Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme 

Wise Old Owl Profiles or Wise Old Owls means the Mentor Files Folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website will contain a separate category called Wise Old Owl Profiles which provides for each of 30 Wise Old Owls -

(i)         a light-hearted description of his/her social interests (eg fishing, sports, gardening etc) including photos of the Wise Old Owl in those social leisure activities;

(ii)        the name of the particular Corporate Sponsor that the Wise Old Owl presently works for as an Employee Elder Colleague, or formerly worked for and is now a Retired Colleague; and

(iii)       details of any of the eight of the Eleven Mentoring Roles that the particular Wise Old Owl has accepted to be a Gatekeeper.