Thirty Two Questions and Supporting Evidence    Submission Letter to Royal Commission April-2018   Defined Terms & Documents  

10th Question

Has the Governor of the Reserve Bank who is the Chair of the Council of Financial Regulators, and co-wrote LOAN RATE STICKINESS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE in June 1992, ever discussed with the other two members of that Council, namely APRA and ASIC, the RBA informing the Government, pursuant to section 11(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959, of the need for the RBA, pursuant to section 50 of the Banking Act 1959, to re-regulate a maximum interest rate for Purchases and for Cash Advances due to the burgeoning gap between the Overnight Cash Rate of 1.5% and interest rates charged on low interest and on high interest Credit Cards that peak at 29.49% for a Cash Advance using a Latitude Financial "Go MasterCard"?


See Supporting Documented Evidence re 9th Question