences without parole for the murder of three women, Margaret Maher, Nicole Patterson and Mersina Halvagis and being a serious habitual offender. He has a very significant criminal history involving serious sexual and violent offences, with his violent criminal history spanning more than three decades, and with every release from prison has been known to commit further crimes against women with increasing levels of violence. His criminal signature was to remove the breasts of his female victims.

Peter Dupas

Peter Dupas is serving concurrent life sentences without parole for the rape and murder of Mersina Halvagis (25), Nicole Patterson (28) and Margaret Maher (40), and is suspected of other rapes and killings.

Mersina Halvagis


    Nicole Patterson                                                                                          Margaret Maher

Dupas attacked then killed Ms Halvagis as she prayed at her grandmother’s grave at Fawkner Cemetery in Victoria on November 1, 1997.

He is also serving two life sentences with no parole for the murders of Ms Maher in 1997 and Ms Patterson in 1999.

“You seem to be motivated by a deeply entrenched, perverted and sadistic hatred of women, and a complete contempt for them and their right to live,” Justice Hollingworth said when sentencing the 57-year-old to his third life term without parole.

Killer's grisly trademark his downfall - SMH - Aug 2004

"Convicted killer Peter Dupas was today found guilty of a second murder, betrayed by his grisly habit of cutting off his victims' breasts."

A tragic life ends at the hands of a monster - The Age - Aug 2004

            "Some time after death, 40-year-old Margaret Maher's breast was severed and placed in her mouth, a final insult to a woman who was dumped with rubbish in a back road at Somerton."

Since 1974, Dupas has been in and out of jail several times and has accrued 42 years in prison.  He is now 66 years old.  Should he live until his mid-70s, he will have been in maximum security incarceration for 51 years

Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, jail incarceration of Peter Dupas will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $8.925 million circa ($175,000 p.a. x 51 years).

Questions re 19th Murderer: Peter Dupas

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 19th Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


20th Murderer: Paul Haigh - Victims: Evelyn Adams, Bruno Cingolani, Wayne Keith Smith, Sheryle Gardner, Danny Mitchell, Lisa Brearley and Donald George Hatherley a fellow inmate

Paul Haigh, born Sept 1957, murdered six innocent people in 1979 in a series of shootings and stabbings, including a 10-year-old boy.

Paul Steven Haigh killed 7 people, incl a 9 year old boy

During separate robberies in 1978, he shot dead Windsor Tattslotto agency worker, Evelyn Abrahams, 58, and Caulfield pizza shop owner and family man Bruno Cingolani, 45.

In June 1979, Haigh shot dead in his Melbourne flat his associate, Wayne Smith, 27, so he “wouldn’t look weak” in front of accomplices, the Herald Sun reported.

The next month in Ripponlea, he shot dead Sheryle Gardner, 31, in a car to “shut her loosened, troublemaking mouth”.  Her young son, Danny, was killed because he was a witness who had to be removed.


Sheryle Gardner, 31 and her son, Danny Mitchell, 9

Haigh murdered his girlfriend, Lisa Brearley, 19, after allowing another man to rape her.  A court heard he stabbed her 157 times, later writing that “I only intended to do 20, but I lost count”. Of his slain partner he said: “Lisa became a loose end.”

                 Lisa Maude Brearley, 19                                                    Wayne Smith                   

In late 1979, Haigh was jailed for six life sentences without the possibility of parole for the brutal murders that the prosecution described as "pre-meditated, cold-blooded, and vile."

In 1991, while incarcerated, Haigh struck again when he lynched a sex offender in Pentridge Prison. It was years later that he found his spiritual awakening in the form of Paganism.  Haigh's last victim was sex offender, Donald George Hatherley, whom Haigh murdered in a jail cell at Pentridge Prison in 1991. Haigh claimed he "assisted" Hatherley to commit suicide by placing a noose around his neck, kicking a cupboard out from under him then pushing down on Hatherley's shoulders. A jury found Haigh guilty of Hatherley's murder.

Paul Haigh is 63.  He has been in jail for 41 years.  Should he live until his mid-70s, he will have been in jail for 53 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Paul Haigh will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $9.275 million circa ($175,000 p.a. x 53 years).

Questions re 20th Murderer: Paul Haigh

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 20th Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


 21st Murderer: Gregory John 'Bluey' Brazel - Victims: Sharon Taylor, Roslyn Hayward and Mildred Teresa Hanmer

Gregory John 'Bluey' Brazel

Gregory John 'Bluey' Brazel (born 17 November 1954) is a convicted Australian serial killer, arsonist, and armed robber currently serving three consecutive life sentences for the murders of sex workers Sharon Taylor and Roslyn Hayward in 1990, and the murder of Mordialloc hardware store owner Mildred Hanmer during an armed robbery in 1982 to which he confessed some eighteen years later.

Roslyn Hayward

Mildred Hanmer

Brazel is often described as one of the most manipulative and violent prisoners in Victoria's prison system, and was estimated to be worth more than A$500,000 in 2000. He is eligible for parole in 2020 and it is believed a parole submission request is already before the court for his release. This must be approved by a magistrate and if unsuccessful Brazel will need to wait approx. 3 years before reapplying.

Gregory Brazel is 65.  He has been in jail for 31 years.  Should he live until his mid-70s, he will have been in jail for 41 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Gregory Brazel will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $7.175 million circa ($175,000 p.a. x 41 years).

Questions re 21st Murderer: Gregory John Brazel

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 21st  Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


22nd Murderer: Ashley Mervyn Coulston - Victims: Kerryn Henstridge, Anne Smerdon and Peter Dempsey

Ashley Coulston, born 1956, is an Australian convicted triple murderer serving three consecutive sentences of life imprisonment plus seven years, without any probability of parole for the 1992 murders in Burwood in Melbourne and the attempted abduction and robbery of a couple on St Kilda Road in Melbourne several months later.

Ashley Coulston shot to death three young flatmates

On 29 July 1992, two students advertised in the Herald Sun newspaper for a tenant to share their home in Burwood after a housemate decided to leave the premises and return home to live with their parents.  Kerryn Henstridge, 22, Anne Smerdon, 22, and Peter Dempsey, 27, the brother-in-law of one of the women, were forced into separate rooms and hogtied using cable ties before Coulston shot them execution style in the back of the head with a sawn-off .22 rifle fitted with a home-made silencer made from an oil filter.

Kerryn Henstridge

Anne Smerdon

Peter Dempsey

On 1 Sept 1992, Coulston armed himself with the same weapon used to commit the earlier murders and some cable ties, then drove to St Kilda Road and parked his car near the National Gallery of Victoria.  He then approached a couple and attempted to abduct them. The couple offered Coulston their money, which he took. He then proceeded to restrain the couple using the cable ties. Whilst attempting to restrain the female he was overpowered by the male who had grabbed the rifle and threw it aside allowing the couple to escape and raise the alarm with two nearby security guards.  The security guards gave chase, however, Coulston fired at the guards, hitting one in the hip.  Coulston was eventually arrested by police at the scene and taken into custody. The rifle used in the abduction attempt would later link Coulston to the triple murders in Burwood several months earlier and in addition the cable ties were the same.

Coulston is now 64.  He has been in jail for 28 years.  Should he live until his mid-70s, he will have been in jail for 39 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Coulston will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $6.825 million circa ($175,000 p.a. x 39 years).

Questions re 22nd Murderer: Ashley Mervyn Coulston

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 22nd Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


23rd Murderer:  Andrew Peter Garforth – Victim: school girl, Ebony Simpson

On 19 August 1992, 9 year old Ebony Simpson disembarked from her school bus. Her mother, who usually met her at the bus stop, was busy that day and had arranged for Simpson's older brother to meet her and accompany her home, after his bus reached the bus stop. But his bus arrived later than usual and Ebony Simpson was not there. Ebony Simpson, not seeing her brother at the bus stop decided to start the walk home, which was only a short distance away, and see him at home.

Ebony Simpson

Police immediately suspected that Ebony Simpson had been kidnapped rather than running away. Suspicion fell on a man who was seen working on his car near where Simpson had gotten off the bus. Over a hundred people began searching the area for Ebony Simpson, including police, firemen, State Emergency Service members, and volunteers.

On 21 August 1992, police found Simpson's body in a dam at a wildlife sanctuary near her home. Her hands and feet were still bound. Later that day, Andrew Peter Garforth was arrested and confessed to the murder. With her house in sight, Garforth had grabbed Simpson, thrown her in the boot of his car and drove off to a remote dam. Once there, he bound her with wire, raped her, weighted her schoolbag and threw her into the dam's reservoir, where she drowned.

Garforth pleaded guilty to the abduction, sexual assault and murder of Ebony Simpson, 9, at Bargo in August 1992. The court found it was in the worst category of murder and he was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole aged 29 in July 1993. He unsuccessfully appealed his sentence to the High Court in 1994. His prisoner status was downgraded from A2 to B in July, a decision immediately reversed by Corrective Services Minister, David Elliott.

Andrew Peter Garforth

Garforth, now 56, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already served 27 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should he live another 20 years to 76, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $8.225 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 47 years).

Questions re 23rd Murderer: Andrew Peter Garforth

Should the NSW state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 23rd Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


24th Murderer:  Martin Bryant – Victims: 35 shot dead

Martin Bryant, born 7 May 1967, needs no introduction after becoming one of the most infamous Australians ever when he shot dead 35 people at Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996.

The mass shooting remains one of the world’s most deadly massacres and led to a major overhaul of Australia's gun laws. He was found guilty at trial of 35 counts of murder and was jailed without possibility of parole.

Gunman, Martin Bryant, will never be released from jail

In 1997, Bryant was sentenced to prison for the term of his natural life, serving 35 life sentences with no possibility of parole for killing 35 people, including children, and injuring 23 others in the Port Arthur massacre in 1996.

Bryant has spent time in solitary confinement and been housed in various secure wings of prison with select other prisoners for almost 19 years.

Bryant, now 53, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already served 23 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should he live another 20 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $7.525 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 43 years).

Questions re 24th Murderer: Martin Bryant

Should the Tasmanian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 24th Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


25th Murderer:  Julian Knight – Victims:  Seven residents of Hoddle St shot dead, 19 other injured

Julian Knight (born 4 March 1968) is an Australian mass murderer. On 9 August 1987, he shot dead seven people and injured 19 during a shooting spree in Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia, in what became known in Australian history as the Hoddle Street massacre.

Julian Knight

In 1988, Knight was sentenced seven concurrent sentences of life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 27 years. The judge who sentenced him, Justice George Hampel, stated that there were 'a number of significant mitigatory factors' and 'the fixing of a minimum term in this case is appropriate because of your age and your prospects of rehabilitation. The Crown prosecutor, Joe Dickson QC, 'did not contend that a minimum term should be fixed.

