Thirty Two Questions and Supporting Evidence    Submission Letter to Royal Commission April-2018   Defined Terms & Documents  

(32 Questions) Directed to a Financial Services Regulator

*          14 Questions to ask the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia as the RBA's Submission to the Financial System Inquiry - March 2014 declared it to be the Principal Regulator of the Payments System through the PSB in Box 8A: The Roles of the Reserve Bank in the Payments System

*           2 Questions to ask the Chair of the Council of Financial Regulators - the Governor of the Reserve Bank

*           2 Questions to ask the Chair of APRA

*           1 Question to ask the Chair of ASIC

*           2 Questions to ask Chair of the ACCC
  1 Question to ask the CEO of the Australian Bankers Association re Unconscionable Credit Card Interest Charging for over 20 years

*         10 Questions that ask the Royal Commissioner to implement material changes re Credit Card Products
