Muggaccinos.com The Bullsheet
1st Leg: Nth Turra' 38km or Hornsby 27km to Pie in the Sky for a 10 min Sag Stop - Skip the climb from Brooklyn Rd to Pie in the Sky if your slow, thereby reducing by 8km Cyclists departing either ride start location should target arriving at initial Sag Stop (10 min) - Pie in the Sky at 8:40am:
Longer Ride -
Cinque Montagnes
Shorter Ride
Three Hills
[68km] Both groups pass Berowra station 7:50am, Cowan station 8am and Pie in the Sky Cafe at 8:10am. After passing Pie in the Sky Cafe and descend to water level, U turn at Brooklyn Rd for slog back up to the Pie Shop for 1st Sag Stop (15 min) at Pie in the Sky Cafe 8:40am. Skip the climb from Brooklyn Rd if you're slow or do a 'U' turn upon sighting cyclists returning up to Pie in the Sky Cafe, 'cause we won't wait for you. 2nd Leg: Pie in the Sky to Andy's Cafe, Nth Galston 26km - 75 min 8:55am return S for 8.2km and R into Berowra Waters Rd for flattish section before descending to picturesque Berowra Waters 9:55am for 2nd Sag Stop (10 min) during ride on the punt. Or continue south and return to either Hornsby [46km] or Nth Turra’ [69km] car parks. After cycling thru rural Berrilee and Arcadia we take 1st Nosh Stop (30 min) at Andy's cafe from 10:10am.
3rd Leg: Andy's Cafe to either Nth Turramurra 28km - 70 min or Hornsby 13km - 30 min 10:40am commence return home continuing South along Galston Rd to the large roundabout at Galston, Left to descend and scale Galston George passing familiar Hornsby Heights' bus shelter. Continue 3km to Hookham's Corner and either -
¨ L 2.5km up Pacific H'way to Asquith station, then off-road to Royston Ave thru backstreets of Asquith, R in to Ku' ring' gai Chase Rd, Ahead into Bobbin Head Rd for 15km to Nth Turra' shops on Bobbin Head Rd - ETR 11:50am. Scribe's rap-up of a very wet ride to Wisemans Ferry with two DNFs - 9 starters - 101km
Four drowned rats at Wisemans Ferry après 50.5km from Hornsby where we got seriously dumped on. Alas, Bazza copped two flats which scratched him. Pete aka CampyAficionado was one his Pat Malone having started from Glenorie and not seeing any other cyclists decided he'd had enough when one shower was at its heaviest, and Ron's rear tyre perforated, whereupon he needed a lift back from Wiseman's Ferry.
Above ' below at Galston on return route slightly clearer due to a dryer lens.
Bank Teller 31 Jan '10 |