Seven Hoddle St victims

Knight currently resides in the maximum security Port Phillip Prison in Truganina, Victoria near Melbourne and was eligible for parole in 2014, until the Victorian government passed and subsequently approved of legislation which ensures that he is kept in jail until he dies, is in immediate danger of dying or is so incapacitated that he no longer poses a danger to others. Knight has appealed against such legislation numerous times, but lost his final appeal to the High Court in August 2017.

Knight, now 52, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already served 32 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should he live another 23 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 55 years).

Questions re 25th Murderer: Julian Knight

Should the Victorian state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 25th Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


26th Murderer:  Andy Albury – Victims: Gloria Pindan and Patricia Carlton

Andy Albury (born 20 Nov 1961)  was convicted of the gruesome murder of Gloria Pindan in the Northern Territory in November 1983.

Andy Albury viciously murdered Gloria Pindan and then Patricia Carlton

He used a broken bottle to disfigure Ms Pindan — and told police in brutal detail of how he killed her.

        “I started to kick her, and hit her, then I got one stubbie beer bottle top and started to cut her. After I finished cutting her, I pulled out her eye and left her there,” he said.

When asked how he ripped her eye out, Albury responded: “Put my finger in the socket twisted down with the end of my finger and just give it a jerk.”

Albury also said the killing was a pleasure.

        “I think I’ll do it again. I get enjoyment out of it, don’t know why,” the NT News reported.

Albury told a psychiatrist his fantasy of arriving in a random town and killing residents.

But the psychiatrist didn’t believe he was seeking notoriety, like many serial killers.

        “He simply gets pleasure out of the thought of having that degree of control over people,” the psychiatrist said.

Albury, convicted of murdering Gloria Pindan on 25 November 1983, is currently serving two consecutive sentences of life imprisonment without parole.

Albury also confessed to the killing of Patricia Carlton.

Albury, now 59 is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already served 37 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should he live another 16 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.275 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 53 years).

Questions re 26th Murderer: Andy Albury

Should the Northern Territory government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territory similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 26th Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


27th Murderer, John Justin Bunting - 28th Murderer, Robert Joe Wagner - 29th Murderer, James Spyridon Vlassakis  – Victims: The eleven ‘bodies in the barrels’ Snowtown murders, South Australia

Robert Wagner, born 28 Nov 1971, and his accomplice John Bunting, born 4 Sept 1966, are among a small group of the worst Australian murderers with no chance of parole.

Bunting was the ringleader of a "degenerate sub-culture" of murderers whose victims were people they already knew. Under the instruction of Bunting, the group would prey upon the weak so they could steal their welfare payments. His crimes led to the longest and most expensive investigations and criminal trials in South Australia's history.

Bunting met Wagner when he moved to Waterloo Corner Road. Wagner was living with Barry Lane at the time; both men assisted Bunting in disposing of the body of his first victim, Clinton Trezise. Wagner later assisted Bunting in the remaining ten murders.

Bunting and Wagner were charged with 12 murders between 1992 and 1999 — with Wagner eventually convicted of 10 and Bunting 11 murders following South Australia’s longest criminal trial.

Vlassakis, born 24 Dec 1979, was tried separately from the other accused and was the first to be sentenced for his role in the murders. Vlassakis pleaded guilty to the four murders he was charged with.

The vile serial killing spree culminated in Wagner and Bunting cooking and eating the flesh of their final victim, David Johnson, who was murdered inside the Snowtown bank vault where police discovered the remains of eight victims inside six barrels in May 1999.

The victims

§  Clinton Trezise, 22 (d. Aug 1992) was found buried in a shallow grave in 1994 at Lower Light. Killed in Bunting's living room at his home in Salisbury North, by being bashed with a shovel after being invited in for a social visit.

§  Ray Davies, 26 (d. Dec 1995), a mentally handicapped man who lived in a caravan in the back yard behind Suzanne Allen's house who became a target after her accusation that he was a paedophile. Harvey assisted in his torture. Davies was never reported missing.

§  Suzanne Allen, 47. Allen was a friend of Bunting's. She died some time after Davies, and her remains were found buried above his in the garden of the house at Salisbury North. Her remains were wrapped in eleven different plastic bags. Her death was concealed by the accused and they continued to collect her pension, but they later claimed she had actually died of a heart attack. Based on the evidence presented at trial, the jury was unable to decide without doubt that she had been murdered.

§  Michael Gardiner, 19 (d. Aug 1997) an openly gay man murdered after a suspicion arose that he was also a paedophile.

§  Barry Lane, 42 (d. Oct 1997), a gay man and cross dresser who had been in a relationship with Wagner at the time Bunting first met them in 1991 when he moved to their neighbourhood. Trevilyan was a later boyfriend of Lane's. Lane had been tortured by having his toes crushed with pliers.

§  Thomas Trevilyan, 18 (d. 1997) was found hanging from a tree near Kersbrook in the Adelaide Hills, and was initially presumed to have committed suicide. He had helped in the murder of Barry Lane, but was later killed after discussing the crime with others. He was known to his family to have suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and was easily persuaded.

§  Gavin Porter, 29 (d. Apr 1998), a heroin addict and friend of Vlassakis. After Bunting, Elizabeth Harvey, Vlassakis, and Youde moved to Murray Bridge, South Australia, Porter also moved in. Bunting decided he should be the next victim after he was pricked by a discarded syringe Porter left on the couch in the living room. Porter was strangled in his car parked on the property.

§  Troy Youde, 21 (d. Sep 1998), Vlassakis' half-brother and son of Elizabeth Harvey who was living with them at Bunting's Murray Bridge house at the time of his death. He was killed in the house after being dragged from his bed while asleep. This was the first murder Vlassakis participated in.

§  Fred Brooks, 18 (d. Sep 1998). The intellectually disabled son of Jodie Elliott, a woman in love with Bunting, was chosen by Bunting as an easy victim and lured to his house where he was attacked and brutally tortured.

§  Gary O'Dwyer, 29 (d. Nov 1998), man disabled in an earlier car accident and on a pension, O'Dwyer was a stranger, picked as an easy target. Was killed in his home in Frances Street, Murray Bridge, by Bunting, Wagner and Vlassakis.

§  Elizabeth Haydon, 37 (d. Nov 1998), Mark Haydon's wife, killed by Bunting and Wagner in her home while her husband was out.

§  David Johnson, 24 (d. May 1999) Vlassakis' half-brother. Murdered by Bunting in the bank building having been lured there by Vlassakis. He was the only victim to have died in Snowtown.

Bunting, now 54, will never be released from jail.  He has already served 17 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Bunting live another 21 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the S.A. taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 38 years).

Wagner, now 49, will never be released from jail.  He has already served 17 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Wagner live another 26 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the S.A. taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 43 years).

Vlassakis, now 41, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already served 19 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Vlassakis live another 34 years to 75, his jail incarceration will have cost the S.A. taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 53 years).

Questions re 27th Murderer, 28th Murderer and 29th Murderer

Should the S.A. state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 27th Murderer, 28th Murderer and 29th Murderer on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


30th Murderer, David John Birnie and 31st Murderer, Catherine Margaret Birnie  – Victims: Mary Neilson (22), Susannah Candy (15), Noelene Patterson (31), Denise Brown (21)

David John Birnie (16 Feb 1951 – 7 Oct 2005) and Catherine Margaret Birnie (born in 1951) were an Australian couple who were serial killers. They murdered four women ranging in age from 15 to 31 in their home in the 1980s, and attempted to murder a fifth. These crimes were referred to in the press as the Moorhouse murders, after the Birnies' address at 3 Moorhouse Street in Willagee, a working class suburb of Perth, Australia.

Catherine and her husband David Birnie abducted, raped and murdered four Perth women aged between 15 to 21 in the 1980s.  They murdered Mary Neilson, 22, Susannah Candy, 15, Noelene Patterson, 31 and Denise Brown who was 21.


     David John Birnie                                         Catherine Margaret Birnie

David Birnie was the eldest of five children. In his formative years, he lived in the semi-rural suburb of Wattle Grove, east of Perth. School friends and parishioners from the Wattle Grove Baptist Church of the period remember the family as particularly dysfunctional; rumours abounded about the family's promiscuity, alcoholism and that they engaged in incest.

In the early 1960s, his parents decided to move the family to another Perth suburb, where he had met Catherine through mutual friends. At 15, David left school to become an apprentice jockey for Eric Parnham at a nearby Ascot race course. During his time there he often physically harmed the horses and developed the tendencies of an exhibitionist. On one particular night, David broke into an elderly lady's house naked with stockings over his head and committed his first rape.

By the time he was an adolescent, he had been convicted of several crimes and had spent time in and out of jail for misdemeanors and felonies. As an adult, he was a known sex and pornography addict, and paraphiliac. He was married to his first wife during his early 20's and had a baby daughter.

In late 1986, David Birnie was employed at a local car wreckers. For more than a year David and Catherine had practiced how to make their sexual fantasies of rape and murder come true; he was weeks away from committing his first horrific crime.

Catherine Birnie (nee Harrison) was also born in 1951. She was 2 years old when her mother, Doreen, died giving birth to her brother, who died two days later; unable to cope with her, her father, Harold, had sent her away to live with her maternal grandparents. At the age of ten, there was a custody dispute where Catherine's father gained sole custody of Catherine again.

At the age of 12, she met David Birnie, and by the age of 14 she was in a relationship with David. Harold had begged Catherine on several occasions to leave David due to the fact that she was getting in trouble with the local police all the time. But the disapproval of their relationship only strengthened their union.

Her time in prison throughout her adolescent years offered Catherine the chance to break away from David Birnie. Encouraged by a parole officer, Catherine began working for the McLaughlin family as a house keeper. She married Donald McLaughlin on her 21st birthday.

She and McLaughlin had seven children; their firstborn, a son, was struck and killed by a car in infancy.

Four weeks after the birth of her seventh child, she abandoned McLaughlin and began cohabiting with Birnie, who had tracked her down in hospital after she had had a hysterectomy. She had her surname legally changed by deed poll to match his, and reportedly was emotionally dependent on him.

On October 6th, 1986, 22-year-old student Denise Brown turned up at the Birnie house to buy some car tyres. She had approached Birnie at his work at the spare parts yard and he had suggested that she call by his house for a better bargain. As Mary Neilson entered the Birnie house, she was seized at knife point, bound and gagged and chained to the bed. Catherine Birnie watched as her lover repeatedly raped the girl. She asked him questions about what turned him on the most; this way she would know that Mary Neilson would eventually have to die. They took her to the Gleneagles National Park where David Birnie raped her again before strangling her with a nylon cord and stabbing her through the heart; she was then buried in a shallow grave.

The second murder on October 20th 1986 when they abducted 15-year-old Susannah Candy as she walked along the Stirling Highway in Claremont. Within seconds of being in the car, she had a knife at her throat and her hands were bound. She was taken back to the Birnie house, where she was forced to send letters to her family saying that she had run away to Queensland with her friends before being gagged, chained to the bed and raped. After David Birnie had finished raping her, Catherine Birnie got into the bed with them, and David Birnie tried to strangle the girl with the nylon cord, but she became hysterical and went berserk. The Birnies forced sleeping pills down her throat to calm her down, and once Susannah was asleep, David put a nylon cord around her neck and Catherine tightened the cord slowly until she stopped breathing. They buried Susannah Candy in another shallow grave in the State Forest.

On November 1st, 1986 they saw 31-year-old Noelene Patterson standing beside her car on the Canning Highway; she had run out of petrol while on her way home from her job as bar manager at the Nedlands Golf Club. Once inside in the car, she had a knife held to her throat, was tied up and told not to move. She was taken back to Moorhouse Street where David Birnie repeatedly raped her after she was gagged and chained to the bed. They had originally decided to murder Noelene Patterson that same night but David Birnie kept her prisoner in the house for three days and there were signs that he had developed emotional feelings for Noelene Patterson. Quick to notice, a jealous Catherine made an ultimatum, David would have to kill Noelene or she would kill herself. He immediately forced an overdose of sleeping pills down her throat and strangled her while she slept. They took her body to the forest and buried it along with the others. Catherine Birnie reportedly got great pleasure in throwing sand in Patterson's face.

Four Perth female teenager victims, aged between 15 to 21

On November 5th, they abducted 21-year-old Denise Brown as she was waiting for a bus on Stirling Highway. She accepted a lift from the Birnies; at knife point, Denise was taken to the house in Willagee, chained to the bed and raped. The following afternoon she was taken to the Wanneroo pine plantation. Safely in the seclusion of the forest, David Birnie raped Denise Brown in the car while the couple waited for darkness. As they dragged the woman from the car, David Birnie assaulted her again and plunged a knife into Denise's neck while he was raping her. Convinced that the girl was dead, they dug a shallow grave and lay her body in it, but Brown sat up in the grave; David Birnie then grabbed an axe and struck her twice at full force on the skull with it before burying her body in the grave.

Their final victim, and the only victim to survive their attacks, was seventeen-year-old Kate Moir. She ran semi-naked and ran into a vacuum cleaner store on 10 November 1986 and insisted on seeing the police. When the police arrived, she alleged that she had been abducted at knife point by a couple who had taken her back to their house and chained her to a bed, and that the man had repeatedly raped her while the woman observed. The next morning, while the man was at work, the woman unchained her and forced her to telephone her parents to say she had spent the night at a friend's house and was okay. The woman then led her back to the bedroom, but left to answer the door before securing her; the girl then escaped out the window. She told the police the phone number and address of the couple who had abducted her.

When the girl and the police arrived at the Birnies' residence, Catherine Birnie admitted that she recognized the girl but refused to answer any more questions without her husband. When the police brought David Burnie home in handcuffs, the couple claimed that the girl had not been abducted, but had willingly come to the house to share a bong with the Birnies, and that all sexual activity had been consensual.

The Birnies were detained by police, who tried to trick them into confessing to the crimes by intense interrogation. Around dusk, Detective Sergeant Vince Katich said in a joking manner to David Birnie, "It's getting dark. Best we take the shovel and dig them up." Birnie replied, "Okay. There are four of them." The Birnies were reportedly very excited, even proud, to show the police the locations of the graves of their four victims.

When sent to trial, David Birnie pleaded guilty to four counts of murder and one count each of abduction and rape. When asked why he pleaded guilty, he gestured toward the victims' families and said, "It's the least I could do." He was sentenced to four consecutive sentences of life imprisonment. After being found sane enough to stand trial, Catherine Birnie was also sentenced to four consecutive sentences of life imprisonment by the Supreme Court of Western Australia.

Initially David Birnie was held at the maximum security Fremantle prison, but he was soon moved to solitary confinement to keep him from coming to harm from other prisoners. The original death row cells were converted for him and he stayed there until the prison was closed in 1990. The cell can now be viewed on the Great Escape Tour held daily at Fremantle prison. While incarcerated, the Birnies exchanged more than 2,600 letters but were not allowed any other form of contact.

David Birnie was found dead in his cell at Casuarina Prison on 7 October 2005. He had committed suicide by hanging; he was due to appear in court for the rape of a fellow prisoner the next day.

Catherine Birnie is imprisoned in Bandyup Women's Prison, where she is the head librarian. Her first application for parole in 2007 was rejected, and the then Attorney-General of Western Australia, Jim McGinty, said that her release was unlikely while he remained in office.

Her case was to be reviewed again in 2010; however, on March 14th, 2009, new Western Australian Attorney-General Christian Porter revoked Catherine Birnie's non-parole period, making her the second Australian woman to have her papers marked "never to be released".

David Birnie hung himself in jail on 7 October 2005 after serving 19 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, his jail incarceration cost the WA taxpayer $3.325 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 19 years).

Catherine Birnie, now 68, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  She has already served 34 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should she live another 7 years to 75, her jail incarceration will have cost the WA taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 41 years).

Questions re 30th Murderer and 31st Murderer

Should the WA state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions re 30th Murderer and 31st Murderer on the 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


32nd Murderer, Ivan Milat – Victims: Deborah Everist (19) and James Gibson (19), Simone Schmidl (21), Anja Habschied (20) and Gabor Neugebauer (20), Joanne Walters (22) and Caroline Clarke (21)

Ivan Milat

Seven young victims of Ivan Milat

The backpacker murders were a spate of serial killings that took place in NSW, between 1989 and 1993, committed by Ivan Milat. The bodies of seven missing young people aged 19 to 22 were discovered partially buried in the Belanglo State Forest, 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) south-west of the NSW town of Berrima. Five of the victims were foreign backpackers (three German, two British) and two were Australian travellers from Melbourne. Milat was convicted of the murders on 27 July 1996 and was sentenced to seven consecutive life sentences, as well as 18 years without parole. He died in prison on 27 October 2019, having never confessed to the murders for which he was convicted.

Ivan Milat was Never To Be Released from Maximum Security Incarceration ultimately cost the Public Purse  $4.4625m ($175,000 pa x 25½ years jail). 

Question re 32nd Murderer

Should the Crimes Act 1900 No 40 19A ‘Punishment for murder’ have been altered in early 1996 to provide execution by hanging by the neck as the maximum penalty for murder due to the cruel callous way that Ivan Milat murdered 7 young people over a four year period?

Should Ivan Milat have been Sentenced to death in 1996?

Write responses to above two questions re 32nd Murderer on the 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


33rd Murderer, Sef Gonzales – Victims: Teodoro "Teddy" Gonzales (46), Mary Loiva Gonzales (43), Clodine Gonzales (18)

Sef Gonzales "Family killer" (born 16 Sept 1980) is a Filipino Australian who was convicted and sentenced in the NSW Supreme Court to life imprisonment for the July 2001 murder of his father Teodoro "Teddy" Gonzales, aged 46 years, his mother Mary Loiva Gonzales, aged 43 years, and his sister Clodine Gonzales, aged 18 years, in Sydney, Australia.

22 years old triple murderer, Sef Gonzales

Victim, Teodoro "Teddy" Gonzales

Victim, Mary Loiva Gonzales

Victim, Clodine Gonzales

The Sydney student brutally stabbed, bashed and strangled his father, mother and sister, Clodine, in their North Ryde home in July 2001.

He attempted to make it look like a racially motivated attack by spray painting the words "F--- off Asians KKK" on a wall in the house.

Ten days before he had attempted to murder his mother by poisoning.

The court heard he feared his parents would take away his car and other privileges due to his poor university results.

He also wished to be the sole beneficiary of his parents' estate.

On 13 June 2002, detectives from Strike Force Tawas arrested Gonzales.

In May 2004 he was found guilty of three counts of murder.

The day after his 24th birthday he was sentenced to three concurrent life sentences without parole.

In November 2007 his appeal against conviction and sentence was dismissed. Gonzales maintains his innocence.

Gonzales, now almost 40, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already be in custody for nearly 18 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Gonzales live another 35 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 53 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.275 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 53 years).


34th Murderer, Matthew James Harris – Victims: Peter Wennerbom (62), Yvonne Ford (33) and Ronald Galvin

Harris, born 30 June 1968, strangled stroke patient, Peter Wennerbom, 62, in Wennerbom's flat in Wagga Wagga in October 1998.

Matthew Harris

A fortnight later he murdered Yvonne Ford, a 33-year-old woman who had a mild intellectual handicap he had befriended, by strangulation in her bath tub.

Weeks later he strangled his neighbour, Ronald Galvin, and disposed of his body in nearby Uranquinty.

In December 1999 he pleaded guilty to three counts of murder and was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment with a 25-year non parole period for each count of murder.

The Crown successfully appealed and in December 2000 Harris, 31, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Harris, now 52, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already be in custody for nearly 21 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Harris live another 23 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 44 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $7.7 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 44 years).


35th Murderer, Bradley John Murdoch – Victim: English backpacker, Peter Falconio 

Bradley John Murdoch (born 19 Feb. 1958) is an Australian criminal serving life imprisonment for the July 2001 murder of English backpacker, Peter Falconio, in Australia.  He will be 74 when eligible for parole in 2032. Murdoch is being held in Darwin Correctional Centre in DarwinNT

Bradley John Murdoch

Murdoch was arrested and taken into custody in Sept 2003 and charged with the murder of Peter Falconio on a remote part of the Stuart Highway near Barrow Creek on 14 July 2001. The case was heard before the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory in Darwin, and began on 17 October 2005. Murdoch pleaded not guilty to charges of murdering Peter Falconio and assaulting and attempting to kidnap his girlfriend Joanne Lees. Murdoch was convicted on 13 Dec 2005 for Falconio's murder and assaulting his girlfriend Joanne Lees on a remote stretch of highway near Barrow Creek, north of Alice Springs, on July 14, 2001.. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 28 years. He was also convicted of other assault-related charges on Joanne Lees.

Mr Falconio and Ms Lees were driving along the Stuart Highway when Murdoch drove up behind them and indicated they should pull over, saying their van might have an engine problem.

Peter Falconio and girlfriend Joanne Lees

Mr Falconio went behind the car with him to investigate, and Ms Lees heard a gunshot, before Murdoch cable-tied her and covered her head. She escaped and hid in bushland for five hours while Murdoch hunted her with his dog, before she managed to flag down a truck driver.

Murdoch is believed to have hidden Mr Falconio's body, which has never been found despite extensive searches.

Murdoch, now 62, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already be in custody for nearly 20 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Harris live another 13 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 33 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $7.7 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 33 years).


36th Murderer, Richard William Leonard – Victims: Stephen Dempsey and taxi driver, Ezzedine Bahmad

Richard William Leonard, born 1973, "The bow and arrow butcher".  In 1994 Leonard fired an arrow into the heart of Stephen Dempsey, killed him then dismembered his body and kept it in a freezer. Months later he and girlfriend, Denise Shipley, fatally stabbed taxi driver, Ezzedine Bahmad, at Collaroy Plateau.  In Oct 1997 aged 24 he was sentenced to life imprisonment on both charges of murder with no chance of parole.


