Thinking Outside the Cell
Defined Terms
Baker's Dozen Problems
Articles & Reports - Bibliography Filicide
Annexure B - Filicide
statistics - Australia since 2000
Below is an extract from
parents kill - ABC News -
Hayley Gleeson - 22 Mar 2021
"Filicide is the killing of a
child by their mother, father or step-parent. It is not as rare as some might
imagine, with about
25 children are killed by parents every year in Australia, or one
child almost every two weeks. Still, it’s a poorly understood phenomenon partly
because it’s so complex: filicide isn’t as common as some other kinds of
homicide and no two cases are exactly alike, meaning it can be hard to pin down
patterns and perpetrator motivations."
Filicide in Australia, 2000-2012: A National Study‘ shows:
rates were not declining, but were stable in the 12-year period to
end-2012 when 284 victims were killed by a parent or
parent equivalent (such as a step-parent) and 274 victims were
children under 18. While the youngest children (under 4) are the
most vulnerable, children remain victims throughout their school
life and afterwards. The major categories of
perpetrators were mothers, fathers, mothers and fathers acting
together, step-fathers and step-fathers and mothers acting together.
Step-fathers were disproportionately represented.
In the 12 years from 2000 to 2012 there
were 284 victims of filicide, averaging
24 filicide victims
each year. Victims aged less than 18 years (n=274)
comprised 96 percent of all filicide fatalities.
were 238
incidents of filicide in Australia involving the death of
284 children
Australia Project
research shows 108 adult men, 48 adult women and 17 children and young people
were killed due to domestic violence in 2017.
Australian Institute of Criminology reported that over the two years from 1 Jan
2012 to 31 Dec 2013 -
99 females died from intimate
partner homicide; and
42 children aged 17 years and
younger were killed due to domestic family violence. .
The Monash University Filicide Research Project investigated
filicide deaths that occurred in Victoria between 2000 and
2009. Fifty-two children were identified as being killed in
the state over that 10-year period.
children were killed by parents in Victoria in 11 years to
The population of Australia in 2020 was 25.7 mil. The
population of Vic in 2020 was 6.69 mil, being 26%.
That extrapolates to 173 filicides across Australia over the
11 years to 2020, or 15.7 filicides each year across
Australia, being well over one filicide each month..
A woman is still being killed each week in Australia. We need federal leadership -
The Guardian - Kate Fitz-Gibbon and Marie Segrave - 1 Mar 2021
Australian national study (Brown et al., 2019 examined 238 filicides
between 2000 and 2012, and their findings were similar in a number of ways to
the US study cited. The authors reported that filicide accounted for 7% of all
homicide incidents, and the median offender age was 32 years. .A similar portion
of fathers and mothers offended. Most victims were under 5 years of age, but
only 4% of their victims were adults."
Cause of
death was broad in scope:
beating (24%),
strangulation/suffocation (14%),
stab wound (12%),
drowning/submersion (10%),
poisoning/injection (8%),
shaken baby syndrome (8%), and
gun shot wound (6%).