What, Who, Where, When, Why, How & How much?  SWOT Analysis  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Structure Diagram  Business Case Questions  Executive Summary  Defined Terms and Documents  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Social Inclusion Early Intervention Program 

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1 January 2020

Mr. Arthur Moses
President, Law Council of Australia
Levels 33 & 34
126 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Mr. Moses

Recommendation 236 of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody is "That in the process of negotiating with Aboriginal communities and organisations in the devising of Aboriginal youth programs (that) governments should recognise that local community based and devised strategies have the greatest prospect of success and this recognition should be reflected in funding."

Pursuant to Chapter 7 'Community engagement' of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory - Findings and Recommendations (tabled in Parliament on 17 Nov 2017) the Northern Territory Government and the Commonwealth Government are requested to "reach agreement with Aboriginal community representatives on the strategies, policies and programs needed to provide sustained positive outcomes for children and young people" in the Northern Territory.

The Writer's  Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme -

*        accords with afore-mentioned Recommendation 236, Chapter 7 and the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership where "Levels of philanthropy have tapered off in recent years, with Australia now lagging behind other countries"; and

*        is Administered and fully Funded by Ten Corporate Sponsors for the Thirteen Deliverables from the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme involving 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students drawn from the Selected Six Townships In the Northern Territory With A Population >2000     

On Monday 16 Dec 2019, the Writer watched ABC The Drum programme where you were critical of Governments ineptitude regarding many of the 339 Recommendations from the Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, particularly in not raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years old.


Hence, the Writer hereby provides his Letter to Senator Patrick Dodson dated 1 January 2020 which asks the Labour Party to recommend 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Social Inclusion Early Intervention Program to the Commonwealth Govt.



Yours sincerely   



Philip Johnston