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Fourth Business Plan - Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation means an analyses of the Magnitude,  Reasons  &  Preventive Initiatives to Reduce Climate Change.  The latter, namely Preventive Initiatives to Reduce Climate Change includes 12 Australian Government's Carbon Reduction Initiatives which includes item 5 Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation to mobilise around 10% of Australians (from those aged 15 years or older) to -

(a)        want to submit their Personal Eco-Profile as a Sporting Participant in one Australian Sporting Team on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams"  to be awarded an "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation; and

(b)        demonstrably mandate Australian governments to make sometimes unpopular decisions to reduce the Average Australian's Current Carbon Footprint

Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation taps into a unique trait which Australians are renowned for the world over to galvanise the majority (2,100,000 circa) of the 4 million circa Australian Sporting Participants who play in +75,000 Sporting Teams, both 'organised' and non-organised', to want to -

(i)          live a Local Community Healthy Lifestyle;

(ii)         understand their Personal Carbon Footprint and their Primary Energy Carbon Contributors;

(iii)        'Declare' their Personal Carbon Footprint on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams" ;

(iv)        'Pledge' on a Register of "Aussie Green Sporting Teams"  to live by Ten Green Commandments to pursue Australia's Personal Target Carbon Footprint to be awarded an "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation; and

(v)         provide a demonstrable mandate to all 3 tiers of Australian government to "make the tough calls" to reduce the Average Australian's Current Carbon Footprint which per capita is high amongst First World Countries