5 ways credit card debt can be hazardous to your health

By Sabah Karimi

Credit card debt and your health

Credit card debt can do a lot of financial damage and make its mark on your credit report, but did you know it could also affect your health and well-being?

Credit card debt can make you feel stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed and may even lead to a number of health problems. The anxiety and stress associated with credit card debt could be affecting your health in several different ways, and you might not even realize why you're feeling down sick.

Everyone handles stress differently, but for many people, the physical effects make it obvious that there is a serious underlying problem. Here are just five ways that credit card debt could be hazardous to your health, and some tips for overcoming these health problems:

1. Weight loss or weight gain. Many people deal with stress by overeating or undereating. If you are using food to console yourself or avoiding food to deal with stress, you may be gaining or losing a lot of weight very quickly. Don't let yourself become physically sick just because of stress about your finances. Put together an action plan to get out of credit card debt as quickly as possible, and don't compromise your health over it.

2. Sleepless nights. Are you dealing with frequent bouts of insomnia? You could be having nightmares about money and are anxious about falling into debt. If credit card debt is looming over your head by day, you could be dealing with sleepless nights more often than not. Find ways to clear your mind and relax before bed time so that the stress of credit card debt doesn't have an effect on your sleep cycle.

3. Headaches or migraines. Stressing over credit card debt and payments could be making you anxious, nervous and uptight. A headache or a migraine could be a frequent occurrence when you start to fret about credit card debt. Learn how to meditate or relax for just 10 to 15 minutes per day and keep those headaches and migraines under control.

4. Acne or frequent breakouts. Too much stress in your life can trigger breakouts or even full-blown acne. Don't let the stress of credit card debt overwhelm you. Make a plan to manage your finances better and you could be looking forward to a more balanced budget and healthier-looking skin.

5. Stomach problems. Indigestion, stomachaches or abdominal cramps are some more common side effects of stress. If you are getting sick often, have stomach ulcers or cramping after eating a meal, the problem could be traced to financial stress. Work on ways to eliminate credit card debt and take control of your finances so that you aren't dealing with uncomfortable stomach problems.

Published: February 8, 2011