Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs -

(a)        identifies that 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme is able to provide Social Inclusion cost-effectively to the Socially Disadvantaged and achieve the Thirteen Deliverables; and

(b)        requests Ten Corporate Sponsors to provide their comments to The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, in particular:

             I.        Do the benchmarking measurements tools of What, Who, Where, When, Why, How & How much?  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme Structure Diagram,  Business Case QuestionsHow To Proceed With ATLSEIPWhy The ABC Should Proceed With ATLSEIP and SWOT Analysis identify all pertinent parameters?

             II.       Does their company believe that the ATLSEIP is achievable within the Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period?     

             III.     Could their company add any further subject matter to the Six Mentor Guidance Topics?

            IV.     Would their company wish to be one of Ten Corporate Sponsors under the delivery time constraints noted therein?

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs actioning (a) and (b) above -

A)        would Prove The Effectiveness And Viability Of The Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model to establish A Template To Elevate The Motivational Incentive Of RTV

B)        could well 'kick start' a new paradigm in Corporate Philanthropy emanating in the largest 10 Australian companies each opting to establish within 5 years of Third RTV Year a Philanthropic Transition to Retirement Division within their 'Human Resources' [explained in the final of the Thirteen Deliverables], as well as blossom a noteworthy new direction in RTV with similar style Social Inclusion  Early Intervention Programmes; and

C)        would transfer Funding and Administration from the 'public purse' to the 'private sector'.