Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Emeritus Indigenous Local Connector means Indigenous Local Connector notes that with a view to -

(i)         galvanising bonding within the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams;

(ii)        capitalising upon the relationship and trust built up between the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students and the previous year's Indigenous Local Connector;

(iii)       providing local back-up support to the succeeding Indigenous Local Connector to mitigate Key Man Risk; and

(iv)       rewarding each Indigenous Local Connector after their 'one year appointment' expires,

the Indigenous Local Connector for the -

*           Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge may accept the position of Emeritus Indigenous Local Connector for Second RTV Year and enjoy the same rights of transport and accommodation to the Southern City Public Speaking Challenge as the Indigenous Local Connector appointed for the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge in the Second RTV Year, contingent that the Emeritus Indigenous Local Connector provides material back-up support to the Indigenous Local Connector appointed for the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge and attends at least one quarter of the Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions during the Second RTV Year; and

*           Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge may accept the position of Emeritus Indigenous Local Connector for Third RTV Year and enjoy the same rights of transport and accommodation at the First City Venue as the Indigenous Local Connector appointed for the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge in the Third RTV Year, contingent that the Emeritus Indigenous Local Connector provides material back-up support to the Indigenous Local Connector appointed for the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge and attends at least one quarter of the Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions during the Third RTV Year.


Emeritus is a Latin past participle that means "having served one's time" or "having merited one's discharge by service".