Collective Choir Group Performance Focus means the BTSCP SPV would maintain a choir 'group' performance focus, not an 'individual' performer focus, by -
(a) delivering the Annual National Bohémian Teenagers Ballet & Modern Dance Competition amongst the 20 Bohémian Teenagers Show Choirs publicised via RTV Promotion will achieve an enormously cost-effective Motivational Incentive and facilitate the Seven Purposes, in particular iii) therein.
(b) NOT seek to identify the best IMT Student Singer-Dancers from within the BTSCP, because the programme's focus is 'Choir Singing and Choir Dancing' within a Local Community Common Bond Support Group within one's 'Local Bohémian Community', not to cheery-pick the best 'Choir Singers and Dancers' for a state or national dance company, as it is a 'given' that some 'Choir Singers and Dancers' are better than others; and
recognise exemplary -
* individual
member's community contributions; and
dance company community contributions,
at annual presentation awards nights - similar to YELP's Annual Presentation Awards Dinner.