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Australia should follow the lead of other countries that have re-introduced a crime Deterrent-effective, cost-effective Punishment

Japan (15 executed in 2018), Malaysia (4 executed in 2017) and Singapore (13 executed in 2018)

Sri Lanka planning four executions after a 43-year moratorium.

The Philippine House of Representatives has approved a bill to restore the death penalty, 11 years after it was abolished. - March 2017

Return of capital punishment to be prioritized in the Philippines -

Capital Punishment is Sentenced in many of the largest countries, including two Commonwealth of Nations countries in South-East Asia.

Japan, with a population of 127 million, executes four or five (on average) hardened criminals each year.  Japan executed 15 convicted murderers in 2018.  Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the civilised world; isolated application of Capital Punishment carries the support of the vast majority of Japanese citizens.  81% of the Japanese population support Capital Punishment for the most monstrous murderers.  Japan’s homicide rate has been steadily decreasing since the 1950s, and now the country has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world, according to a new United Nations report.

USA articles on the higher cost to execute convicted murderers than commit them to Life in Prison.  But identify scope to execute a few Sadistic, Brutal, Premeditated, Unprovoked Murderer/s annually, as Japan does each year.

   People (in the USA) keep voting in support of the death penaltyCalifornia Proposition 66, the Death Penalty Procedures Initiative, was a ballot held on Nov 8, 2016, in California as an initiated state statute.[1] The below measure was approved:

Changing the procedures governing state court appeals and petitions that challenge death penalty convictions and sentences, including requiring the amount of time that legal challenges to death sentences take to a maximum of five years.

California Proposition 66, the Death Penalty Procedures Initiative, designates special courts to hear challenges to death penalty convictions, limits successive appeals and expands the pool of lawyers who could handle those appeals – all in an effort to speed up executions.


Below is an extract from the Discussion Paper:

g)    People that have spoken in favour of Capital Punishment

A few journalists in the UK have espoused the merits of re-introducing hanging of vicious murderers which they contend would discourage others from murder includes:

            "The main reason for the abolition of the death penalty is the squeamishness of politicians, who enjoy office but do not like all the duties which power loads on to their (often rather narrow) shoulders.  Far easier to them to leave the matter to some trembling constable with a gun in a dark street, who can be disavowed if it all goes wrong later."  

In Nov 2018, ex-Tory minister, John Hayes, called for return of capital punishment amid a bloody crime wave.  Hayes presented written parliamentary questions to the British parliament asserting that capital punishment 'should be available to the courts'.

Below is an extract from journalist, article It’s time to bring back the death penalty in the Australia Spectator - 15 Jan 2019:

        "Rigorous precautions can ensure incorrect execution is all but impossible, with the death penalty available only in cases in which evidence is diverse and overwhelming. The accused must be convicted by a unanimous jury of their peers and their conviction open to repeated appeal.

"For the vast majority, capital punishment isn't motivated by lustful revenge, but by a desire to protect the gentle and kind amongst us, punish heinous criminals in just proportion to the severity of their crime, and dramatically reaffirm objective moral truth."

"Whilst retribution is paramount, the State is also responsible for the protection of its citizens, an endeavour that is proving increasingly difficult.  Nations that allow dangerous murderers to live, create potential victims both inside and outside of prison.  Since the abolition of capital punishment in the West, numerous killers have taken further life following their initial conviction for murder."

Queensland Federal MP, George Christensen wants to see the death penalty introduced.  The Courier Mail 2013

Some point out that it is unfair that terrorists, torturers, and paedophiles should live out their years behind bars with access to food, shelter, and entertainment — all on the taxpayer's dime.

NSW (then) Opposition Leader, Nick Greiner, in 1986 carrying petitions signed by 10,000 western suburbs citizens demanding the death penalty for the Cobby killers.