                  Richard William Leonard and accomplice girlfriend, Denise Shipley                                        Richard William Leonard                   


 First victim, Stephen Dempsey, was shot thru the heart with a bow and arrow                                      Second victim, Taxi driver, Ezzedine Bahmad

Leonard, now 47, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already be in custody for nearly 23 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Leonard live another 28 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 51 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $7.7 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 51 years).


37th Murderer, Mark Valera – Victims:  David O'Hearn and Frank Arkell

In June 1998 Mark Valera fatally bashed shopkeeper, David O'Hearn, 59, in his Albion Park home in a random attack. He mutilated and dismembered the body and wrote the word Satan on a mirror with the victim's blood.

Mark Valera

David O'Hearn

Frank Arkell

Two weeks later he bashed and strangled alleged paedophile and former Wollongong mayor, Frank Arkell, 68.

Sentenced to two life sentences without parole in December 2000, aged 21.

Three months after the two murders, Valera turned up at Wollongong Police Station to confess to the crimes. Valera was a 19-year-old local who had never come under police notice before. He lived in different places around the area, including a house with a friend which was just a few doors down the street from O'Hearn.

In August 2000, Valera was found guilty of the murders, and in December 2000 he was sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.  He later appealed against the sentence, but the appeal was dismissed.  He is serving his sentence at Goulburn Correctional Centre.

Valera, now 41, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has already be in custody for nearly 20½ years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Valera live another 34 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 54½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.625 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 54½ years).


38th Murderer, Katherine Knight – Victim:  then husband, John Price

One of the few women prisoners to ever be classified “never to be released”, Katherine Knight, born 24 October 1955, is serving her life sentence after an horrific murder.  After having sex with her husband John Price, she stabbed him to death in February 2000.

Several hours after Price had died, Knight skinned him and hung the skin from a meat hook on the architrave of a door to the lounge room. She then decapitated Price and cooked parts of his body, serving up the meat with baked potato, pumpkin, beetroot, zucchini, cabbage, yellow squash and gravy in two settings at the dinner table, along with notes beside each plate, each having the name of one of Price's children on it; she was preparing to serve his body parts to his children. A third meal was thrown on the back lawn for unknown reasons and it is speculated Knight had attempted to eat it but could not; this has been put forward in support of her claim that she has no memory of the crime.

Price's head was found in a pot with vegetables. The pot was still warm, estimated to be at between 40 and 50 °C (104 and 122 °F), indicating that the cooking had taken place in the early morning. Sometime later, Knight arranged the body with the left arm draped over an empty 1.25-litre soft drink bottle with the legs crossed. This was claimed in court to be an act of defilement demonstrating Knight's contempt for Price. Knight had left a handwritten note on top of a photograph of Price. Bloodstained and covered with small pieces of flesh.

Knight was dubbed Australia’s “Hannibal Lecter” because after she skinned him, she hung his remains from a meat hook in the living room.  She also cut off his head and boiled it in a pot and baked pieces of his buttocks to serve with vegetables and gravy to his adult children.  She is serving her time at Silverwater Women’s Correctional Centre.

Knight , now 41, is highly unlikely to ever be released from jail.  She has already be in custody for nearly 20 years.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Knight live another 37 years to 78, her jail incarceration of 57 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.975 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 57 years).


39th Murderer, Daniel Leslie Miles – Victims:  Donna Newland (62) and Ronald Galvin

Miles, born 1971, was serving an 18-year jail sentence for the 1990 murder of his childhood sweetheart, Donna Newland, 16, a crime he committed at age 18.

While in jail he befriended a sex worker, Yolande Michael, 29. In late July 1999 he escaped from jail and spent the night with her.

The following day he found her in bed with another man at her home in Sefton and he fatally stabbed her.

In July 2002 the Crown successfully appealed his 19-year minimum, 25-year maximum sentence and he was sentenced to life without parole.

               Donna Newland dead at 16                                                  Daniel Leslie Miles                       

Miles, now 49, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for nearly 29 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Miles live another 26 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 55 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $7.7 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 55 years).


40th Murderer, Crespin Adanguidi – Victims: Shiquin Zhu (55), Pin Shen (27), and Christy Bo Shen (23)

Adanguidi, born 1978, is a West African man who when aged 27, murdered the wife and children of his Chinese gay lover Raymond Shen at Rockdale, on February 1, 2003.

He pleaded not guilty on the grounds of mental illness. But a jury convicted him of bludgeoning Shiquin Zhu, 55, and shooting Pin Shen, 27, and Christy Bo Shen, 23.

The previous night he attacked Shen, tied him up and held him hostage at his Maroubra unit, demanding $200,000.

In 2005 aged 27 he was sentenced to three life sentences without the possibility of parole. An appeal in 2006 was dismissed.

Adanguidi, now 42, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 17 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Adanguidi live another 33 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 48 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $8.4 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 50 years).


41st Murderer, Roger Dean – Victims: Dorothy Wu, 85 / Alma Smith, 73 / Reginald Green, 87 / Lola Bennett, 86 / Ella Wood, 97 / Urbana Alipio, 79 / Caesar Galea, 82 / Doris Becke, 96 / Verna Webeck, 83 / Dorothy Sterling, 80 / Neeltje Valkay, 90

Roger Dean was a nurse who was convicted of murdering 11 nursing home residents in a fire at Quakers Hill, in Sydney’s northwest in 2011, and has been jailed for life without parole.

Judge Megan Latham of the NSW Supreme Court said Dean’s crimes were in the worst category.

        “The pain and terror suffered by all of the victims must have been horrific. A worse fate is difficult to imagine,” she said.

Some of his victims died in the fire but others died agonising deaths in the days after in hospital.

When he was interviewed by police, Dean said he loved the residents but he had been “corrupted with evil thoughts” and claimed “Satan” was talking to him.

Dean, now 44, is unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 8½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Dean live another 31 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 39½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $8.4 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 50 years).


42nd Murderer, Michael Cardamone – Victim: Karen Chetcuti

Karen Chetcuti, 49, was watering her vegetable garden in January 2016 when she was attacked by her neighbour Michael Cardamone, who was on parole.

Michael Cardamone, born 1968, who snatched, tortured and brutally murdered Victorian woman, Karen Chetcuti, was jailed for life without parole..


Karen Chetcuti, 49, was watering her vegetable garden at her rural Whorouly home in January 2016 when she was attacked by her neighbour Michael Cardamone, who was on parole. He held her prisoner for hours before burning her to death in remote bushland

On Friday, 18 Aug 17 the supreme court justice, Lex Lasry, sentenced Cardamone to serve a life sentence without parole for what he described as an “extraordinarily vicious, callous and thoroughly unprovoked” murder, meaning the killer will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

“To refuse [a minimum term] is an exceptional step and a dreadful punishment, but this is a dreadful crime,” the judge said during sentencing at Wangaratta.

“Sometimes a step towards mercy is too difficult to take.

“I believed I had ceased to be amazed by the level of violence that men are capable of towards women. But what you did to Karen Chetcuti ... did indeed amaze me.

Chetcuti’s body was discovered by search teams near Lake Buffalo five days after the 49-year-old went missing on 12 January 2016. She had been watering her vegetable garden on the night she was attacked.

She was sedated with horse tranquilliser, then tied up with rope and duct tape. She was injected with battery acid, sexually assaulted, bashed and finally doused in petrol and set alight while still alive.

            “Your conduct was extraordinarily vicious, callous and thoroughly unprovoked,” Lasry told Cardamone.

            “It was, quite frankly, horrifying, depraved and disgusting.”

Cardamone lied to police before and after his arrest, claiming another man – who helped torch Chetcuti’s car – was responsible for the killing.

While in custody, Cardamone tried to arrange for a hit man, who was actually an undercover policeman, to murder and frame the man he had accused.

He eventually pleaded guilty to murder and incitement to murder in June.

At the time of the killing, Cardamone was on parole after serving nine years in jail for the 2005 rape of a 15-year-old girl.

Cardamone, now 52, is unlikely to ever be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 13¼ years when the earlier nine years jail is included.  Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, if Cardamone lives another 23 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 36¼ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $6.344 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 36¼ years).


43rd Murderer, Anthony Robert Harvey – Victims: two-year-old twins, Alice and Beatrix, three-year-old Charlotte and their mother Mara Lee Harvey

Anthony Robert Harvey, born 1994, killed two-year-old twins, Alice and Beatrix, three-year-old Charlotte and their mother Mara Lee Harvey, 41, at their Bedford home on September 3, 2018.  He killed grandmother, Beverley Ann Quinn, 73, when she visited the next morning.  Harvey used blunt objects and knives to slaughter his unsuspecting family in their home in Bedford, Perth, on 3 Sept 2018 before killing Beverley the following morning when she came to visit her granddaughters. 

Beverley Quinn was murdered along with her grandchildren (left to right) Charlotte, Beatrix and Alice

Anthony Robert Harvey, 25, pleaded guilty to murdering his family and became the first person in Western Australia ordered by a judge never to be eligible for parole.  WA Supreme Court heard Harvey lived with the bodies for five days before he eventually handed himself in to police.

Anthony Robert Harvey a killer, Dad

Harvey, now 26, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 1½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Harvey live another 49 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 50½ years will have cost the WA taxpayer $8.838 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 50½ years).


44th Murderer: Stephen Jamieson, 45th Murderer: Matthew James Elliot and 46th Murderer: Bronson Matthew Blessington - Victim: Janine Balding, 20

A month before her twenty-first birthday, Janine Kerrie Balding was abducted from a Sutherland railway station car park by a group of homeless persons consisting of four males and one female.

These persons were Bronson Blessington, Matthew Elliott, Stephen 'Shorty' Jamieson, Wayne Wilmot and Carol Ann Arrow.

Janine Kerrie Balding

Blessington had met Jamieson and Elliott at a homeless shelter named 'The Station' in the Sydney CBD earlier that day and had proposed "Why don't we get a sheila and rape her?", a quote which became infamously known through Australian news media.  The victim, who was to be picked at random, became Balding. The gang of five had earlier approached another female—Christine Moberley—at the same car park, but she became concerned and quickly locked herself in her vehicle and drove home where she reported the matter to her partner. They became concerned for other commuters, so drove to the Sutherland Police Station to report the matter. On passing the same car park en-route they saw the offenders speaking with another female near a motor vehicle there. That person was Janine Balding. Police, upon being alerted to these incidents, immediately attended the Sutherland Railway Station car park itself, not realising that the earlier encounters had happened in an overflow dirt car park on the opposite side of the rail line. This was the same car park from where Janine Balding had been abducted in the intervening period.

