Defined Terms

USA articles on the higher cost to execute convicted murderers than commit to Life in Prison highlight the higher cost to the Public Purse of pursuing executions.  But also identify scope to execute a few Sadistic, Brutal, Premeditated, Unprovoked Murderer/s annually as Japan does, so there are -

*        fewer Molly Goodbun's murdered by their husband because bed and b'fast for life may not be the Punishment Sentenced; and

*        less assaults against prison guards (Prison guards hurt in ‘ugly, premeditated attack) and rapes of other inmates (Assaults against other inmates)


Below are extracts from How much does it cost to execute a death row inmate? - Criminal Justice Degree Hub - 2019:

With 351 condemned men and four women, Texas leads the nation in both death row population and the number of executions -- 46 since 1977, which includes five in 1991 and four already this year.
Assistant Attorney General Bob Walt, one of six state lawyers who work to see that the death penalty is carried out, said the problem is the delaying tactics used by defense attorneys on appeal.

        "We're losing sight of what these people did. Don't ever forget that there was a live person with human feelings that this person snuffed out for his own greed or whatever,' Mr. Walt said.
        "There are victims out there, and this man robbed that family of something that is very precious. And that is permanent.''
Mr. Walt said he opposes life without parole because he believes that it would be "cruel and unusual' punishment to give someone no hope of improvement or freedom.
        "I think death is a more humane sentence. I think the people on death row would say that. Some of these people give up their appeals because they don't want to sit on death row for 17 years,' he said.

Although life without parole might save millions of dollars, it would create a nightmare in the prison system, said House Corrections Committee Chairman Allen Hightower, D-Huntsville.
        "From a correctional practice standpoint, if someone needs to go to prison for life, I'm for gassing them,' Mr. Hightower said.
        "The end result is that with no chance or hope of getting out no matter how you behave . . . there's no reason not to stab a guard and no reason not to kill or rape another inmate.'
Mr. Hightower said he favors limiting appeals from what he calls the absurd to enough to save an innocent man.
        "Will we ever convict a person in this state that's not guilty? Sure. We've done it before, and we'll do it again,' he said. "But our criminal justice system is the fairest system in the world.
        "We may be one of the most punitive, but we're also the fairest. 

        "From a correctional practice standpoint, if someone needs to go to prison for life, I'm for gassing them,' Mr. Hightower said.
        "The end result is that with no chance or hope of getting out no matter how you behave . . .
there's no reason not to stab a guard and no reason not to kill or rape another inmate.'
Mr. Hightower said he favors limiting appeals from what he calls the absurd to enough to save an innocent man.

Japan hangs six more members of cult members behind deadly gas attack - 9News - Jul 26, 2018

Japan hangs three inmates in first use of capital punishment in two yearsABCNews  -  22 Dec 2021

Financial Facts About the Death Penalty (in the USA) -  Death Penalty Information Center - 2019

Why Japan retains the death penalty - The Economist


