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Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation - Action Plan

1.         Goal

To set out the optimum strategy to mobilise Australians to -

(a)        immediately want to reduce their Personal Carbon Footprint by reviewing and reducing their Primary Energy Carbon Contributors; and

(b)        provide a demonstrable mandate to all 3 tiers of Australian government to "make the tough calls" to reduce the Average Australian's Current Carbon Footprint because our environment is vital for -
*        present generations; and
*        great grand kids' great grand kids the world over.

2.          Optimum strategy

Tap into a unique trait which Australians are renowned for the world over to galvanise the majority of the 4 million circa Australian Sporting Participants by creating a 'Common Cause' to want to -
(i)         live a Local Community Healthy Lifestyle;

(ii)        understand their current Personal Carbon Footprint and their Primary Energy Carbon Contributors;

(iii)       'Declare' their Personal Carbon Footprint on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams" ;

(iv)       'Pledge' on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams"  to live by Ten Green Commandments to pursue Australia's Personal Target Carbon Footprint;

(v)        upon at least 10 Sporting Participants then voluntarily submitting their Personal Eco-Profile, receive a "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation; and

(vi)       thereby provide a demonstrable mandate to all 3 tiers of Australian government to "make the tough calls" to reduce the Average Australian's Current Carbon Footprint which is high amongst First World Countries.

In peace time, Sport can better engender a 'Common Cause' to think of others - than anything else.


3.          Still to do

 I.           Drawing on the format in 2006 ERASS and other empirical data on sports activity and participation (primarily from the Internet) create a database of all Australian organised and non-organised sporting and recreational exercise activities, known as Sporting Participants, which Australians aged 15 years and older participate in under a Team Structure.

 II.          A robust 'Patronage Forecast' for Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation to be adopted by Australian Sporting Teams.

III.        A 'Marketing Strategy' to maximise the 'Patronage Forecast' of Australia Sporting Teams where -

(a)        a Sporting Team Organiser completes the Application for an "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation to 'Register' his/her Sporting Team; and           

(b)        at least 10 Sporting Participants then voluntarily submit their Personal Eco-Profile


Not unsurprisingly, sceptics could assert that there is no chance of creating a 'Common Cause' whereby 2,100,000 Australians who play team sport would want to comply with 2. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.

As explained in Targeting Sporting Teams With a Small Carbon Footprint, a marketing strategy which profiles high profile Sporting Teams, both Australian and 'District', which have already complied with 2. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above, which would render the task of encouraging the target 2,100,000 Australians in 75,000 Sporting Teams, a lot simpler because it would become fashionable to similarly 'Declare' and 'Pledge' on the public domain.  Alas many of Australia elite athletes regularly travel on long haul flights which wreak havoc with a Personal Carbon Footprint.  However, not all Australian Sporting Teams and 'District Sporting Teams travel on long haul flights regularly, and these Australian Sporting Teams should be targeted to render fashionable to -

*           'Declare' one's Personal Carbon Footprint on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams"  and

*           'Pledge' on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams"  to live by Ten Green Commandments to pursue Australia's Personal Target Carbon Footprint.