Stephen 'Shorty' Jamieson

Matthew Elliott

Bronson Blessington 15 months after arrest

Janine Balding was driven in her vehicle to the side of the F4 Freeway at Minchinbury in Sydney's west, and during that time was partially stripped of her clothing and raped at knifepoint by Blessington, Jamieson and Elliott.  On arrival at Minchinbury, she was again raped. She was then dragged from her vehicle, gagged with a scarf, hog-tied, then lifted over a fence and carried into a paddock by Blessington, Jamieson and Elliott. She was then held down and drowned in a dam on the property.

All three were sentenced to life imprisonment plus 25 years.

Jamieson, now 54, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 31½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Jamieson live another 21 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 52½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.188 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 52½ years).

Elliot, now 48, was only 16 at the time of the murder, may be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 31½ years. If he is released say at 55 years old, after serving 38½ years jail, based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Elliot's jail incarceration of 38½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $6.739 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 38½ years).

Blessington, now 46, was only 14 at the time of the murder, may be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 31½ years.  If he is released say at 50 years old, after serving 36 years jail, based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Elliot's jail incarceration of 36 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $6.3 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 36 years).

Questions re 44th Murderer: Stephen Jamieson, 45th Murderer: Matthew James Elliot and 46th Murderer: Bronson Matthew Blessington

Should the NSW state government amend its criminal codes so that the death penalty may be sentenced for malicious unprovoked murder because Justice for the Innocent Victim should be a consideration amongst the Purposes of Sentencing?

Should other states and territories similarly amend their criminal codes?

Write responses to above two questions on 'Peer Reviewer's Responses to Sentences Form' Word document 


47th Murderer – Paul Charles Denyer - Victims: Elizabeth Stevens, 18, Debbie Fream, 22, and Natalie Russell, 17

Paul Charles Denyer (b. 1972) is an Australian serial killer, currently serving life imprisonment in HM Prison Barwon for the murders of Elizabeth Stevens, 18, Debbie Fream, 22, and Natalie Russell, 17 in Frankston, Victoria in 1993.

Frankston serial killer, Paul Denyer, in custody after his arrest.

Denyer is known as the Frankston Serial Killer due to his crimes occurring within the Frankston area. The Frankston Serial Killer was featured in the pilot episode of the Seven Network show Forensic Investigators.

Natalie Russell

Elizabeth Stevens

Debra Ann Fream

Over a seven week period in the summer of 1993, three young women, ages 17, 18 and 22, were violently stabbed and slashed to death -- one in broad daylight, in and around Frankston, about a 40-minute drive from Melbourne on Port Phillip Bay in south eastern Victoria. Another 41-year-old woman, Roszsa Toth, was violently assaulted and considered herself lucky to escape with her life. Denyer also filed freedom of information requests to learn of the Victorian government's policy on gender reassignment surgery for prisoners and has sought evaluation to determine his suitability for such surgery, which was also rejected by medical specialists

Denyer was 21 at the time of his crimes. During a police interview, Denyer's motivation for his crimes was revealed when he replied to questions stating he hated women in general.

Denyer, now 48, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 26½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Denyer live another 27 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 53½ years will have cost the Vic. taxpayer $9.363 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 53½ years).


48th Murderer – Keith Owen Goodbun - Victim: Molly Goodbun

A man who murdered his estranged wife by shooting her four times in the head and torso has been sentenced to at least 31 years and one month behind bars for the "deeply shocking" crime.

Keith Owen Goodbun, 62, had an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order in place against him when he arrived at his wife's home at Horseshoe Bend, near Maitland in the Hunter region, just before 3am on October 7, 2016.

He crept up to the house, intending to let himself in with a key, and was armed with a knife and an unregistered bolt action .22-calibre rifle.

When he tried to enter the home through a sliding door, Molly Goodbun, 59 – who had woken to use the bathroom – stood in his way and pushed him back.

        "I'll tell you what I'm here for you f---ing bitch," Goodbun told her. "This is the end of your life."

Goodbun had become increasingly agitated at the breakdown of the 40-year marriage and was angered at the prospect his wife would get money from the sale of the family home.

He was living in a caravan on a property near Taree and told a neighbour that any magistrate who gave his wife "anything of mine" was "only going to give her a death sentence".

After a struggle with his wife on the verandah of the home, Goodbun shot her once in the chest, then shot her three times in the head – including twice at close range – as she lay injured on the ground.

The couple's adult daughter, Bionca Simmons, ran to get help and grappled with her father for the gun but was hit in the head with the butt of the rifle. She tried in vain to give her mother first aid, however any of the four shots would have been fatal on their own.

On Wednesday, Justice Helen Wilson sentenced Goodbun to a maximum of 41 years and six months behind bars and a minimum of 31 years and one month for the "cold" and "premeditated" killing, which was at the very top of the range of seriousness.

The Supreme Court sentence also encompasses guilty pleas to the assault of his daughter, breaching the Apprehended Domestic Violence Order, and using the unregistered gun.

"The murder of Molly Goodbun was a chilling and deeply shocking crime. It may, without hyperbole, be described as an execution," Justice Wilson said.

"It was a crime which the offender resolved in advance to commit.

"It was clearly his intention that nothing would stop him from murdering his wife."

Justice Wilson said Goodbun had talked for some months about shooting his wife before he defiled what should have been the safety of her home, with the couple's daughter "very bravely" trying to stop him. She did not accept Goodbun showed remorse for the murder of his wife, a "vibrant woman with great capacity for joy" whose too-early and violent death had a great impact on those around her.

"This was no spontaneous and fleeting outburst of murderous rage," Justice Wilson said.

"It was a carefully planned and callously executed crime, motivated by a deep and long-held anger at Mrs Goodbun because she had sought to exercise her legitimate property rights, and because she had been instrumental in the issue of an interim ADVO and criminal charges against the offender."

Justice Wilson said domestic violence is a profoundly serious problem, with one woman each week killed by a current or former partner.

"Too often, these are crimes committed by men against women who have chosen to live a separate life – a decision the male partner is not prepared to accept," she said.

Molly Goodbun

Keith Goodbun, now 63, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 3½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Goodbun live another 12 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 15½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $2.713 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 15½ years).


49th Murderer –  Rick Thorburn  - Victim: Tiahleigh Palmer, 12

MORE than two years after Tiahleigh Palmer was killed and left on the banks of the Pimpama River, her foster father Rick Thorburn has been sentenced.

Thorburn will spend the rest of his life in prison for murdering the 12-year-old. He will need to serve 20 years in prison before being eligible for parole on September 12, 2036.

In sentencing Thorburn, Justice David Boddice told the court the foster dad’s actions were “cold, calculating and callous” and his conduct had been “truly appalling”.

        “You murdered this defenceless child who relied on you for protection,” he said.

Prominent child safety advocate Hetty Johnston said the prospect of Thorburn ever leaving jail was incomprehensible and upsetting.

Thorburn, now 58, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 4 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Thorburn live another 17 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 21 years will have cost the Qld. taxpayer $3.675 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 21 years).


50th Murderer –  Barry Hadlow  - Victim: Sandra Dorothy Bacon, 5 and Stacey-Anne Tracy, 9

Nine year old, Stacey-Anne Tracy, was walking to school in Roma Qld on the morning of May 22 when Barry Hadlow abducted her, committing his vile crimes before dumping her body in Bungil Creek.

He was out on parole after 22 years for the murder of Townsville girl Sandra Dorothy Bacon.


                                                                                                          Sandra Dorothy Bacon, murdered age 5                               Stacey-Anne Tracy, murdered 9 years old                                                                     

        "Hadlow never told anyone what he had been to jail for previously, but he should never have been out on parole," Mrs Hewitt said.

Hadlow was among the townsfolk who spent four days searching for the young girl before she was found near Miscamble St on Saturday, May 26, 1990.

Barry Hadlow was arrested and found guilty of murder while on parole

He was charged with her murder, forcibly detaining a child under 14, and indecently and unlawfully dealing with a child under 12 years of age.

Hadlow pleaded not guilty to Stacey-Ann's murder, but the jury disagreed.

He was sentenced to life in prison and his file was marked never to be released. He died on 13 July 2007 at the age of 65, in a Brisbane Hospital in Qld.

Barry Gordon Hadlow was on parole when he killed nine-year-old Stacey-Ann Tracy.

Barry Gordon Hadlow was on parole when he killed nine-year-old Stacey-Ann Tracy.

In 1963, Barry Hadlow abducted and murdered a gap-toothed, freckle-faced five-year-old girl, wrapped her body in a corn sack and left her to rot in the boot of a car in Townsville.

Twenty-seven years later and some 1,000 kilometres away in Roma, the same man abducted, raped and murdered a sandy-haired blue-eyed nine-year-old girl, wrapped her body in a garbage bag and dumped her by a creek.  Their names were Sandra Dorothy Bacon and Stacy-Ann Tracy.

Hadlow died in jail in 2007, aged 65.  He had been behind bars for 43 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Hadlow's  jail incarceration cost the Qld. taxpayer $7.525 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 43 years).


51st Murderer: Barry John Watts and 52nd Murderer: Valmae Faye Beck  -  Victim: Sian Kingi, 12


Barrie John Watts                                                                        Valmae Faye Beck                                          

Sian Kingi was a 12-year-old New Zealand Australian girl of Māori descent who was abducted, raped and murdered in Noosa, Queensland in November 1987. Barrie John Watts and Valmae Faye Beck, a married couple, were convicted in 1988 of the much-publicised crime. Watts was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole; however, his wife would have been eligible for parole after 14.5 years, but died while she was still incarcerated.

12-year-old New Zealand Australian girl of Māori descent, Sian Kingi, 12 years old

Valmae Faye Beck died in jail in May 2008, aged 64.  She had been behind bars for 20 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Beck's  jail incarceration cost the Qld. taxpayer $3.5 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 20 years).

Watts, now 66, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 32½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Watts live another 9 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 41½ years will have cost the Qld. taxpayer $7.263 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 41½ years).


53rd Murderer: John Miles Sharpe  The SpearGun Killer -  Victims: Anna Kemp, 38 and Gracie Kemp, 20 mths

On 21 March 2004, Sharpe and his family attended a nephew's birthday party. Others present at the party noticed no tension or arguments between the couple. On 23 March, Sharpe and his wife argued before retiring to bed. He later left the bed and retrieved the spear gun from the backyard garage. Returning to the bedroom, Sharpe fired the spear from a distance of a few centimetres into his wife's left temple. Noticing his wife was still breathing, Sharpe fired a second spear into her head, killing her. He then covered the body in towels and went downstairs to sleep on a sofa bed.

The next day, Sharpe attempted to remove the spears but failed, removing only the shafts by unscrewing them from the heads. That same day, Sharpe took Gracie to, and then collected her from, her childcare centre. He also lied to a TV serviceman who came to the house. He later buried his wife in a shallow grave in their backyard. Some time after his wife’s death, Sharpe returned to Sport Phillip Marine (accompanied by his daughter) and purchased another spear for the spear gun.

On 27 March 2004, Sharpe put his daughter Gracie to bed in her cot and then drank several glasses of whiskey and Coke in order to "numb his senses." He retrieved the spear gun from the garage, loaded it with the newly acquired spear, and fired at his daughter's head, penetrating her skull. With his child wounded and screaming loudly, Sharpe retrieved the two spear shafts which he had earlier removed from his wife's head and returned to the bedroom. He fired both into Gracie's head, but she was still alive, so he withdrew one spear and fired it again, finally killing her.[1] He returned to her bedroom the next morning and pulled the spears from her head. Sharpe then wrapped her body in garbage bags and a tarpaulin and disposed of her body at the Mornington refuse transfer station. At the same time he discarded the spear gun, the spears and some of Gracie's clothes and toys.

The Sharpe family seemingly during happier times

Sharpe, now 53, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 16 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Sharpe live another 22 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 38 years will have cost the Vic. taxpayer $6.650 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 38 years).


54th Murderer: Malcolm George Baker  -  Victims: Lisa Gannan 18, Kerryanne Gannan 23 and her unborn child, Thomas Gannon 43, David Baker 27, Ross Smith

Malcolm Baker (born 13 Aug 1947) is an Australian spree killer from Terrigal, NSW, serving six sentences of life imprisonment for the shooting massacre of seven people, including an unborn child, in Terrigal, Bateau Bay and Wyong on the evening of 27 October 1992.

Kerryanne and Lisa Gannan


Kerryanne was 8 mths pregnant                             Their father Thomas Gannon also killed

The shootings started at 9:12 p.m. at the Terrigal apartment of his ex-girlfriend Kerry Gannon and her younger sister Lisa Gannon. Baker used his shotgun to smash the front window. 22-year-old Christopher Gall, a friend of the sisters, was the first person shot, suffering a gunshot wound to the face. Baker then entered the house and shot Gannon dead. Moving through the house he shot dead Lisa, who was 8 months pregnant; later efforts to save her unborn baby failed. Their father, Thomas Gannon, 43, who had been visiting for a few days, was found dead in the street.

Baker then drove to the resort of Bateau Bay, where he arrived about ten minutes later, at the home of his 27-year-old son David. Baker shot his son through the back of his head.  His body was discovered in the back yard of the home he shared with his wife and baby.

Baker then went to the home of Ross Smith, 35, and Leslie Read, 25, in Wyong. Arriving there shortly before 10 p.m., he shot and critically injured Read, then finding Smith in the bathtub shot and killed him instantly. Read died two hours later in hospital. Smith and Baker had had a confrontation about two years prior, over a business deal gone sour.

At 11.00 p.m., Baker walked into Toukley police station, surrendered, and handed over a Sawed-off Remington 12-gauge double-barrelled shotgun.  He was charged with six counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

Baker, now 73, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 27½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Baker live another 2 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 29½ years will have cost the Vic. taxpayer $6.650 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 29½ years).


55th Murderer: John Wayne Glover  -  Victims: Six elderly ladies

John Wayne Glover (26 Nov 1932 – 9 Sept 2005) was an English-Australian serial killer convicted of the murders of six elderly women (aged from 60 to 93), over a period of 14 months from 1989-1990 including Winifreda, Lady Ashton, widow of the English-Australian impressionist painter Sir Will Ashton, in suburbs located in Sydney's North Shore. The fact that the victims were all elderly women, led to Glover attaining the nickname by the press as the "Granny Killer". Following his arrest in 1990, he admitted to the murders and was sentenced to consecutive terms of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He committed suicide by hanging himself in prison on 9 September 2005.

Glover hanged himself in jail on 9 Sept 2005.  He was behind bars for 15½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Glover's jail incarceration of 15½ years cost the NSW taxpayer $2.713 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 15½ years).


56th Murderer: Lindsay Robert Rose  -  Victims: Edward John Cavanagh, Carmelita Lee, Reynette Holford, Fatma Ozonal and Kerrie Pang

On 20 Jan 1984 Rose shot and killed Edward John "Bill" Cavanagh and Cavanagh's girlfriend, Carmelita Lee, at their home in Sydney's Hoxton Park. Rose later told investigators that he'd murdered Cavanagh as revenge for the alleged beating of one of Rose's friends a few years earlier. He murdered Lee so as to not leave a witness.  Cavanagh ran a trucking business and it was alleged that he was involved with the Calabrian mafia, including the notorious drug lord, Robert Trimbole.

On 19 Jan 1987, Rose broke into the West Ryde home of wealthy businessman, William "Bill" Graf, intending to commit a burglary. He was surprised on the premises by Graf's de facto, Reynette Holford. Rose stabbed Holford multiple times with a screwdriver and a vegetable knife. He then tied her up, made his escape and Holford died from her injuries.

On 14 Feb 1994 Rose shot and killed Fatma Ozonal and then shot and stabbed Kerrie Pang to death at Pang's massage parlour, "Kerrie's Oasis" in Gladesville. Ronald Waters was offered payment of $500 to assist Rose by knocking on the door and gaining access to the premises, as Pang would have recognised Rose, he did not know how things were going to turn out.


Reynette Holford                                                              Fatma Ozonal                                                        Kerrie Pang 

The murder of Pang had been arranged by her de facto partner Mark Lewis. Lewis was later found guilty of both murders and sentenced to life imprisonment (without the possibility of parole) for the murder of Pang plus 18 years for the murder of Ozonal. Waters pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact to the murders and was sentenced to 18 months periodic detention.

Evidence at Lewis's trial indicated that the motive for Pang's murder was difficulties in Lewis and Pang's relationship and Lewis's dissatisfaction with Pang's line of work as well as Rose's reported hatred of Pang. Ozonal was not part of the murder plan and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Rose was not a suspect for any of the five murders until 1996 when a corrupt police officer, an associate of Rose, told NSW police detectives that Rose had boasted of committing at least two murders.

After being questioned, Rose evaded police surveillance on 4 July 1996 and drove from Sydney to Adelaide, South Australia. In Adelaide he obtained employment using his birth name, Lindsey Lehman, but was not located until 40 weeks later when a member of the public identified Rose after his mugshot was broadcast on television news programs on 9 April 1997. Rose was arrested the next morning, arriving for work, by members of the South Australian Police STAR Force.

Lindsay Robert Rose guilty of five murders over seven years

On 18 June 1998 Rose pleaded guilty to the five murders in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. He was represented by the well-known barrister, Stuart Littlemore QC.

On 3 September 1998 Rose was sentenced to five consecutive terms of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

In December 1998, Rose was sentenced for other crimes to which he had confessed: conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, robbery, kidnapping, robbery whilst armed, malicious wounding, larceny and supplying a prohibited drug. The additional prison terms summed to forty years, to be served concurrently (the longest being eight years).

Notably, on New Year's Day in 1983, Rose and criminal associates had hijacked a semi-trailer containing cigarettes valued at $600,000 and held two truck drivers hostage for several hours.

Rose, now 64, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 23 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Rose live another 11 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 34 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $5.950 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 34 years).


57th Murderer: Mark Lewis  -  Victims:  Fatma Ozonal and Kerrie Pang

Mark Lewis was an accomplice of Lindsay Robert Rose The murder of Pang had been arranged by her de facto partner Mark Lewis. He was later found guilty of both murders and sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole and 18 years for the murders of Pang and Ozonal.

Lewis, now 63, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 23 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Lewis live another 12 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 35 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $6.125 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 35 years).


58th Murderer: Bandali Debs and 59th Murderer: Jason Joseph Roberts  -  Victims:  Senior Constable Rod Miller, Sergeant Gary Silk, Kristy Mary Harty and Donna Anne Hicks

Bandali Michael Debs (born 18 July 1953) is an Australian convicted serial killer currently serving four consecutive terms of life imprisonment plus 27 years for the murder of two Victoria Police officers in August 1998 and for the 1997 murder of teenager Kristy Harty.

Debs was detained at HM Prison Barwon in Victoria. On 12 December 2011 he was convicted of the April 1995 shooting murder of NSW sex worker Donna Ann Hicks.  Donna Anne Hicks was shot dead in April 1995 in western Sydney.

Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rod Miller

Debs was subsequently linked to the case through DNA analysis. Debs had been entered into a DNA database of criminals. On 30 September 2008, Melbourne detectives interviewed Debs and raided his previous address in Sydney. On 12 December 2011 he was found guilty of Hicks' murder in the New South Wales Supreme Court. He was sentenced to a fourth consecutive life term for the murder.

In Feb, 2003, Debs was convicted and sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment with no minimum term for the murders of two Victoria Police officers, Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rodney Miller at Moorabbin, Victoria on 16 August 1998.

Accomplice Jason Joseph Roberts, who was 22 at the time of sentencing, was also convicted of the police murders and sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment with a minimum term of 35 years.

Jason Joseph Roberts was 22 at the time of sentencing

On 20 June 2005, police charged Debs with the murder of troubled teenager Kristy Mary Harty, who was murdered at Upper Beaconsfield on 17 June 1997.

         Kristy Mary Harty                                              Donna Anne Hicks

Harty was soliciting for sex along the Princes Highway when she met with Debs. The pair drove to a secluded bush track in Upper Beaconsfield where they had unprotected sex. Harty was later murdered. Her semi-naked body was found lying face down by bushwalkers. A single gunshot wound was discovered at the rear of her head.

DNA tests revealed semen located on the body of Harty that was linked to Debs.  In May 2007, Debs was convicted of the murder of Harty and sentenced to a third consecutive term of life imprisonment.

In sentencing Debs, Justice Kaye remarked:

Your murder of Ms Harty was entirely senseless, needless and wanton. The evidence discloses beyond any doubt that this was not a case of a sexual encounter in which, in the heat of the moment, feelings or passions may have led to a spontaneous and irrational act of violence. Rather, and quite to the contrary, this was, most clearly, a callous, craven and senseless murder in cold blood of an entirely innocent, defenceless and vulnerable young woman. The evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion that you murdered Kristy Harty for no other reason than for the sheer sake of it.

Debs, now 67, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 18 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Debs live another 8 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 26 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $4.55 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 26 years).

Roberts, now 39, will likely be released from jail at the completion of his sentence of 35 years aged 57.  He has been behind bars for 18 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Roberts jail incarceration of 35 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $6.125 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 35 years).


60th Murderer: Raymond Edmunds  -  Victims:  Garry Heywood and Abina Madill

Raymond Edmunds, born 12 March 1944, is a convicted rapist and double murderer who was active in VictoriaAustralia from the 1960s to the mid-1980s.

Edmunds was convicted of the murder of 18-year-old panel beater Garry Heywood and rape and murder of 16-year-old Abina Madill on 10 February 1966 at Murchison East, near SheppartonVictoria after they disappeared from a rock 'n' roll dance. Heywood was shot through the head with a .22-calibre Mossberg self-loading rifle and Madill was raped and then bludgeoned to death.

                    Garry Heywood murdered                 16-year-old Abina Madill, raped and murdered

Edmunds had allegedly previously raped and beaten his first wife and sexually abused his three-year-old daughter. Edmunds was also convicted of a series of rapes in the 1970s and early '80s that led the police to dub the then-unknown offender "The Donvale Rapist".

Sergeant Andrew Wall matched two fingerprints found on the top of the Holden FJ owned by Heywood. This occurred before computerised processing of fingerprints was developed and fingerprint matching had to be done manually. The fingerprint evidence was deliberately kept quiet so as not to panic the offender or help him become more adept at hiding his prints. These fingerprints connected the Shepparton murders with one fingerprint found at the Donvale crime scene.

Raymond Edmunds

On 16 March 1985, Edmunds was arrested on unrelated charges of indecent exposure while parked in his station wagon in AlburyNew South Wales. After his arrest Edmunds was fingerprinted and the prints were matched with those found at the Shepparton crime scene. At the time, NSW had mandatory fingerprinting, whereas in Victoria this was yet to become law. He was convicted and is now serving two life sentences with no minimum term for the murders and a total of 30 years for five rape convictions in Greensborough and Donvale.

It has been alleged that Edmunds committed other murders and more than 32 rapes, although he has maintained his innocence. Police are seeking to utilise new legislation that allows them to compel convicted prisoners to provide a blood sample for DNA testing.  He was at one point a suspect in the case of missing Beaumaris girl Eloise Worledge.

Edmunds, now 76, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 35 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Edmunds live another 2 years to 78, his jail incarceration of 37 years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $6.475 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 37 years).


61st Murderer: Robert Arthur Selby Lowe  -  Victim:  Sheree Beasley, 6

Sheree Joy Beasley was an Australian schoolgirl from Rosebud, an outer suburb of MelbourneVictoria.

Six year-old Sheree was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by Robert Arthur Selby Lowe, born 1937, in June 1991. Her body was found weeks later on 24 September in a stormwater drain.

Sheree Joy Beasley

Robert Arthur Selby Lowe

Lowe, now 83, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 27 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Lowe live another 1 year to 84, his jail incarceration of 28 years will have cost the Vic. taxpayer $4.9 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 28 years).


62nd Murderer: Stanley Brian Taylor -  Victim: Police woman, 21 years old, Angela Taylor.  63rd Murderer: Craig William Minogue -  Victims: Police woman, 21 years old, Angela Taylor, and inmate, Alex Tskamakis

The Russell Street Bombing occurred at approximately 1 pm on 27 March 1986, Easter Thursday. The blast killed 21-year-old Constable Angela Taylor and left 22 people injured and caused massive damage to the Russell Street Police Headquarters and surrounding buildings, with damage estimated at over $500,000.

RUSSELL Street bomber, Stanley Taylor, has died in custody aged 79.

He was sentenced to life in prison for the 1986 car bomb explosion that killed a female police officer and injured 21 others outside the Melbourne police office on Russell Street.

Corrections Victoria confirmed a prisoner of that age died of natural causes at St Vincent's Hospital on Wednesday.

Taylor had been ill for at least a year, according to numerous media reports.

A career criminal, Taylor was known for having a hatred for authority.

Before the bombing, he had served 17 years in prison for numerous bank robberies.

Eight years after getting out, he would commit one of the most brutal acts of terror in Victoria.

The car bomb was set up to explode at 1pm, precisely the time most people would be heading out to get their lunch.

  Angela Taylor, killed in the Russell Street bombing.
                                                             Russell Street bombing                                                                        Constable Angela Taylor, died from bombing wounds

                                             Stanley Brian Taylor                                                                                                 Craig William Minogue

Taylor died in jail aged 79 He was behind bars for 47 years, when an additional 17 years jail is included from earlier offences. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Taylor's jail incarceration of 47 years cost the Vic. taxpayer $8.225 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 47 years).

Minogue, now 58, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 34 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Minogue live another 17 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 51 years will have cost the Vic. taxpayer $8.925 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 51 years).


64th Murderer: Mark Errin Rust -  Victims: Ms. Maya Jakic, 30 and Ms. Megumi Suzuki, 18

Mark Errin Rust (born 1965) pleaded guilty in May 2003 to the 1999 murder of Ms. Maya Jakic and the 2001 murder of Japanese student Ms. Megumi Suzuki. At the same hearing, he also pleaded guilty to one count each of assault, gross indecency and rape, committed around the time of the murders. He was subsequently sentenced by the Supreme Court of South Australia to life without parole for the murders with a concurrent sentence of 12 years for the other offences.

Maya Jakic, 30                                             Megumi Suzuki, 18

Rust had a long history of sexual offending, beginning in his early teens. Parole Board chief Frances Nelson described Rust as a "classic example of escalating sexual offences" and called for treatment programs to be made available outside of prison to prevent similar cases.

Mark Errin Rust

Rust, now 55, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 19 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Rust live another 20 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 39 years will have cost the SA taxpayer $6.825 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 39 years).


65th Murderer: Allen Douglas Thompson  -  Victims: Radmila Milosevic, her de facto husband, Mr Tony Baker, and their children Daniel Baker, 4, and Lisa Baker, 2, Mirjana Milosevic, Ljiljana Milosevic,

25-year-old man, Allen Douglas Thompson, serving four life sentences for murdering a Richardson family in 1984 was convicted in the ACT Supreme Court on 24 Oct 1984 of two more counts of murder. Mr Allen Douglas Thompson, who pleaded not guilty to murdering his girlfriend Mirjana, aged 17, and her sister Ljiljana, 14, in 1981, appeared indifferent as the verdicts were returned.

On the 31st of March 1984, the Milosevic family including Radmila ‘Rad’ and her husband Tony, as well as their young daughter and son were found dead in their home. They had received gunshot wounds and unsuccessful attempts were made to ignite the bodies and home.

Close family friend and boyfriend of Rad’s sister (who had died in a car accident with her other sister 2 years earlier) Alan ‘Tomo’ Thompson was seen near the crime scene. A 22 calibre rifle was found at his home and was identified as the one used in the crime. At trial he pleaded not guilty but was found guilty and charged with 4 concurrent life sentences.

Authorities were alerted to his involvement in the car crash of his girlfriend and her sister. As the driver, Thompson escaped with minor burns and claimed the car almost instantly ignited and killed the 2 sisters. Examination of photographic evidence of the car, a staged accident and replicate fire conducted by police, showed that the crash damage was insufficient to match Thompson’s story. Police also proved that at the car’s travelling speed, the fire would have had to be started by dousing the car in a significant amount of petrol.

Allen Douglas Thompson

Photographs of the bodies showed exit and entry wounds in the skull, consistent with being shot in the head. Police exhumed the bodies to find any remaining evidence, and it was found the girls were shot with a 22 calibre rifle. A lack of internal airway injuries proved that the sisters were dead prior to the vehicle fire. Thompson was consequently charged with the sister’s murders, and given a life sentence for each, to be served concurrently with the life sentences already given.

    Thompson, now 60, will never be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 37 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Thompson live another 15 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 52 years will have cost the ACT taxpayer $9.1 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 52 years).


   66th Murderer: Scott Alan Murdoch  -  Victim:  Mrs. Kylie Blackwood 42

Mother of three, Kylie Blackwood, was found dead in her Pakenham home in August 2013

In May 2013, Murdoch broke into Ms Ilona Prohaska’s home, knocking the 73-year-old to the ground, cutting her throat, breaking her spine and shoulder but stealing just $70 cash and a debit card.

In August the same year Murdoch struck again, stabbing Ms Blackwood, 42, repeatedly and leaving her with multiple wounds to her neck and chest.

She died after being discovered bleeding to death on her couch by her 11-year-old twin daughters.

Kylie Blackwood was found dead in her Pakenham home in August 2013

A murderer who stabbed a Melbourne mother to death and attacked a widow will spend at least 36 years behind bars.

Scott Alan Murdoch admitted stabbing Kylie Blackwood in a “ferocious” murder and leaving widow Ms. Ilona Prohaska for dead in 2013.

Scott Alan Murdoch

The attacks on the women happened while Murdoch was on parole for an earlier attack of another female in her home.

In May 2020, the Victorian Supreme Court handed 42 years old, Scott Murdoch, a life sentence with a non-parole period of 36 years, making him 78 before he is eligible for parole.

Murdoch, now 42, will not be released until 78 years old, at the earliest.  He has been behind bars for one year. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Thompson live another 36 years to 78, his jail incarceration of 37 years will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $6.475 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 37 years).


   67th Murderer: Francesco Mangione  -  Victim: Denis Giunta

On February 5, 2002, Melbourne ice-cream vendor Francesco Mangione, 46, of Moonee Ponds hacked to death competitor ice-cream vendor, Denis Giunta, with a home-made sword and stabbed him 55 times because they had disagreements on who could sell ice-cream on what streets. Denis' missus jumped out of a window to escape and broke her leg.
Victorian Supreme Court judge Justice David Harper jailed him for 22 years with a minimum non-parole term of 18 years.

Francesco Mangione murdered his younger cousin and ice-cream seller, competitor, Denis Giunta

Mangione, now 62, will not be released until 80 years old, at the earliest.  He has been behind bars for 18 years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Mangione live another 18 years to 80, his jail incarceration of 36 years will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $6.3 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 36 years).


   68th Murderer: Bradley Robert Edwards  Victims: Jane Rimmer 23, Ciara Glennon 27 and Sara Spears 18

On 22 Dec 2016, Bradley Robert Edwards (48) was arrested at his Kewdale house in relation to the deaths of both Jane Rimmer 23 and Ciara Glennon 27. 

The next day, Edwards was charged with both murders. He has also been charged in relation to two other alleged attacks: a house break and enter and unlawful detention of an 18-year-old woman in Huntingdale on 15 February 1988, and the unlawful detention and two counts of aggravated sexual penetration without consent of a 17-year-old girl in Claremont on 12 February 1995, On 22 February 2018, Edwards was also charged with the wilful murder of the third victim, Sara Spears 18. In all, Edwards was charged with eight offences: The trial began on 25 November 18.  On 21 October 2019, Edwards pleaded guilty to charges 1-5.

Sarah Spiers, Ciara Glennon and Jane Rimmer disappeared from Claremont in 1996 and 1997

Bradley Edwards, now 52, will not be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 3½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Edwards live another 33 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 36½ years will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $6.3 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 36 years).


69th Murderer: John Wallace Edwards Victim: Sharon Edwards

In Nov 19, John Wallace Edwards, 63, was found guilty of killing his estranged wife, Sharon Edwards, 55-year-old mother-of-three in 2015.  He was sentenced to 24 years jail.

