Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Possesses A Wealth Of Talent To Influence means:

  • Health & Wellbeing website provides practical information to lead a healthy Lifestyle

  • Catalyst is at the cutting edge of medical science. 

  • Health Report is ABC Radio's National's flagship health program.  

  • Me Change illustrates that ABC is prepared to back its ideas with action.  Aunty contains several committed cyclists, incl. former Breakfast Host, Adam Spencer.  

  • Satire is a hallmark of The Checkout which delivers poignant messages about unethical and misleading selling practices, on occasions by some major retailers, banks 'et al', which often lampoons the advertising intent.

Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers notes that excerpts from some of the above ABC TV programmes, paraphrased with some of the satire and wit deployed in The Checkout, in a dedicated folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website, would be a powerful information delivery vehicle to strike the wavelength of -

*        140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students; and

*         the Teenager Viewing Audience,

when the Life Skills Guardians visit the Ten Regional Township Teams to run an On-Site Workshop over 3 Mentor Days in the second half of the Second RTV Year to explain impact and devastation upon Australians under 25 of Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers.