First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohémian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohémian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohémian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohémian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

Five Pioneer Seasoned Choir Devotees Qualities (≥50 years old, enjoys singing in a Choir, community-minded, not overweight, has Infrastructure or Project Smarts) means 32 Pioneer Seasoned Choir Devotees, whom the National Prevention Agency's  Board of Governance invites, consistent with Community Organizing Model For Social And Economic Change, to represent the 16 Additional Public & Private Equity Holders each possessing the following qualities.

(i)          aged 50 years or older, otherwise that person remains an 'Apprentice Pioneer Seasoned Choir Devotee':

             (a)        the history of mankind, starting with the humble tribe/village community BC, to modern day, has evidenced elders being the decision makers for their community/tribe/village as older adults have weathered the storms of life and are less impressionable to persuasive marketing/advertising intended 'to sell the product' that the advertiser is paid to promote sometimes to the detriment of the consumer; and

             (b)        generally the children of Pioneer Seasoned Choir Devotee are self-sufficient teenagers, whereupon dad or mum has more time to assist Interested Marginalised Teenagers which fosters a Local Community Common Bond Support Group;

(ii)         listens to classical music in their home, reads music, plays a classical music instrument and attends the occasional orchestral performance;

(iii)        displays an overt Sense Of Community;

(iv)        is not Obese or even Overweight; and

(v)         possess Project Development Expertise, having been an equity holder in particular PPPs or having directly worked on PPPs [ie. mining companies, infrastructure/construction companies, law firms, accounting firms, financial model auditors, expert consultants, working for equity, debt providers etc on PPP transactions] also familiar with JVsSPVs and Return On BTSCP Capex Software which is integral to maximising the BTSCP SPV's  Economic Return On BTSCP Capex which is the 3rd of the Seven Purposes.