John Edwards, now 63, will not be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 18 months. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Edwards live another 12 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 12½ years will have cost the Victorian taxpayer $2.362 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 13½ years).


   70th Murderer: Brett Peter Cowan  Victim: Daniel Morcombe, 14

Brett Peter Cowan (born 18 Sept 1969) is a murderer and sex offender who was convicted of the murder of Daniel Morcombe, who disappeared from the Sunshine Coast on 7 Dec 2003. His abduction led to an eight-year investigation involving various suspects, until an undercover police sting in Aug 2011 revealed Cowan as the perpetrator. 

He was charged with the murder that same month and Morcombe's remains were discovered days later on 17 Aug 14. On 7 February 2013, Cowan was ordered to stand trial. He was charged with murder, indecently dealing with a child under the age of 16 and improperly dealing with a corpse.

Cowan was sentenced to life imprisonment, (being eligible for parole in 2031) on 13 Mar 14 in a trial that attracted worldwide attention. Cowan had two previous convictions for sexually abusing children, the earliest dating back to 1987.  The investigation into Morcombe's disappearance became Queensland's highest profile crime case in the state's history.

On 14 March 2014, he was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 20 years. He was also sentenced to three-and-a-half years' imprisonment for indecently dealing with Morcombe and two years for interfering with his corpse, those sentences to be served concurrently. Judge Roslyn Atkinson said "I don't think you should be released in 20 years' time" which could affect Cowan's prison term. Cowan appealed his sentence to the Queensland Court of Appeal, under Justice Margaret McMurdo, seeking to have his conviction overturned. His legal team argued "... that the confession elicited through an undercover sting by police was inadmissible as evidence at trial". On 21 May 2015 Cowan's appeal was dismissed. The former Queensland Attorney-General, Jarrod Bleijie, had appealed to have Cowan's 20-year minimum sentence increased. This was also dismissed.

Cowan, now 51, is unlikely to be released until 2034 after serving his sentenced 20 years in jail. He has been behind bars for 8½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Edwards live another 14 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 26½ years will have cost the Qld. taxpayer $4.637 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 26 years½).

Daniel Morcombe killed aged 14

Brett Peter Cowan


71st Murderer: Darren Ward Gale  Victim: Noel Joseph Ingham

Darren Gale cut Noel Ingham's head off, drowned his dogs and torched his Jeep Cherokee in July 2016.

On 13 June 2019, Darren Ward Gale was found guilty of murdering his former housemate Noel Joseph Ingham, whose headless body was found in a shallow grave in Tasmania in 2016.

On 27 June 19, Gale was sentenced to 23 years' jail for murder.  He  will not be eligible for parole until he has served a minimum of 14 years' jail, backdated to when he was arrested on November 30, 2016.

Assuming that Gale, now 55, is released after 17 years from the date of his incarceration back on 20 Nov 16, his jail incarceration of 17 years will have cost the Tasmanian  taxpayer $4.637 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 17 years).

Darren Ward Gale

Noel Joseph Ingham


72nd Murderer: Vincent Stanford Victim: Stephanie Scott, 26

On 13 Oct 16, Vincent Stanford, born 1990, was sentenced to 15 years in jail for aggravated sexual assault, followed by a life sentence for murder.


Stephanie Scott, who was murdered by Vincent Stanford 
Ms Scott, 26, was last seen in April 2015 at her workplace in Leeton High School in western NSW just days before her wedding.

Vincent Stanford arrives in court for his sentencing hearing

Stanford, now 30, will not be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 3¼ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Stanford live another 45 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 36½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $8.443 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 48¼ years).


73rd Murderer: John Ernest Cribb -  Victims: Valda Connell, 39, and her children Sally, 10 and Damien 4

John Ernest Cribb (5 Aug 1950 – 21 Feb 2018) was an Australian triple murderer from Sydney. At the time of his death in Feb. 2018, Cribb was serving three consecutive sentences of life imprisonment, plus 45 years for the rape and murder of Valda Connell and the murder of her two children, Sally and Damien, at Swansea, NSW, on 11 Aug 1978 and numerous other offences.

Cribb was on parole in August 1978, after having served six years of a nine-year sentence for armed robbery. He broke into the Connell family's Baulkham Hills home. When he came out at about 3 pm, Valda Connell, 39, had just come home in her car with two of her six children, Sally (aged 10) and Damien (aged 4).  He kidnapped them and drove north. He later rang Valda's husband, Paul, from a phone box and said he had been having an affair with Valda, who had now run away with him to Queensland.

Valda Connell, 39

Sally Connell, 10 and Damien Connell 4

He drove the three more than 300km to Elands, on the mid north coast, where he stopped at a picnic ground near Ellenborough Falls.

There he raped Mrs. Connell in front of the children, tied them all up and stabbed each to death. He put the bodies in the boot of the car and dumped it at Swansea, near Newcastle.

John Ernest Cribb

Cribb died in jail aged 67 He was behind bars for 46 years, when an additional 6 years' jail is included from earlier offences.  Cribb committed the above three murderers whilst on parole. 
Based on the average annual cost of
Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, Cribb's jail incarceration of 46 years cost the NSW taxpayer $8.05 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 46 years).


74th Murderer: Martin Leach -  Victims: Janice Carnegie, 18 and her cousin, Charmaine Aviet, 15

Martin Leach (born 11 Jan 1959) is a convicted rapist and double murderer in the Northern Territory.
Leach is the longest serving prisoner in the Northern Territory, and is currently imprisoned at the Alice Springs Correctional Centre, serving three consecutive life sentences without parole for his crimes.
In 1979, Leach raped a woman at knifepoint after breaking into her house. He was sentenced to three years imprisonment.

Martin Leach on LHS

Double murder
On 20 June 1983, an eighteen-year-old local woman, Janice Carnegie, and her fifteen-year-old cousin, Charmaine Aviet, were swimming at a popular recreational waterhole at Berry Springs. Leach watched the girls for some time, before forcing them at knifepoint to accompany him to a nearby gully.

Charmaine Aviet

He stabbed Janice in the stomach when she attempted to reach for Leach's knife. Following the stabbing, he then raped her. He stabbed and killed Charmaine, then stabbed Janice in the neck; a pathologist testified it probably took her 5 to 10 minutes to die. Their naked bodies were later found bound and gagged in a shallow grave.

Trials and appeals
On 10 May 1984, Leach was charged with two counts of murder and one count of rape by Northern Territory Police. Six days later he was convicted by a jury on all three counts, and Justice Muirhead sentenced him to imprisonment for life on each count, to run consecutively with each other and with a three-month sentence for assaulting a prison officer while on remand.

At the time he was sentenced for murdering the two girls, there was no power to fix a non-parole period for life sentences in the Northern Territory and the only possibility of release was executive clemency.

Legislation came into effect in 2004 providing for non-parole periods for life sentences for murder after that date; for an offender already serving life sentence(s), a section provided that the sentence be taken to include a 20-year non-parole period, or 25 years for those jailed for aggravated murder.[3] On that basis, Leach would have been eligible for parole in 2009. The legislation also included that the Director of Public Prosecutions (Northern Territory) could apply to the Supreme Court to extend or exclude the non-parole period.

Less than a month after the law took effect, the Director of Public Prosecutions made an application to revoke Leach's non-parole period, and order that he spend the remainder of his life in jail. It was granted by Chief Justice Brian Martin, and upheld in a majority decision by the NT Court of Criminal Appeal, who ruled that his culpability was so extreme that the community's interest could only be served if he was imprisoned for the term of his natural life without the possibility of release on parole; the dissenting judge, Justice Stephen Southwood, said that he would have fixed a non-parole period of 40 years, making Leach eligible for parole in 2024 at the age of 65.
Leach appealed to the High Court, arguing that Chief Justice Martin had not shown he was satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Leach's culpability was so extreme as to require a life sentence without parole. The High Court found Justice Martin had applied the correct tests: Chief Justice Murray Gleeson remarked that "He considered each of the specific aspects of community interest ... and ultimately came to the conclusion that he should refuse to fix a non-parole period". Judges also described Leach's crimes as "horrific" and said he had shown no remorse.
Leach will now die in jail, having officially exhausted all avenues of appeal.


Leach, now 61, will not be released from jail.  He has been behind bars for 36 years (from May 1984) for the two murders, and a further three years prior for an earlier rape. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Leach live another 14 years to 75, his jail incarceration of 53 years will have cost the N.T. taxpayer $9.275 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 53 years).


75th Murderer: Matthew Milat and 76th Murderer: Cohen Klein -  Victim: David Auchterlonie, 17

In November 2010, Matthew Milat and his close friend, Cohen Klein, slayed a neighbourhood teenage associate, David Auchterlonie, using a double bladed axe in the Belanglo State Forest  - the same bushland that Ivan Milat slaughtered seven backpackers in the 1990s.

David Auchterlonie

The murder, and the 15 minutes leading up to it, was hauntingly captured on an audio recording from Klein's mobile phone.  The pair, who were aged 17 and 18 at the time, pleaded guilty to murder after an eye witness to the brutal slaying ,Chase Day, accused them of the brutal murder.

The weapon used to slay David Auchterlonie

Matthew Milat                                                           Cohen Klein   

The court heard Milat "gloated" about the killing the next day, and said "you know me, you know my family. You know the last name Milat, I did what they do".

Justice Mathews said Milat didn't appear to have "expressions of genuine remorse ... or regret' for the crime.
The court heard the location of the murder was "significant' as it is where his great uncle "lured a number of people and murdered them".
The murder, and the 15 minutes leading up to it, was hauntingly captured on an audio recording from Klein's mobile phone.
In it Milat can be heard saying to David "tell people my f****** business and you wind up hurt".

Justice Mathews said that to describe the recording as " an understatement".
        "It is extremely distressing material," she said.
        "The sound of (David) crying out in agony is chilling in the extreme.

Justice Mathews sentenced -

*       Milat to a maximum of 43 years in prison with a 30-year non-parole period; and

*       Klein to a total of 32 years in prison with a 22-year non-parole period.

In view of the brutality of the axe murder and his association with Ivan Milat, it is unlikely that Matthew Milat will be released from jail after 30 years incarceration and will die behind bars.  Matthew Milat is now 27½.  He has been behind bars for 9½ years. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Matthew Milat live another 47 years to 75 and not be released, his jail incarceration of 56½ years will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.887 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 56½ years).

As Cohen Klein was heavily influenced by the perpetrator, Matthew Milat, it is probable that Cohen Klein will be released after the 22 years non parole term.  Klein is now 28.  He has been behind bars for 9½ years from his arrest on 22 Nov 10. Based on the average annual cost of Maximum Security Incarceration in 2020, should Cohen Klein be released after 22 years in jail, his jail incarceration from the date of arrest of 22 Nov 10 will have cost the NSW taxpayer $9.887 million circa ($175,000 p.a. X 23¼ years).





