Defined Terms

Capital Punishment

An estimated 108 billion Homo sapiens have entered terra firma initially congregating in East Africa as far back as 125,000 years ago.

65,000 years ago or thereabouts Homo sapiens started to migrate from East Africa to populate the planet. 

Over 97% of those 108 billion circa Homo sapiens have lived under a Sentence of Capital Punishment that recognised Retribution and Justice for the Innocent Victim/s.  The majority of the current 7.6b human population today live under Capital Punishment and Corporal Punishment edicts.  Rulers in countries such as China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, United States, Pakistan, Somalia, Belarus, Yemen, Afghanistan, Botswana, Libya, Guyana, Uganda, Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Taiwan, India, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, the Arab States, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei opine that for some egregious crimes, incarceration is costly and an ineffective Deterrent to further behavioural transgressions.  Those countries seek to expend their Public Purse on health and educating citizens that are, or will become, productive taxpayers.  

A few journalists in the UK have espoused the merits of re-introducing hanging of vicious murderers which they contend would discourage others from murdering

Arguments For The Death Penalty

Arguments in favour of capital punishment -  BBC Ethics

Bring back DEATH PENALTY to tackle Wild West Britain -  Daily Mail Australia - 6 Nov 2018

Capital Punishment is more humane and civilised than Life without parole

Capital Punishment Deters Homicides

Capital Punishment in Australia

Capital punishment still has majority support in Australia : Comments xxx

Deterrence and the Death Penalty: The Views of the Experts - Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology - 1996

Deterrent Effect of Executions: A Meta-Analysis Thirty Years After Ehrlich - Bijou Yang ; David Lester - 2008

Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: A Question of Life and Death - Isaac Ehrlich - The American Economic Review, Vol. 65, No. 3. (Jun., 1975), pp. 397-417

Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: Evidence from a “Judicial Experiment- July 2003 - Hashem Dezhbakhsh (Emory University) & Joanna M. Shepherd (Clemson University)

Early Capital Punishment practices - globally

A brief history of gruesome punishments

EXECUTIONS 2016 GLOBALLY  -  Summary data from Amnesty International

"Amnesty International has released its latest figures on the use of capital punishment globally. In 2017, at least 993 executions were carried out in 23 countries. At least 2,591 death sentences were issued across 53 countries."

5 Surprising Facts About the Death Penalty Worldwide - National Geographic -News -

Sadistic, Brutal, Premeditated, Unprovoked Murder/s

"For the vast majority, capital punishment isn’t motivated by lustful revenge, but by a desire to protect the gentle and kind amongst us, punish heinous criminals in just proportion to the severity of their crime, and dramatically reaffirm objective moral truth."

The case for capital punishment.

Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments  -  Capital Punishment

Reasons to re-introduce Capital Punishment in Australia.

81 Pro Death Penalty Quotes by Journalists

Philippines moves to restore death penalty for drug offenses  -  DW Freedom of Speech  -  7 Mar 2017

India hangs four men convicted for fatal Delhi gang rape - SMH -  20 Mar 20

Death penalty upheld for two Burmese men convicted of killing British backpackers - 9News  - Aug 30, 2019

Japan hangs six more members of cult members behind deadly gas attack - 9News - Jul 26, 2018

Bangladesh executes killer of country's independence leader - msn - 12-Apr-20

As Indonesia conducts more executions, Australia’s anti-death-penalty advocacy is still lacking - The Conversation - July 29, 2016

The Death Penalty - The issues surrounding Capital Punishment - BBC Four - Timeshift - 18 Feb '20

Bring back the death penalty in Australia -

'It's abhorrent': MP Steve Irons calls for death penalty for paedophiles  -  WA Today - 14 June 2018

The Death Penalty in Australian Law - Jo Lennan and George Williams - 2012

Should We Bring Back the Death Penalty? - Sydney Criminal Lawyers - |

The Death Penalty Deters Crime and Saves Lives - June 27, 2007 -  The Heritage Foundation

Which countries still have the death penalty? - SMH - 2 Aug 2019

$1 million reward announced for beauty queen teen, Bronwynne Richardson, murdered in 1973 - SMH -

Majority of Canadians support return of death penalty, poll finds - Richard J. Brennan National Affairs Writer,  The Star - Wed., Feb. 8, 2012

It’s time to bring back the death penalty -   Spectator UK -  15 January 2019

Has Britain weakened its opposition to the death penalty? -  SBS - 24 JULY 2018   BY EVAN YOUNG

Death penalty: is capital punishment morally justified? - The Conversation  -  1 Aug 2015

What Death Penalty Opponents Don’t Get - Huffington Post  -  Dec 01, 2014

Why capital punishment can no longer be dismissed.

Why I Support Capital Punishment - Feb 2017  | Charles Colson 

US carries out first execution of female inmate since 1953 - Jan 2021

Above jpg is from someone else's daughter - The life and death of Anita Cobby - Julia Sheppard


