Defined Terms

One or perhaps Two executions annually under the Thinking Outside the Cell model  or  One or perhaps Two 

Capital Punishment in two Commonwealth of Nations countries in South-East Asia evidences that Malaysia, with a population slightly larger than Australia, executed an average of three Sadistic, Brutal, Premeditated, Unprovoked Murderers each year over the last 10 years.  Singapore, with a much smaller population, had a higher execution rate.

Casual empiricism of the following sources, indicates that an average of One, Two or perhaps Three Sadistic, Brutal, Heinous, Premeditated, Unprovoked Murderers that have been found guilty Beyond any Doubt would be executed by hanging each year in Australia under the Thinking Outside the Cell Discussion Paper whilst Shifting through the Four Gears of Early Rehabilitation and Release for Suitable Male Criminals for most Criminal Activities to remedy the Baker's Dozen Unsustainable Problems Within Australian Prison System.

1.    Crime - Australia - The Guardian

2.    Homicide in Australia 2012–13 to 2013–14:  National Homicide Monitoring Program report  -  Australian Institute of Criminology 2017

  • from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2014, there were 487 homicide incidents (one or more persons are killed in the same place and at the same time)—249 in 2012–13 and 238 in 2013–14  —  244 homicide incidents per annum;
  • these incidents involved 512 victims and 549 offenders—264 victims and 276 offenders in 2012–13 and 248 victims and 273 offenders in 2013–14  —   257 victims and 275 offenders per annum;
  • 42 children aged 17 years and younger were killed in 2012–14  —  21 children killed per annum;

3.    Articles and Reports - Bibliography


4.    Table 5A in Australian Institute of Criminology - Statistical Report 23 - Homicide in Australia 2017–18 notes that there were 142 first degree murders in the 12 months to 30 June 2018, excluding the ACT and persons charged with murder that committed suicide, or died of natural causes, before a court hearing:


Below is an extract from Arguments in favour of capital punishment  -  BBC Ethics:

"A Japanese argument for Capital Argument

This is a rather quirky argument, and not normally put forward.

Japan uses the death penalty sparingly, executing approximately 3 prisoners per year.

A unique justification for keeping capital punishment has been put forward by some Japanese psychologists who argue that it has an important psychological part to play in the life of the Japanese, who live under severe stress and pressure in the workplace.

The argument goes that the death penalty reinforces the belief that bad things happen to those who deserve it.  This reinforces the contrary belief; that good things will happen to those who are 'good'.

In this way, the existence of capital punishment provides a psychological release from conformity and overwork by reinforcing the hope that there will be a reward in due time.

Oddly, this argument seems to be backed up by Japanese public opinion. Those who are in favour currently comprise 81% of the population, or that is the official statistic. Nonetheless there is also a small but increasingly vociferous abolitionist movement in Japan.

From an ethical point of view this is the totally consequentialist argument that if executing a few people will lead to an aggregate increase in happiness then that is a good thing."

Japan’s homicide rate has been steadily decreasing since the 1950s, and now the country has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world, according to a new United Nations report.


