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2.    Prison incarceration causes way more problems than it solves and is a failed and costly "...prevention."

The Bakers Dozen Unsustainable Problems render jail incarceration an impotent and costly Punishment and an ineffective Deterrent.  Alas, 99% circa of Australians (beyond their teenage years) lack the attention span necessary to read and comprehend the Bakers Dozen Unsustainable Problems chronicled herein.  If more Australians possessed the capacity to Read, Comprehend and Respond, our State and Territory Govts. would not be continuing to pour $19.651 billion dollars annually into the Total Justice Sector, of which the vast majority namely $5.091b (2019-20) under the category of Corrective Services being expended on housing over 41,000 inmates in tiny steel cages  across 112 custodial facilities at The University Of Crime

In theory, inmates should have paid the price of their crime and leave jail intent upon re-joining the workforce.  But in practice over 50% of inmates released from The University Of Crime at Australia's state and territory prisons, return to prison within 2˝ years, largely due to the loss of life sustaining skills that inmates are often confronted by upon release from a highly institutionalised environment, namely institutionalised personality traits”, including “distrusting others, difficulty engaging in relationships [and] hampered decision-making In 2020-21, 53.1 percent of released prisoners had returned to corrective services within two years (either prison or community corrections).

Annexure H lists four Australian State and Territories Social Services that have been underfunded amidst COVID-19 partially due to the Australia's burdensome reliance on prison incarceration, with its Rapidly Revolving Door, crippled by its Bakers' Dozen Unsustainable Problems, that evaporates way too much of Public Purses annually

The Marshall Project reports that most Lifers deemed never to be released are dying a thousand deaths; experiencing a manic depressive QOL

Below is an extract from a Newcastle Herald article "Keith Owen Goodbun pleaded guilty (on 22 Nov 2018) to murdering estranged wife, Molly Goodbun, at Horseshoe Bend on 7 Oct 2016":

I can go to jail for 30 f---ing years and get a bed and breakfast every day,” Goodbun told detectives during his police interview. “I know where I’m going. And I’m quite f---ing happy about it, I tell you, quite happy about it.”





