Thinking Outside the Cell     Defined Terms     Baker's Dozen Problems    Articles & Reports - Bibliography   Filicide

Annexure A  -  22 Filicide victims (up to and including 18 years of age) by their father, step-father or a jilted former male partner

"Filicide is the killing of a child by a parent or parent equivalent. Between 2000–01 and 2011–12, there were 238 incidents of filicide in Australia involving the death of 284 children."

The burden on the Public Purse to incarcerate the below (still living) murderers until they die behind bars will ultimately exceed AUD$85 million, monies that should be expended on health, education and improving the Justice System


(Listed hereunder are some more recent filicides back to the mid-1980s)

  1. On 19 Feb 2020 Hannah Clarke and her three young children were doused in petrol and burned alive by estranged husband, Rowan Baxter, in Brisbane.  Rowan Baxter then stabbed himself to death.  REVENGE

  2. 31 years old step-father, Justin Laurens Stein, has been charged with the murder of his step-daughter, 9 year old, Charlise Mutten, whose body was found in a barrel on the banks of the Colo River in Jan 2020.   REVENGE

  3. In Sept 2018 then 24 years old, Anthony Robert Harvey, killed his two-year-old twins, Alice and Beatrix, his three-year-old, Charlotte, and his wife (their mother), Mara Lee Harvey, 41, at their Bedford home in Perth.  He killed grandmother, Beverley Ann Quinn, 73, when she visited the next morning.  Harvey used blunt objects and knives to slaughter his unsuspecting familyNO MOTIVE EVER DETERMINED

  4. Step-father, John Edwards, shot dead his teenage step-children, Jennifer and Jack, in West Pennant Hills, Sydney in July 2018His actions followed a history of domestic abuse and separation, and ended in his ex-partner Olga’s death by suicide five months later.  A senior police source called her death aslow murder”.   REVENGE

  5. In 2019 William Andrew O'Sullivan pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of 22 month old Mason Jet Lee in Caboolture Qld back on 11 June 2016

    Toddler, Mason, suffered -

    *        extreme and prolonged abuse at the hands of O'Sullivan who was the partner of Mason's mother; and

    *        cellulitis, likely caused by an insect bite that became infected, a prolapsed anus, severe nappy rash, a fractured leg, constipation, abscesses, mouth ulcers, peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall), septicemia (allowed faecal matter to contaminate his bloodstream), fractured coccyx, bruises to the forehead, jaw, chest and abdomen, and the list goes on

    Young Mason inevitably died from sepsis, as a result of a fatal blow to his abdomen which ruptured his small intestine. O'Sullivan received a sentence of 9 years and could be eligible for parole in 4 years.  The community is outraged A Petition on to the Qld Attorney General demanding a longer jail sentence has over 43,000 electronic signatures.  DRUG INDUCED

  6. On 29 Oct 2015 then 54 years old, Rick Thorburn, brutally murdered his step-daughter, 12 years old Tiahleigh Palmer, then dumped her body on banks of the Pimpama River on the Gold Coast.  THORBURN'S BIOLOGICAL SON WAS HAVING SEX WITH HIS YOUNG STEP-DAUGHTER

  7. In July 2015 Charlie Hinder (separated from his wife, Katherine Hinder, at her instigation) exploded the family caravan in Mt. Isa Qld, killing his children, River Hinder (4) and Nyobi Hinder (7) along with their father, Charlie HinderMr Hinder had intended also killing his wife Katherine in the July 2015 explosion; his violence and abuse towards her had been escalating in the months before the blast, after the couple had separated earlier that year. Katherine later told police she had wanted to leave, but hadn’t because Charlie had threatened to harm her, the children and himself.  REVENGE

  8. In April 2015 two year old, Joshua Migala, died at the Lady Cilento Hospital in April 2015 from 'horrific injuries' suffered at his home in Kingston, Qld.  His step-father, Joel Nicholas Kuskey, aged 30, has been charged with his step-son's murder.  REVENGE

  9. In Feb 2014 even years old, Luke Batty, died at the Tyabb cricket ground south-east of Melbourne after his father, Greg Anderson, hit him with a cricket bat and stabbed him Greg Anderson was shot dead by police at the scene of Luke Batty's death.  REVENGE

  10. About 3:20am on 20 Feb 2012, and suffering from a relationship breakdown, school teacher Jason Lees, 40, threw his two-year-old son over the safety rail of the Story Bridge before also jumping to his death.  REVENGE

  11. On 17 Nov 2010 two year old, Yazmina Acar's was killed by her father in an act of revenge against her mother.  Her father, Ramazan Acar, stabbed his daughter to death and dumped her in grassland in Greenvale, Vic., only days before her third birthdayIn July 2011 Ramazan Acar was jailed for life over murder of his daughter Yazmina.  The judge said the crime was in the worst category of murders because the victim was a child and the motive was revenge on Acar's former partner and the girl's mother, Rachelle D'Argent.  REVENGE

  12. Arthur Freeman threw his four-year-old daughter, Darcey, off Melbourne's Westgate Bridge in January 2009. On 10 Apr 2011, Arthur Freeman was Sentenced by Justice Coghlan to 30 years in jail. REVENGE

  13. In Aug 2007, Stuart John McMaster was sentenced to 13 years' jail for brutally bashing his fiancé son, 5 years old Cody Hutchings, to death. Cody Hutchings's horrific injuries were inflicted by Stuart John McMaster as part of a violent discipline regime, the Supreme Court was told.  MENTALLY DERANGED

  14. Robert Donald William Farquhar (born 1969) is an Australian man convicted of murdering his three sons (aged between 2 and 10 years) on 4 Sept 2005 by deliberately driving his car into a farm dam.  Farquharson was convicted in an earlier trial and was sentenced to life imprisonment with no minimum term.  He appealed that sentence.  On 17 Dec 2009 he won the right to a retrial and was released on bail on 21 Dec 2009.  Farquhar was again convicted on 22 July 2010 of the murder on his three sons - sentenced to life imprisonment with no minimum term.  REVENGE

  15. In March 2004 John Myles Sharpe (age 37) brutally killed his pregnant wife, Anna Marie Kemp, (age 41) and the next morning also his 20-month-old daughter Gracie Louise Kemp, in MorningtonVictoria. Sharpe repeatedly fired a speargun into the head of his two victims, later exhumed the body of his wife from a shallow grave, dismembered her, then disposed of her body in a landfill.  REVENGE

  16. In Aug 1994, 28 years old, Norman O'Neill broke into his estranged wife's home in Stirling, Perth.   He shot dead his two young children, Kyle (aged 6) and Latisha (aged 4).  He then shot his wife Ann O'Neill in the leg.  Norman O'Neill then turned the gun on himself.  Ann O'Neill had her leg amputated and has since worked in advocacy.

  17. At West Rosebud Vic. in 1990 Paul Aiton bashed and tortured to death two-year-old Melbourne toddler, Daniel Valerio. Aiton had subjected Daniel to months of violence before the final fatal blow, boasting to workmates about some of the assaults.  MENTALLY DERANGED


