First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme    Bohémian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme      Defined Terms BTAAP

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohémian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohémian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohémian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohémian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

BTAAP RTV Motivational Incentive or RTV Motivational Incentive means the powerful positive incentive that -

  1. RTV Promotion of 27 x 60 min episodes of "Bohémian Teenagers Sing & Dance" will achieve to inspire and induce all associated with the Bohémian Teenagers Show Choirs Programme, not limited to 1,800 approx. IMT Student Singer-Dancers, 32 Pioneer Seasoned Choir Devotees and 40 Show Choir Directors; and

  2. RTV Promotion of 27 x 60 min episodes of "Bohémian Teenagers Create A Symphony" will achieve to inspire and induce all associated with the Bohémian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme, not limited to 1,500 approx. IMTs, 32 Pioneer SMFs and 40 Orchestra Conductors; and

  3. RTV Promotion of 27 x 60 min episodes of "Bohémian Teenagers Dance" will achieve to inspire and induce all associated with the Bohémian Teenagers Ballet & Modern Dance Companies Programme, not limited to 1,800 approx. IMT Student Dancers,  32 Pioneer EDAs and 40 Artistic Directors,

to want to perform to their absolute best.

As explained in the First National Preventive Health Research Programme, known as YELP, the prospect that PBS was producing a one hour documentary, Marathon Challenge, which would profile the 12 volunteers who trained for and attempted the arduous Boston Marathon in 2007 would have been a major driver in motivating all 12 volunteers to complete the 42km Boston Marathon on race day, even though some of the 12 carried serious Achilles and other soft tissue injuries afterwards.


Similarly, the prospect that participants in shows like The Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars, know that their efforts, or lack of effort, will be on public display, via RTV, provides an enormous motivational incentive to the participants to want to perform to their absolute best.


Equally, Commit To And Complete An Annual Endurance Sporting Event(s) explains that when Participants in a LDRREG who commit to train together in a LCCBSG to complete a difficult future sporting event(s) "outside their familiar patch", which requires Commitment, Dedication And Discipline to build up a higher level of endurance, experience and expertise, then those Participants often ultimately achieve extraordinary feats and challenges, well beyond their bygone expectations.

As a precedent, Section 16.(j) reviews a 'Case Study' on PBS called Marathon Challenge of 13 volunteer interested adults in Boston, Massachusetts USA who were leading a Sedentary Lifestyle with varying ailments (eg. HIV, Type 1 Diabetes, Depression, post-divorce trauma, Obesity and post-fatality trauma) who accepted a challenging invitation from a Team Of Clinicians And Sports Therapists Supported By An RTV Producer to train together each Sunday over 9 months in order to successfully run the 2007 Boston Marathon.

Section 4.(e) contends that regularly achieving lofty cardiovascular Challenging sporting goals, in a LCCBSG, increases self-esteem/confidence and hardens the resolve, thereby enhancing Coping Skills and Cognitive Development.