Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Website Directors means two 'I.T. Nerds' -

(i)         with a track-record of building and publishing information to a website(s);

(ii)        who liaise with the Indigenous Principal's Representative re the design and content of the Teenager Life Skills Website;

(iii)       who censors and controls the Teenager Life Skills Website;

(iv)       who reports directly to the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement; and

(v)        that are adept at communicating with the other Various Parties (primarily the Cross Section Of Mentors) to maximise the utility of the Teenager Life Skills Website.

See also:   Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students   Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement   Numeracy, Literacy And English Writing Tests   Online Application Form   Ten Regional Township Teams   Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000   Submit An On-Line Application Form   Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants