Defined Terms and Documents    

Four Types of Revolvers:

1.         On low income with poor Financial Literacy Capacity - managing money whilst on a low income and drawing upon low Financial Literacy Capacity is infinitely more challenging than for those that are, or have been, on good salaries, inherited wealth, good genes and mentoring by their parents and peers etc - approx. 40% of all Revolvers and 50% of Persistent Revolvers


2.         Reasonable wealth and income that succumb to Compulsive Buying Disorder - approx. 25% of Revolvers and 15% of Persistent Revolvers


3.         High on Assets, temporarily Low on Cashflow.  The Writer recently lent several thousand dollars to an old bank work colleague who owns two adjoining semi-detached houses in the Willoughby area.  He has previously rented one and lived in the other.  He would possess level 4 Financial Literacy Capacity.  He is refurbing both sides presently, whence he will rent both and continue to live with his 'mom'.  He has over $2.5m in equity.  His banker (one of the Four Pillars) declined to increase his mortgage, perhaps because his Four Pillars banker is earning more on his three Credit Cards.  He has another two credit cards with the bank he worked for many years.
High on Assets, temporarily Low on Cashflow. would be approx. 20% of Revolvers and 25% of Persistent Revolvers

4.         Milk the system scallywags.  In Feb 2018, the Writer mentioned to a few B&B swimmers that he swims with, his interest in addressing inequities in Credit Card pricing, Predatory Advertising and some Credit Card Issuers' propensity to issue credit cards 'willy-nilly'.  A female swimmer in her 50s told the Writer that she has worked in debt collection for several years and the worst case that she had experienced was a man of ill-repute intent on 'playing-the system' that had 25 Credit Cards.  The Writer gleaned from her comments, and the tone of those comments, that many of the debtors that the debt collection firm that she works for pursues are of ill-repute, meaning dishonest.  Not all Persistent Revolvers are vulnerable people with poor Financial Literacy Capacity -
Milk the system scallywags would account for approx. 10% of Revolvers and 15% of Persistent Revolvers.

Of the above Four Types of Revolvers, the initial two types are candidates as Eligible Persistent Revolver Plaintiffs.  It would be necessary to 'Test/Measure' potential Eligible Persistent Revolver Plaintiffs rigorously to ensure that each met the requirements in (2.) of Eligible Persistent Revolver Plaintiffs.


Percentage of Four Types of Revolvers
1.  On low income with poor Financial Literacy Capacity   40%   50%
2.  Reasonable wealth and income that succumb to Compulsive Buying Disorder   25%   15%
3.  High on Assets, temporarily Low on Cashflow.   25%   25%
4.  Milk the system scallywags   10%   15%
  100% 100%