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Maximum Security Prisons or Maximum Security Incarceration

Annual Administrative Cost of Australian Maximum Security Prisons - $150,000 p.a. per inmate in 2019

Capital Expenditure Cost Of Building New or Modify/Extending Existing Prisons - $25,000 p.a. in 2019

The average annual cost of each inmate in Maximum Security Incarceration across Australia is $175,000 pa per inmate in 2019 [$150,000 pa Admin Costs + $25,000 pa Capital Exp.]

Material Prisoner Costs Borne By The Public Purse

Below is an extract from Life in a 'Godless place': A glimpse inside Australia's highest-security prison, where the nation's most depraved criminals are housed and violence can erupt at any time - CINDY TRAN and CANDACE SUTTON -  DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA - 28 July 2015

"Nine News reports it costs $550 a day to keep a prisoner at SuperMax. ($550 x 365 = $200,750 pa)

"It is money that I would prefer to see the government spend on hospitals and schools but it is money to ensure the community in NSW is safe,  Mr Elliot said."


