Defined Terms  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To Benchmark Techniques

Participant Progress Report means a report -

(a)        submitted on the YELP Website deploying e-Research Techniques by each Participant 4 months after said Participant is -
*          Supervised
into a RREA; or
*          Referred into MREA.
in a
LDREG and has Materially Altered Lifestyle;

(b)        which determines each Participant's continuation of their selected REA;

(c)        submit a Personal Eco-Profile on the YELP Website which -

(i)         acknowledges their reduced Personal Carbon Footprint from trying a Local Community Healthy Lifestyle;

(ii)        undertakes to understand their Personal Carbon Footprint and their Primary Energy Carbon Contributors;

(iii)       'Declares' their Personal Carbon Footprint on the YELP Website which feeds to a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams" ;

(iv)       'Pledges' on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams"  to live by Ten Green Commandments to pursue Australia's Personal Target Carbon Footprint; and

(v)        provides a demonstrable mandate to all 3 tiers of Australian government to "make the tough calls" to reduce the Average Australian's Current Carbon Footprint which, due to our dependence on coal, is high amongst First World Countries; and

(d)        which rudimentarily quantifies on a rank of 10% incremental changes the Participant's  Positive Lifestyle Changes, Materially Altered Lifestyle, changed Carbon Footprint and Changed Social Values

Re (a) above, 4 months can reduce down to as low as 2 months in order to capture Interested Adults who do not commence a REA until early 2011 in order to be captured in the 5,200 Pilot Sample  Critical Mass.

Explained in Section 13.

See Array Of Reports For The YELP Pilot & Primary Research Programme.